{"id":15126,"date":"2023-03-02T07:29:11","date_gmt":"2023-03-02T07:29:11","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/?p=15126"},"modified":"2023-04-24T17:30:07","modified_gmt":"2023-04-24T17:30:07","slug":"internal-mail-distribution-and-the-advantages-of-a","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/internal-mail-distribution-and-the-advantages-of-a.html","title":{"rendered":"Internal mail distribution and the advantages of a software solution"},"content":{"rendered":"

The advances in digitalization and how your internal mail distribution can benefit from it<\/h2>\n

We have always done it this way and it worked – do you know this statement? Well we don’t intend to deny that it actually works the good old way too, but a lot has changed over the years. Apart from the fact that the requirements within all work areas have increased, the volume of work has also increased. To avoid chaotic conditions, many companies are turning to digital support in the form of software solutions. And lo and behold, now it works even better.<\/p>\n

Digitization and further development within many areas of life is a normal process that automatically makes its way into all of our lives. Whether it’s about our personal lives or our daily work routine. Many appreciate the advantages that digitization brings, be it the smart home or various software applications that make everyday work easier.<\/p>\n

This also applies to the often underestimated area of internal mail distribution <\/p>\n

Can you imagine receiving shipments and packages within your company all day and distributing them to other employees? In addition to delivery, the various shipment data must also be written down, recipients informed and drop-off permits searched through. And in most companies there is more than one courier, express and parcel service delivering shipments.<\/p>\n

What if the various packages are then also damaged? Again more documentation effort, organizing cameras, assigning photos to the appropriate documents and being able to provide them as quickly as possible when needed. Pure stress!<\/p>\n

Then there’s also a report on the functionality of the process flow. That means sifting through all files and paper documents. Hopefully this time at least all the necessary data is available and everything is filled in correctly.<\/p>\n

If there are then delays in delivery due to the many time-consuming steps, not only are colleagues pissed off, but it can also have a considerable impact on operations. Missing materials such as samples or raw materials, for example, causing delays in other areas.<\/p>\n

If you imagine all that depends on internal mail distribution, the question remains:<\/p>\n

What can I do to simplify workflows?<\/h2>\n

Here the answer is quite clear, use software products like COSYS in-house mail distribution solution.<\/p>\n