{"id":15172,"date":"2023-04-07T07:21:06","date_gmt":"2023-04-07T07:21:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/?p=15172"},"modified":"2023-04-24T17:30:12","modified_gmt":"2023-04-24T17:30:12","slug":"organize-your-desk-our-tips-for-efficient-work","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/organize-your-desk-our-tips-for-efficient-work.html","title":{"rendered":"Organize your desk – our tips for efficient work"},"content":{"rendered":"


The most cluttered desks are sometimes presented under the guise of creative chaos. Working at desks like this may work for leisure, but professional, structured and efficient work is often not possible this way. Too much time is wasted searching for pens or notes, and work often does not get done.<\/p>\n

It is not difficult to organize the desk in such a way that it remains tidy in the long term. Which tips work simply and quickly, we report in this article.<\/p>\n

This is what a tidy desk does<\/h2>\n

A tidy desk is much more inviting to take a seat and get started than a cluttered desk piled high with work that has been left lying around or that still needs to be done. Certainly, the work will not become less just because the desk is tidy, but it can be done much more effectively.<\/p>\n

So these are some of the benefits of a tidy desk:<\/p>\n