{"id":15410,"date":"2023-04-22T08:21:48","date_gmt":"2023-04-22T08:21:48","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/?p=15410"},"modified":"2023-04-24T17:30:57","modified_gmt":"2023-04-24T17:30:57","slug":"modernization-in-the-it-environment-software","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/modernization-in-the-it-environment-software.html","title":{"rendered":"Modernization in the it environment – software defined everything"},"content":{"rendered":"

In the age of digitization and data-driven IT, traditional IT architectures – which are closely tied to hardware – are increasingly reaching their limits in many companies. The upcoming, necessary paradigm shift was already heralded years ago with Netscape inventor Marc Andreessen's striking saying "Software is eating the world". In terms of IT infrastructure, this change took concrete shape in the form of virtualization of x86 servers. The virtualization of further infrastructure components like storage, network, security, etc. is a problem. Leads to the promising Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) approach. Currently, the diagnosis "Software has eaten the world" characterizes the state of affairs quite accurately – and not only in IT. It is therefore the ideal time to take a closer look at the concept of Software Defined Everything (SDx).<\/p>\n

Software Defined Everything and what's behind it. It's not as if the hardware has been able to get by without any software at all so far. But in traditional IT architectures, the manufacturer-specific, often very specialized properties of the hardware components determine to a large extent and within quite narrow limits what is feasible within this architecture. Changes in (business) requirements therefore often lead to considerable resource- and time-intensive redesigns.<\/p>\n


Figure 1: Software Defined Everything – the most important fields of action. (Source: Controlware)<\/p>\n

In the Software Defined approach, hardware is usually off-the-shelf and powerful, but comparatively poor in terms of proprietary special functions. The intelligence of the overall system is largely determined by the software. By abstracting functions from the hardware, flexibility and automation options meet the highest demands.<\/p>\n

After positive experiences with subsystems (server, storage, network, etc.).) and orchestration of the entire virtualized data center in the SDDC approach, it becomes clear that the entire IT infrastructure (incl. Security, WAN, perimeter etc.) must be included. This minimizes media discontinuities and significantly increases the efficiency of management and automation measures. In addition, the scalability of the systems reaches new dimensions. Software Defined Everything (SDx) thus also includes Software Defined Infrastructure. Every physical system and all functions that are executed as software or automated by software are part of this new type of infrastructure. Applications on traditional end devices, apps on smartphones, intelligent cameras, sensors, actuators, vehicles and also users are networked with each other.<\/p>\n

Key development steps. Digitalization and an unprecedented importance of software (incl. Apps) – not only for companies, but for society as a whole with all its institutions – place fundamentally new demands on IT. In particular, aspects such as<\/p>\n