{"id":15534,"date":"2023-03-30T08:19:31","date_gmt":"2023-03-30T08:19:31","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/?p=15534"},"modified":"2023-04-24T17:31:40","modified_gmt":"2023-04-24T17:31:40","slug":"working-together-with-your-partner-10-tips-for","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/working-together-with-your-partner-10-tips-for.html","title":{"rendered":"Working together with your partner – 10 tips for harmony"},"content":{"rendered":"


Couples who decide to work together undoubtedly pose a big challenge to their relationship. Having the other person around almost around the clock is only part of the story, because the devil is in the details here. But even though many details can be little stumbling blocks for the partnership, one thing in particular speaks for couples who decide to work together anyway: They have the confidence to do it all and are convinced of the stability of their relationship. This is an excellent basis.<\/p>\n

Partners who met at work are also in a good position to pull it off, because they met and fell in love under exactly these difficult conditions. How couples can get the best out of this special situation and successfully work and live together is shown in this guidebook. <\/p>\n

\u2794 Tip 1: Different areas of responsibility<\/h2>\n

To keep the private time together exciting, it is helpful not to work on the same projects all the time. If it is unavoidable, the partners should take over different work areas of the project. In a joint company, this can mean that one of the two keeps in touch with the customers, while the other deals with the concerns around the suppliers. This way, you still have interesting things to talk about and can share with each other what’s on your mind after a long day at work without your partner knowing ahead of time what you want to say.<\/p>\n

The positive side effect of this division of responsibilities is that, despite a joint company, you can work largely independently of each other. If both partners work from home, it makes sense to set up separate offices to keep a healthy distance from each other. Also questions about<\/p>\n