{"id":15805,"date":"2023-04-07T08:51:13","date_gmt":"2023-04-07T08:51:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/?p=15805"},"modified":"2023-04-24T17:36:06","modified_gmt":"2023-04-24T17:36:06","slug":"5-tips-for-working-well-together-as-a-team","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/education.telefony-taksi.ru\/5-tips-for-working-well-together-as-a-team.html","title":{"rendered":"5 Tips for working well together as a team"},"content":{"rendered":"

How you can foster project team communication and collaboration? Here are 5 tips for a motivating team culture.<\/p>\n

In today’s digital workplace, it’s one thing to have the right tools at hand, but quite another to use them effectively. As with any group project, the biggest challenges come from poor communication, a lack of understanding of roles and responsibilities, and a lack of trust in your colleagues.
But don’t let that scare you away. We’ve put together a few tips for you to help you work well together in a project team.<\/p>\n


The importance of team culture<\/h2>\n

Your people are critical to the success of your organization, so they should feel safe, respected and valued.<\/p>\n

Team culture dictates how team members behave and work together. So it’s important to set a basic direction through appropriate values and attitudes. When you set clear expectations around responsibilities and communication, it also affects how everyone works toward a common goal.<\/p>\n

Team culture is even more important in geographically dispersed remote teams, as it can be more difficult for individuals to stay connected to their tasks and the rest of the project team in these work environments. A strong team culture ensures that morale and productivity are maintained in digital work environments without sacrificing motivation and a sense of community.<\/p>\n

According to a recent survey by Glassdoor, for 56 percent of respondents, company culture has a greater impact on job satisfaction than their own salary. So it pays to promote good teamwork.<\/p>\n

Five tips for successful collaboration in a project team<\/h2>\n

Most people can work very well on their own, but collaboration can become a real challenge. Effective communication within the project team and understanding how one’s role fits into the big picture help here. It also matters how you work, whether you choose the right collaboration tools, and whether you use them effectively. In particular, the Corona pandemic and the move to a home office have shown that digital tools are absolutely essential for good project team collaboration.<\/p>\n

So what can you do to encourage teamwork with your colleagues?<\/p>\n

1. Make sure everyone is on the same page.<\/h3>\n

There is no such thing as too much communication, especially with remote teams. If you take a piece of information for granted, it can inadvertently delay your project. Always remember that your tone of voice, facial expressions and gestures don’t come across in chats or emails – so make sure you give clear instructions.<\/p>\n