Site for max 1 Archives - Mon, 24 Apr 2023 17:33:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Construction on printed circuit boards Thu, 20 Apr 2023 15:01:22 +0000 The construction on printed circuit boards is largely final. Therefore a circuit should be be tested on a plug-in board. […]

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The construction on printed circuit boards is largely final.

Therefore a circuit should be

  • be tested on a plug-in board.
  • Also, before starting the layout.

Modern circuits are mostly built on printed circuit boards. These are about 1.5mm thick sheets of plastic:

  • Pertinax – paper bound with plastic,
  • GRP – glass fiber reinforced plastic – mostly epoxy resin.

On the surface of the printed circuit board are "printed" connections of copper foil, conductive traces. In the printed circuit board there are holes for mounting components.

The components are soldered to the traces, either with wires that are put through holes, through hole technology (THT) or directly onto the trace, SMD technology.

The production of printed circuit boards includes

  • the design of the traces and the position of the components, the creation of the layout,
  • the application or. Creating the traces,
  • Cutting the printed circuit board,
  • the drilling of the printed circuit board and
  • The soldering of the components.

Sides of the printed circuit board

In the conventional technology the components are mounted on one side of the circuit board. This side is therefore often referred to as the component or assembly side. Connectors are inserted through holes in the PCB and soldered on the other side of the PCB (solder side). On the solder side there are conductive tracks. Printed circuit boards that only have traces on the solder side are called single-sided printed circuit boards. On the assembly side, connections are sometimes made with wire jumpers.

Modern printed circuit boards also have conductive tracks on the assembly side. The printed circuit board has two layers. More complex circuits can have multiple interlayers: Multi-layer Technology.

The connections between the layers are made by plated through holes. Holes that only serve to connect between layers are called vias.

Modern technology uses surface mount devices, SMD. The connections are no longer inserted through drilled holes, but soldered directly onto the surface. The components can be mounted on both sides of the PCB.

In this sense we cannot speak of component and solder side. We better use top and bottom side.

Examples of printed circuit boards


Figure 1 shows a PCB with the printed traces and the holes for components. The printed circuit board is made of GRP epoxy.

PCB top side.png

The printed circuit board in Figure 2 has an imprint on the top side for placement purposes.

The printed circuit board in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 has tracks on one side only. Only through-hole technology is used.


The top side of the PCB in picture 3 with a complex circuit is almost exclusively equipped with wired components. It is also provided with conductive tracks on the upper side. The PCB is made of GRP epoxy.


The printed circuit board in pictures 3 and 4 is populated on the bottom side with SMD components only. This circuit board uses a mixture of SMD and through-hole technology.

The printed circuit board was prefabricated. The SMD components were already assembled. Only the components with connections for the through-hole technology still had to be installed.

Hole grid bottom side.png

On the underside of the printed circuit board with hole pattern in Fig. 5, the connections are made with thin wires. In addition, three simple SMD components are soldered on. The printed circuit board is made of GRP epoxy.


On the top side of the PCB in pictures 5 and 6 there are only components in through-hole technology. Two connections were made with yellow wire jumpers.

StructureStrip grid.png

Strip grids are well suited for digital components in DIL packages. The strip grid in Fig. 7 has two long strips between the DIL rows, which are used for the power supply.

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A human firewall as the first line of defense Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:50:00 +0000 Data breaches now cost an average of $3.92 million, according to a recent study by IBM and Ponemon. In view […]

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A human firewall as the first line of defense

Data breaches now cost an average of $3.92 million, according to a recent study by IBM and Ponemon. In view of the high risk, companies should strengthen their technical measures, but above all also involve their employees.

The smart devices of modern offices and the Internet of Things (IoT) offer hackers a wider range of attack vectors to infiltrate networks. For organizations looking to optimize their protection against cybercrime, the best approach appears to be a combination of measures that address both technology and people. A seamless defense against attacks cannot be created until it involves technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) as well as human firewalls.

The numbers problem

Attacks on devices used for both business and personal purposes are particularly effective.

The number of devices connected to the Internet (smartphones, laptops, tablets, speakers, TVs, etc.) is increasing day by day. According to Gartner, there will be more than 20 billion such devices worldwide by the end of this year. Personal devices such as laptops, tablets and smartphones are often used in both personal and work contexts due to portability and connectivity. Smartphones, in particular, are often used for both purposes, for example, checking business email on personal smartphones, using messaging apps on the business phone, or doing any activity on a phone that was intended to serve both purposes in the first place. This mixing complicates security and increases the risk of human error.

Train spawn is the leading cause of more than 90 percent of security breaches Phishing attacks are particularly effective in a multi-purpose device environment, as one employee can compromise the entire office network by attacking his or her personal device. The attacks are very popular with cybercriminals because they target people’s emotions, which lead to hasty reactions. For example, if someone receives a tax refund message with a high degree of urgency and he/she is not adequately educated about cyberattacks, or not educated at all, the risk of confidential data falling into the wrong hands is high.

Recent regulations such as the European General Data Protection Regulation highlight the importance of vigilance and data protection. Although regular media coverage aims to make people aware of such scams, they regularly fall victim to these attacks. It is clear that more needs to be done. Yet, despite evidence that it is the creation of a human firewall of educated employees* that can make the difference between a secure workforce and a vulnerable one, training is not a top priority for many organizations.

Build the defense

Employee training should be a key part of cybersecurity training protocol and should include the entire workforce, from entry level to management. At this point, however, we should warn against superficial and one-off measures. A company-wide seminar or webinar that anyone can listen to can supposedly save time and effort, but its impact fizzles out very quickly. It’s much more effective to teach cybersecurity with hands-on lessons and humor, as the content is often very technical and difficult to internalize.

For better security, a communication channel should be established between the IT department and the users.

A common method is for the company’s IT department to send a simulated phishing email to all employees. This email should be structured in the typical manner for these scams. Using the simulated email, IT can track who opens the email and how widely it is distributed in business processes.

You should then send an email to the entire organization, stating that the email is a test. At the same time, give an overview of the results in percentages, for example, that 5 percent of management entered their personal data. Those that fail the test should receive more detailed feedback from the IT department. To ensure that employees are aware of all potential warning signs, these tests should be performed at regular intervals. In this way, you establish a communication channel between users and IT so that employees can quickly and proactively respond to fraud attempts and notify IT immediately.

Comprehensive technology

The human firewall is a very effective defense, but even the most sophisticated and highly trained organization could not protect an entire network without the help of technology. That is why human efforts and technology should be combined. Finally, the advancement of technology is not only the biggest trigger for security issues, it also equally provides the necessary solutions. Recognize in this context

Technological advances cause most new cyber threats – and also provide most solutions. But not for all.

Using simulated phishing emails, IT departments can track employee* responses to the fraudulent email. However, if machine learning and AI algorithms are also used, the patterns of associated network traffic can be analyzed, content from multiple emails can be examined, and this data can be compared to a continuously maintained repository of malicious content in near real-time. This speeds up the detection of a threat and the initiation of protective measures many times over. This is not the kind of speed that people can do on their own.


No organization is safe from cyberattacks. Cybercriminals are not choosy and will try to exploit any security vulnerability. Organizations cannot be complacent and should prioritize both technical tools and human firewalls in their budgets and training protocols. Technology is quickly adapted and updated. Companies that are able to track these developments and fully train their employees have the greatest chance of defending themselves against cyberattacks and preventing bad press, loss of trust and large fines.

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Hori onyx in test: wireless ps4 controller with xbox layout Sat, 08 Apr 2023 16:18:44 +0000 With the Onyx, third-party peripheral manufacturer Hori launches a PS4 controller that can also be used without a cable. Extra […]

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Wireless PS4 controller with Xbox layout: what can the Hori Onyx do?

With the Onyx, third-party peripheral manufacturer Hori launches a PS4 controller that can also be used without a cable. Extra buttons are not found on the gamepad – so what does the Hori Onyx have that is missing on the DualShock 4? Our test reveals it.

PS4 gamers who play a lot and regularly on their console often wonder if there are other controllers apart from Sony’s original DualShock 4 that might even give them advantages in the game. This is where some devices in particular come in, which are apparently aimed at pro gamers and usually entice with additional keys and replaceable components. Apart from the company Scuf, which only converts original controllers for its purposes, these devices are almost all cabled.

  • Read our review of Scuf Impact for the PS4 here.
  • We have also tested the Nacon Revolution Pro and its successor, the Nacon Revolution Pro 2 for you.

Hori Onyx: Bluetooth pairing via PS4 settings

This brings us directly to the first unique selling point of the Hori Onyx: It is indeed a third-party controller for the PS4, which can be operated both via USB cable and wirelessly. However, the device has to be registered in the Bluetooth settings of the console for the first time, but afterwards the Onyx can even be used to turn on the PS4 – wired Pro controllers like the Nacon Revolution Pro 2 can’t do that. The connection did not cause any problems in test mode, nor did we notice a noticeably different input lag than with the DualShock 4.


The workmanship of the Hori Onyx seems moderately high quality – even with the Bluetooth connection.

Design: There can hardly be more Xbox One in a PS4 controller

The Hori Onyx feels a bit smaller than the original PS4 controller. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the devices differ only slightly in size, but the Hori’s form factor means that your hands are closer together. Otherwise, the design of the Hori looks similar to an Xbox One controller, but due to the different shape, the Share and Options buttons have been moved below the touchpad, which took some getting used to, to say the least.

The Xbox gamepad oriented design leads us to the second important feature of the Hori Onyx: The analog stick layout is not symmetrical, like on the DualShock 4. The two sticks are not directly next to each other, but are – just like on the Xbox One – slightly offset from each other vertically. Many gamers prefer exactly this layout so much that they like the Microsoft controller better for this reason alone.

Offset buttons: when the thumbs go searching in the game

Offset buttons: when the thumbs go searching in the game. Image: © TURN ON 2018

The left analog stick sits higher up, as it does on the Xbox controller

The left analog stick sits higher up, as it does on the Xbox controller. Image: © TURN ON 2018

The control pad is now located at the learned position

The control pad is now located at the learned position. Image: © TURN ON 2018

Quality: plastic that feels like plastic

PS4 controllers from third-party manufacturers often don’t come close to the original in terms of quality, and some components of the Hori Onyx also leave something to be desired in terms of workmanship. For example, after a few weeks, the analog sticks already give off a slight crackle and creak, and the pressure points of the R2 and L2 buttons feel oddly less valuable than on the original.

The gripping surface of the controller’s underside is much more roughly ribbed on the Onyx, which, at least for me, leads to sweaty hands a bit sooner. For this, the device has a continuous control pad, which should accommodate players of beat-em-ups. I also like the concave surface of the analog sticks better, but the smooth rubber could be a bit rougher.

Missing features: Not enough for a headphone jack

But there are also features that are simply missing on the Hori Onyx. Most noticeable: the controller does not have a headphone jack. For night sessions, where family members and neighbors should be spared, it is therefore rather less suitable. Also missing is the DualShock 4’s small speaker, which is used for audio output in some games. This is tolerable, but it gives the impression that the Bluetooth signal cannot be used to its full extent here, as with Sony’s DualShock 4.

Do not be alarmed: Due to the narrower form'rutscht' die Kreistaste etwas ab.

Don’t be alarmed: Because of the narrower shape, it “slips” the circle key a little bit. Image: © TURN ON 2018

The pressure points of the shoulder keys didn't feel that good in the test

The pressure points of the shoulder buttons didn’t feel that good in the test. Image: © TURN ON 2018

All in all, Hori Onyx does not offer much that the original controller cannot do as well

Overall, the Hori Onyx doesn’t offer much that the original controller can’t do as well. Image: © TURN ON 2018

PS4 players using a PlayStation VR system will also still have to rely on the original controller in the process: The Hori Onyx lacks the light bar on the front, which is urgently needed for VR use. Only a small LED light below the PS button serves as a status indicator.

Conclusion: the PS4 controller for the Xbox friend that each of us has

For the 50 Euros that the Hori Onyx costs, you get a controller that, apart from a slightly different layout, offers fewer features than a DualShock 4, even though the latter only costs about five Euros more on average. In addition, the quality of the Onyx seems rather mediocre – even if in the test after a few weeks everything worked so far.

So if you also have that one friend who comes over to gamble often, but constantly whines that he’s better with the Xbox controller and only loses to you because of it – then the Hori Onyx could be the means to put him in his place on the PS4 for good. If you don’t have a problem with the analog stick layout of the PlayStation 4, however, you will hardly find a reason to spend the 50 euros for the Hori.

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The best of france Sat, 08 Apr 2023 11:59:00 +0000 It's hard not to be enthralled by France – a destination where you can make unparalleled discoveries guaranteed to exceed […]

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It's hard not to be enthralled by France – a destination where you can make unparalleled discoveries guaranteed to exceed all your expectations.

There is no country that attracts both already enthusiastic connoisseurs of the country and the curious in equal measure as France. Whether you want to explore iconic landmarks, experience the country's wealth of attractions, or need creative inspiration that flows as fast as the champagne in historic Champagne, France is absolutely timeless – and sure to draw you back again and again.

Above all, France is one of the oldest nations in the world and has successfully managed to preserve its past. At every turn, you'll encounter yet another museum, yet another art gallery, yet another remarkable architectural feat, and at every turn, jewel-like confections are displayed in the windows of patisseries – making a perfect complement to a morning coffee or afternoon tea.

Notable cities and regions

A vacation in France will delight you with its diverse landscapes and abundance of opportunities for adventure.


Simply describing the City of Love – a luminous light and boulevard-lined maze of eternal romance and refined elegance – is not possible. Paris truly must be experienced from the moment the sun illuminates the Arc de Triomphe until the moment the city is shrouded in darkness and lit by the moon and the Eiffel Tower, which glitters every hour until sunrise. Strolling down the Champs-elysees or along the Seine, you can feel the Parisian way of life with a baguette in your hand. But perhaps you should refrain from wearing a beret.

Paris's Arc de Triomphe on the Champs-elysees at sunset


This wine capital will not disappoint and because of its ancient winemaking tradition, you will mingle with the masters here. You should start your wine tour at the Cite du Vin – a museum dedicated to the universal, living heritage of wine – before exploring the rest of the port city, which is also the largest urban world heritage site in the world. A highlight of this heritage site is the Place de la Bourse, an imposing town square surrounded by a row of 18th-century mansions. to 19. The city is surrounded by the eighteenth century and is situated on the banks of the winding Garonne River. You'll find even more beauty in this city's renowned art museums, like the Musee des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, which has enough fascinating works to lure you out of the vineyards for a couple of hours.

View of the famous square La Bourse in the city of Bordeaux

View of the famous La Bourse square in the city of Bordeaux


France isn't all cityscapes and wineries. The chic strip of the French Riviera is located at the foot of the Alps and is enclosed by the Mediterranean Sea. Standing here on the pebbled beaches, dotted with blue and white lounge chairs, and gazing out at the sparkling sea, you'll immediately know why this fusion of French and Italian influence was nicknamed "Nice la Belle" (Nice the Beautiful). The Promenade des Anglais, a famous beach promenade, is the place to see and be seen. The Colline du Chateau, a public chateau garden, is a great place to enjoy views of Nice's old town and the coast below.

Before you go, check out our Nice restaurant guide.

Nice in the evening after sunset

Nice in the evening after sunset


In the summer months, you'll smell the heady lavender aroma of Provence before stepping into the purple haze of natural splendor. Winding lanes lead out of the lavender fields, over steep cliffs to Roman remains and to the sun-drenched slopes of the vineyards. Visit a Provencal market on your trip to buy some local produce – the Friday market in Carpentras is one of the most popular. Also recommended is exploring the sights of Avignon, a city on the Rhone River, especially the Palais de Papes, the largest Gothic palace ever built.

Sunset over a beautiful purple lavender field in Valensole

Sunset over a beautiful purple lavender field in Valensole


This fiery place, known for its elite and dazzling crowds in the 1960s, is still worth a stay as the glamour of this coastal city on the French Riviera has hardly faded away. Gleaming yachts line the bay. Chic cafes and sophisticated restaurants stretch out to the streets in the city center, while pebbled beaches dotted with colorful umbrellas and lounge chairs offer a relaxing scene. This former fishing village also has a cultural side with a collection of notable galleries and museums, including the Musee de l'Annonciade and the Citadel of Saint-Tropez.

Saint-Tropez, South of France

The Alps

Leave the seaside setting for the alpine scenery of the mountain ranges of the French Alps. The Alps stretch across seven European countries, reaching their highest point in France and Italy at Mont Blanc (4.808,7 m). On the north side of the mountain, France's largest glacier, Mer de Glace, can be visited by the Train du Montenvers – a picturesque rack railway. Chamonix is one of the most popular resorts of this mountain and a sought-after ski resort. Cable cars crisscross the countryside, transporting adventurers to the slopes before whizzing back down into the valley: in summer, the ice melts to reveal magnificent hiking trails and pleasant wildflower meadows.

Beautiful scenic backdrop in Vallon de Berard nature reserve, Graian Alps, France

Beautiful scenic backdrop in the Vallon de Berard nature reserve, Graian Alps, France


Dining& Drink

Dining in France is serious business – and it's easy to get caught up in the rituals of the table. From a breakfast croissant, a crispy, gilded masterpiece, to a dinner of boeuf bourguignon doused in red wine and slow-cooked to perfection, the French are experts at exceptional dishes. Michelin-starred restaurants abound. These strive to make your culinary dreams of spotless white tablecloths and dishes with elaborate culinary compositions come true. Alternatively, you can visit bistros typified by dim lighting and menu boards featuring French classics. These specialize in heartwarming stews and soups.

Boeuf Bourguignon

Inland, meaty dishes with rich sauces, served with freshly baked bread and prepared from regional ingredients, are always on the menu. Along the coast, seafood caught daily is presented on platters of gleaming mussels, oysters and lobsters. Charcuterie (cold cuts) plays a central role in French cuisine. Cheese is a staple of the country and the star of the show in cold cuts. In this part of the world, the best way to end the day is to enjoy a crepe doused in chocolate or simply sprinkled with sugar.

Seafood soup with white fish, shrimp and mussels in a plate garnished with spices

Seafood soup with white fish, shrimp and mussels in a plate garnished with spices

The ultimate companion to any dish in France is one of the wines produced in the country. French viticulture dates back to Roman times and has evolved. The result is some of the best blends in the world. Wines are usually named after the region in which they are grown, rather than their grape varieties. The dozens of wine-producing regions throughout France mean there are many destinations for wine tasting. To taste red wines with the best reputation, it's best to visit Burgundy and Bordeaux. The best white wine brands come from the Loire Valley. Since the 17. In the 19th century champagne is produced northeast of Paris – and the wonderful result are unsurpassed bottles filled with aromatic sparkling drink.

Popular destinations

Because there is so much to see and experience in France, it's difficult to narrow down the list of highlights. However, if you want to see the most popular sights, you can start with the following:


Eiffel Tower: This wrought-iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris has watched over the city since 1889 and is named for engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built it.

Avenue des Champs-elysees: a world famous avenue visited daily by 300.000 people daily and leads from Place de la Concorde, a public square, to the Arc de Triomphe, a magnificent arch that honors those who fought and died in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.

The Louvre: The world's largest art museum and historical monument on the banks of the Seine houses over 38.000 objects from prehistory to the 21. Century as well as the famous painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.

Jardin du Luxembourg: This enchanting garden was created in 1612 by Marie de Medici, the widow of King Henry IV. of France, created for the Luxembourg Palace and today owned by the French Senate. It includes tree-lined promenades, manicured lawns and the Medici Fountain, built in 1630.

Jardin du Luxembourg with the palace and statue

Jardin du Luxembourg with the palace and the statue


Palace of Versailles: this former royal residence of France under Louis XIV. and afterwards under Louis XVI. is located outside Paris and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site with 2.300 rooms and charming grounds.

Palace of Versailles


Le Mont-Saint-Michel: An island and mainland community in Normandy that has housed strategic fortifications since ancient times and is a working abbey where Benedictine monks still hold services.

Beautiful panoramic view of Le Mont-Saint-Michel

Beautiful panoramic view of Le Mont-Saint-Michel

South of France

The Pont du Gard: an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge built in the first century n. Chr. built to transport water to the Roman colony of Nemausus, is the highest of all Roman aqueduct bridges.

Pont du Gard, the ancient Roman aqueduct near Nîmes in southern France

Pont du Gard, the ancient Roman aqueduct near Nimes in southern France

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Permadeath-games: in these 10 games you only live once Thu, 06 Apr 2023 12:56:23 +0000 Death is final in games with the permadeath principle. If you live only once, at least you are more involved […]

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In some games, the death of the character is final

Death is final in games with the permadeath principle. If you live only once, at least you are more involved in the game. Every wrong step could be your last. Here we present ten recommended permadeath games.

1. “Dark Souls”-Series: Are you still alive or are you already dying??

The Dark Ages was a dangerous time, as these days the “Dark Souls”-Computer games illustrate. In Dark Souls death is not followed by an absolute game over, but the consequences are much more dramatic than in most other games. You are teleported to the last campfire and lose all collected souls of defeated enemies. Most enemies are alive again after your death and you have to defeat them again. On top of that, you lose your humanity and are a ghost for now.

2. “Xcom” and Xcom 2″: Alien invasion

In the strategy game “Xcom you fight in turn-based battles alien invaders. You train the members of your unit from round to round. If a team member dies, it is lost for good. Then you can replace the soldier with a rookie, who is not nearly as much of a threat to the aliens. If you make repeated mistakes, eventually the aliens win the war and the earth is lost.


3. “The Binding of Isaac”: Raven Mother

The top-down shooter “The Binding of Isaac” Tells the story of young Isaac, who is locked in the basement by his vicious mother. There he faces terrible monsters. If Isaac is defeated, it’s game over and you have to play through the game again from the beginning.

Binding of Isaac Rebirth

“The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a remake of the classic. Image: © Nicalis 2017

4. “DayZ”: A wolf to man

In the multiplayer survival game “DayZ players try to survive while zombies are after them. You have to collect food and drinks in order not to die. The biggest threats in DayZ are meanwhile, not the zombies, but other players you don’t know if you can trust or if they will kill and rob you. But you can also team up with others. If you die, you have to start all over again.


In “DayZ the zombies are not your biggest problem. Image: © Bohemia Interactive 2017

5. “Rogue”: The beginning

“Rogue is a role-playing game from the 1980s and was the first game with permadeath. Among other things, the randomly generated levels and the goal to fight your way to the lowest level of a dungeon have inspired many later action RPGs like “Diablo” influences.

As you search for the Amulet of Yendor from a monster-populated dungeon, you’ll find weapons, potions and spells, magical rings and armor, gold and rations along the way. Also, if you die on the lowest level just before the amulet, you have to start the whole game over again.


“Rogue” was the forerunner of dungeon crawlers like Diablo. Image: © Epyx, Artificial Intelligence Design, Mastertronic 2017

6. “Fire Emblem”: Adventurers live dangerously

Fire Emblem-Role-playing games once began on the NES and didn’t really become popular in the West until the 2003 version for the Game Boy Advance. The death of a character in your party is final, even if you have spent many hours leveling him up. This makes the battles all the more exciting.

Fire Emblem Warriors

“Fire Emblem Warriors” For Nintendo Switch is one of the latest spin-offs of the RPG series. Image: © Nintendo, Koei, Tecmo Koei Holdings 2017

7. “Don’t Starve”: balanced diet

“Don’t Starve Is a survival game, where the focus is on mere survival. The player has to take on nightmarish creatures and overcome numerous challenges, with crafting, i.e. making food and items, taking center stage. If you die, you have to start the game over.


“Don’t Starve Together is a multiplayer offshoot of the survival game. Image: © Klei Entertainment 2017

8. “Spelunky”: Exploding miners

“Spelunky” is a 2D jumping game with randomly generated levels and destructible environments. The improved version for Xbox Live Arcade won numerous awards. However, the final death, coupled with the very high difficulty level, will drive many players to white heat.


“Spelunky” has an explosive difficulty level. Image: © Mossmouth, LLC, Microsoft Studios 2017

9. “FTL: Faster Than Light”: In space, no one hears you scream

In “FTL” you take control of a spaceship crew that has to deliver the message about an imminent rebel attack. You will be attacked by space pirates and aliens and have to survive dangerous environmental conditions while upgrading your ship and crew and preparing them for attacks. The crew members can all die with no return and if the ship is destroyed, you have to start the game from scratch.


“FTL: Faster Than Light puts you in command of a spaceship. Image: © Subset Games 2017

10. “Enter the Gungeon”: “Diablo” With weapons

Have you ever wanted to shoot your way through “Diablo” with a minigun? Blast through? “Enter the Gungeon is a baller dungeon crawler in which you haunt monster-infested dungeons with firearms. As with other “Rogue-similar games, the dungeons are randomly generated and increasingly difficult. Your target is the “weapon that can shoot down the past”.

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Apple watch: how to get all activity awards Sat, 01 Apr 2023 08:50:23 +0000 Do you want to grab every activity badge? Here's a full list of all the badges and what you need […]

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Do you want to grab every activity badge? Here's a full list of all the badges and what you need to do to get them.

Apple Watch Earth Day Dance Day

At the beginning of each month, our Apple Watch always reminds you of your current challenge. This one is individual, sometimes it's just a matter of completing a certain number of workouts, or closing the rings more often, happily for seven or more consecutive days.

Upcoming Earth Day and International Dance Day awards

As usual, Apple celebrates the upcoming Earth Day with a special award. To do this, you'll need to be at the 22. April complete a workout of at least 30 minutes outdoors and record it using the workout app or third-party apps that have access to workout data.

The following Saturday celebrates World Dance Day. On 29. April you need to dance and record this activity with the Apple Watch for at least 20 minutes. In Germany, there's the traditional Tanz in den Mai on the day after, but Apple hasn't yet come up with the idea of awarding those dances, too. For more limited-time awards, see the linked section below.

Apple Watch Earth Day Dance Day

Generally, achievement badges are a fun thing to do – and motivate some(s) to be more diligent about training. They only provide a little visual flair, they don't even do anything, and yet for some reason you just have to collect them. Achievements are great motivators, and activity tracking achievement badges on the Apple Watch have inspired many users to exercise more.

If you want to maximize your badge count, you will pursue as many activities as possible. Most badges are available year-round, but there are also some time-limited special events, such as the ones mentioned at the beginning of this article. Here's a list of all the activities for the Apple Watch and how to unlock them.

Standard achievements

Most achievements can be done year-round. If you open the Activities app (now also called "Fitness") on your iPhone and then tap on the "Awards" area, some of them will be listed even if you haven't fulfilled their conditions yet – in this case, they will be represented by a gray outline.

There are, however, some achievements that don't show up until you've earned them. Past and future monthly challenges, for example, won't show up, nor will various individual workouts.

First workout

The first time you perform a new exercise for at least five minutes, you receive an achievement badge. The types of workouts eligible for them are:

  • Cycling
  • Cross-training
  • Row
  • Running
  • Stair-Stepper
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Cool Down

Activities with both indoor and outdoor variations, such as biking and walking, are bundled together; you can do both activities to get the badge, and can only get it once.

First workout with fitness+

Apple has also had its own fitness service in Germany since late 2021 called Fitness+. In all kinds of sports, coaches and training groups demonstrate exercises or spur you on to peak performance on the bike ergometer and treadmill. This is accompanied by music from all kinds of genres. For each first workout, the Apple Watch will donate a new badge. You also get badges if you go for a walk with "time for walking" or a jog with "time for running". This involves celebrities telling you (in English) all sorts of things about their lives or their workouts and competitions – after which you run music selected by the celebrities. Many of these celebrities are world famous in USA, Canada and UK, but nowhere else.

Workout record

Every time you beat your previous best record for calories burned in any of the exercises listed above, you get this badge.

There is one caveat: you must first complete five workouts of this type. If you want to trick the system a bit, make sure your first four workouts of each type are relatively short and easy, so it doesn't take much effort to beat them.

7-workout week

Easily complete any workout of at least 15 minutes any day of the week. Note that the week is Monday-Sunday and you must do a workout on each of those days (you can't just do seven days in a row). If you start a running workout whenever you go outside, you can easily achieve this.

New Exercise Record

Every day that your exercise ring goes further than ever before (which means you burned more calories in a day), you get this badge. There is a catch: you must use your Apple Watch for ten days before you can earn this award.

New workout record

It's just like the exercise record, only for the green ring. The workout counts the minutes of exercise, not the calories burned, so the badge is really easy to get. Just like the exercise record, you first need to use your Apple Watch for ten days.

Exercise goal 200%, 300%, 400%.

You earn these awards when you exceed your calorie goal (the red movement ring) by two, three, or four times. In other words, you need to run the red activity ring completely around two, three or four times a day. This is easy to get if you set your exercise goal very low. (Would be unsportsmanlike, though, note. d. Red )

Multiply exercise goal

New exercise goal

Each time you change your daily exercise goal and then exceed that new goal, you earn this achievement. You can change your exercise goal by opening the Activity app on your Apple Watch and pressing the screen.

Longest series

If you achieve your physical activity goal several days in a row (close the red ring), this is a series. But you will get this award only when this series finally ends and when it is longer than the previous best series. (In the editorial office, 89 days is currently the record, note. d. Red)

Perfect week

This is awarded for four categories: Moving, Exercising, Standing and All Activities. For the first three, simply complete the rings (red, green or blue) each day of the week. To earn the Perfect Week badge (all activities), close all three rings every day for an entire week, Monday through Sunday.

7-Training Week, Perfect Week

Perfect month

Unlike the perfect week, there are not several different perfect month badges for the different color rings. The only requirement of the Perfect Month is to close the red activity ring every day of the month – one of the most demanding challenges, because on any given day of the week the weather will screw up your workout plans or your inner pig will prevail – not to mention infections that require breaks from training.

Each month has its own unique fitness challenge. If you have notifications set for the Activity app on your Apple Watch, you will see the goal at the beginning of the month, but you will also see the current month's challenge in the achievements tab of the app on your iPhone. It will be a gray outline at first, but you can tap on it to see what the challenge means.

The monthly challenge may present you with burning a certain number of calories, exercising for a certain amount of time, or traveling a certain distance. You don't know beforehand what each new month will bring, you always have to check it out.

Month Challenge

Exercise goals for 100, 365, 500, 3.000 times

If you reach your daily exercise goal (close the red ring) 100 times, you will receive an achievement badge. You will get another one if you do it 365 times, 500 times, 1.000 times and in further steps of 250 up to 3.000 times close. These ring finishes don't have to be in immediate succession, only the total number of times you've ever hit the target counts. Once a year you should already earn such a badge, or?

Movement targets, up to 3000

Time limited awards

Apple occasionally releases one-off challenges that are only available for a limited time, often just for a day, weekend or week. Some are limited to the U.S. because they have to do with U.S. holidays – but other holidays, like Chinese New Year, are celebrated worldwide with a badge.

The next challenges are coming up soon: on 22. April, Apple celebrates Earth Day with a special award, week after that you have to dance your way to the next challenge, then in the summer it's yoga and World Environment Day: On 05.06 you have to close the stehring to earn the award, on 21.06. you have to practice yoga for at least 20 minutes.

You'll get a notification on your Apple Watch when one of these comes up (make sure you've enabled notifications for the fitness app by using the Apple Watch app on your iPhone). We will see some more recurring challenges later this year:

International Women's Day (8. March)

Am 8. March, Apple held its keynote in 2022, where the manufacturer unveiled the new Mac Studio. The day also has another meaning, on World Women's Day 2022 the motto was "Break the Bias". In 2023, it's all about the hashtag #EmbraceEquity, we will surely get a challenge from our Apple Watch in time, 20 or 30 minutes of training at a time should be it.

Earth Day 2023 (22. April)

This badge has the same requirements every year: Go outside and complete an exercise activity for at least 30 minutes.

International Dance Day (29. April)

Dancing is not a workout after all? My ass! Apple now sees it that way too, but dancing wasn't one of the workouts the Apple Watch could measure from the start. In the meantime, however, Fitness+ also offers dancing as a workout. On the International Day of Dance, you have to do it for 20 minutes – dance. (We musicians are a little envious of the dancers, because we earn nothing for 20 minutes of playing blues scales up and down the next day on World Jazz Day. Note. d. Red .)

National Fitness Day (8. August, only in China)

There are still many timed activities, and some of them are region-specific, but this is the first one dedicated to China. The 8. August was declared National Fitness Day in China, and Apple is providing a special activity badge for those in China who complete a 30-minute or longer workout on that day. (on 8.8.08 at 8.08 o'clock local time the Olympic Games in Beijing were opened, the 8 is considered there as a lucky number, note. d. Red. )

National Parks Day (end of August or beginning of September.)

For the first time, Apple called the limited performance goal on 1. September 2018 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Redwood National Park on. To earn the badge, you had to run, walk or exercise in a wheelchair for at least 50 minutes. In subsequent years, Apple changed the goal: It was enough to move one mile (1.6 kilometers) on the day of the challenge, but in a national park. It didn't have to be the Redwood, the editors of Macwelt managed to do it in the Wadden Sea National Park, also the Berchtesgaden area is a good place for it.

Veterans Day (11. November, U.S. only)

Another U.S.-Specific challenge, you only had to train for 11 minutes to earn it. On 11. November commemorates the end of World War I in England and the U.S., on 11. November 1918 the German Empire had signed the armistice in Compiegne.

Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thursday in November, U.S. only)

Time to get up from eating turkey! In order to earn this badge, you had to complete a 5K training on Thanksgiving. This means a running, walking or wheelchair training session that is at least 3.1 miles or 5 kilometers long, respectively. This challenge is limited to those in the United States, as Thanksgiving is a U.S. holiday.

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Addressing promotion – here’s how they go about it! Fri, 31 Mar 2023 08:20:08 +0000 Eventually the time comes. Your colleagues have long since climbed several rungs on the career ladder, only you yourself are […]

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Eventually the time comes. Your colleagues have long since climbed several rungs on the career ladder, only you yourself are still standing where you once started. Time to make a change, time to make a move!

You now have three choices: Either change jobs within your company in hopes of finally getting ahead there, or change companies right away. The third option is to approach your boss for a promotion. All three of these variations have one thing in common: They have to deal with their supervisor, negotiate, and present their accomplishments in the best possible light.

First prepare then address promotion

Those who chose the third option should keep a few things in mind and prepare well for the interview. If you approach your boss for a promotion, it should be as successful as possible. In addition to personal performance and the situation in the company, several other important factors play a significant role if the conversation is to be successful.

Check out positions in the company

It is best to think in advance about what positions there are in the company to which you could move in the context of a promotion. Many people finally want to get ahead and be promoted. But it becomes problematic if there are no vacancies in your own company. Think about where a new position could be integrated, what should be done there and recommend yourself right away as the most suitable candidate for the new position.

Your own strengths and goals achieved to date

Before you approach your boss for a promotion, you should become aware of your own strengths. You may have increased sales? Solved a specific problem? Successfully completed a major project? This is where you should definitely focus your boss’ attention when it comes to concrete promotion opportunities.

Approach promotion at the right time

They should have a feeling for the climate in their company. If the company has major problems at the moment, if employees are anxious, or if negative issues keep dominating the informal rounds, the time is probably not right for a promotion.

But: If the company is expanding, if sales have increased, or if the company is currently in a phase of restructuring, their commitment and drive will certainly be received positively.

The behavior of the superior

The behavior of the supervisor also plays an important role when it comes to a promotion. Not every time is a good time to approach your boss about a promotion. Sometimes it’s worth reaching into the psychological bag of tricks: Is the boss in a good mood or is he very stressed right now? A little tact and timing can go a long way to increasing your chances of success.

Clearly formulate your promotion request

There’s no point in beating around the bush. If you want to be promoted, you must also make your request clear and explicit. You should by no means hold a gun to your boss’s head in this regard. You should rather present the advantages for the company and for yourself that a promotion brings with it. At the same time, you should explain what new aspects you can bring to the new position.

Prepare for tough questions

If you approach your boss about a promotion, you must expect that your boss will want to know a lot from you before agreeing to a promotion. Therefore, be sure to prepare as best you can for follow-up questions from your boss. Good answers to the supervisor’s questions may even support your concern.

Do not take a no personally

If you ask, you may lose; if you don’t ask, you’ve already lost. When you ask your boss for a promotion, despite good preparation, valid arguments, personal successes and a favorable location of the company, the answer may be “no”.

In such a case you should not take the rejection personally. There can be many different reasons for rejection, and your boss doesn’t have to justify himself to you.

But: He now knows her intention and it is worthwhile after some time to approach him again for a promotion and thus to bring yourself back to mind.

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What are the biggest challenges in conversion tracking? Fri, 31 Mar 2023 06:42:38 +0000 Tracking your conversions tells you what happens after users interact with your ad. Conversion is the term used to describe […]

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Tracking your conversions tells you what happens after users interact with your ad. Conversion is the term used to describe all customer actions that you define as valuable to you. For example, you can track,

  • Whether a user who clicked on your ad actually purchased your product.
  • whether a user who clicked on your ad has signed up for your newsletter
  • whether a user who clicked on your ad called your company
  • Or whether a user who clicked on your ad downloaded your app.

Conversion Tracking: Sign Up

How conversion tracking works?

In order for you to use your conversion tracking, create conversion actions in your Google Ads account. This allows you to determine what customer activity is valuable to you. The following actions can be set up and tracked:

  • Website actions, such as e.g. Product purchases or newsletter signups
  • Phone calls that come in either directly from your Google Ads ad or from a phone number on your website
  • App installations and in-app actions, such as e.g. App installations or in-app purchases
  • Import, such as.B. Customer activities that are started online and completed offline
  • Local actions when e.g. a user interacts with one of your ads that relates to a physical store or location

Conversion tracking: app installs and in-app actions

What are the biggest challenges with conversion tracking and how do you overcome them?

Conversion tracking does not work the same for all conversion sources.
Classify your conversion tracking into one of two categories:

With a conversion tracking tag

The embedding of a conversion tracking tag requires,

  1. Having a website
  2. that you or your web developer has permission to edit your website
  3. That you know which landing page on your website (conversion page) should be tracked.

A conversion tracking tag or code snippet is included on your website or in your app. For example, when a user views your video ad in Google Search or on select Google Display Network sites, a temporary cookie is stored on their computer or mobile device. This cookie is recognized when an action is completed and captured as a conversion.

Errors or problems may occur during the conversion tracking setup process. You can use Google Assistant to determine if the tag is implemented correctly.

If you can’t or don’t want to add a conversion tracking tag manually, you can add the tag using Google Tag Manager. You will need the following information to do this:

Conversion tracking: product purchases

Without a conversion tracking tag

Using a Google forwarding number, you can set e.g. Capture conversions (in this case, calls via call extensions or call-only ads) without using a tag. App downloads and in-app purchases via Google Play and local actions, for example, are automatically recorded as conversions without a tracking code.

When defining your conversion actions, your settings and specifications matter so that customer activities that are important to you can be properly recorded and analyzed later:

  • If you want to make it easier to find your recorded conversions in the reports, you should assign a meaningful name for each conversion.
  • Assign each conversion to a category and an associated description so you can segment your conversions in reports and group similar conversions together.
  • Value your conversions so that it corresponds to the respective value for your business: the same value for each conversion, different values for your conversions or no value at all.
  • Determine how long a conversion should be captured after an ad interacts so you don’t miss an important customer action. For search, shopping and display campaigns you can specify between 1 and 30 days.
  • Activate the default setting Include in “Conversions” so that the data of the conversion actions can be included in the “Conversion” report column.

Conversion Tracking: Settings

Security and data protection is a big issue, which is also a high priority for Google. Google ensures through strict standards that data is collected on websites and in apps in accordance with privacy protections. Only those who inform users in an understandable and comprehensive way about the data that is collected on the website and obtain their consent have the right to conversion tracking.

TILL.DE supports you!

Our experts offer years of Google Ads experience and know exactly how to set up and use conversion tracking successfully. We will be happy to assist you in this area at any time. Contact us directly now and get advice!

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“Murder on the orient express” movie review: classic material spiced up Sat, 25 Mar 2023 10:53:43 +0000 The year is 1934: After the Belgian master detective Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh "Dunkirk") has solved a tricky case in […]

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Almost all of them are suspicious: The travelers on board of the Orient-Express

The year is 1934: After the Belgian master detective Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh "Dunkirk") has solved a tricky case in Jerusalem, he sets off on the Orient Express from Istanbul on his return journey to London. Among his fellow travelers, Poirot finds interesting human subjects to study, from the cagey governess Mary Debenham ("Star Wars"-star Daisy Ridley) to the Russian princess Natalia Dragomiroff (Judi Dench) to the shady businessman Edward Ratchett (Johnny Depp). The next day, one of the 13 passengers is dead – and Poirot soon has to realize that each of the passengers would have a motive .

Hercule Poirot on a Murder Hunt

Crime writer Agatha Christie, the British Queen of Crime herself, created the quirky investigator with the iconic moustache and a fondness for hot chocolate. Since 1916, she has sent him on a murder hunt in more than 30 novels. Murder on the Orient Express is one of the detective's best-known and most sensational cases. Now Kenneth Branagh, who has made a name for himself primarily with Shakespeare adaptations, is setting out in 2017 to make a fresh film version of the material that was last seen on cinema screens in 1974. The art of this remake lies in wringing new facets out of a story whose unusual outcome might be familiar to many.

Enormous showmanship in setting and cast

Kenneth Branagh has not skimped on the setting, costumes and cast. He captures the period color in Jerusalem, Istanbul and the drive through the Yugoslavian countryside perfectly. And even the luxurious Orient Express invites you to linger with all its richness of detail. That I've seen "Murder on the Orient Express".. was even able to enjoy in the film screening on 70-mm film, of course, highlights these show values even more.

Unlike other film adaptations of the crime story, the setting – even after the train gets stuck in a snowdrift – is not limited to compartments and interiors of the train. The latter are very skillfully captured on film from a bird's eye view, which lends the luxury vehicle something spatially oppressive. There are also views of the outside world, where a rescue squad is working flat out to put the passengers out of their misery.

Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) must solve his latest case

Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) must solve his latest case. Image: © Twentieth Century Fox 2017

Everyone is a suspect: both Princess Dragomiroff (Judi Dench) and her maid Hildegard Schmidt (Olivia Coleman, left)

Everyone is a suspect: both Princess Dragomiroff (Judi Dench) and her maid Hildegard Schmidt (Olivia Coleman, left). Image: © Twentieth Century Fox 2017

Governess Mary Debenham (Daisy Ridley) also has something to hide

Even governess Mary Debenham (Daisy Ridley) has something to hide. Image: © Twentieth Century Fox 2017

Is she just putting a good face on the game?

In casting the train passengers, Branagh goes for top quality. Numerous Oscar winners and nominees are part of the cast, prettying up the novel's characters in a way fit for the movies. Dame Judi Dench gives the Russian princess, described in the book as abysmally ugly, an aristocratic bearing. And the Swedish missionary with a sheep's face becomes a charming, if depressed, Penelope Cruz as usual. Johnny Depp, who visibly enjoys playing the delightfully sleazy crook Ratchett, is also visibly rejuvenated compared to the novel character.

Remarkable changes to the novel by Agatha Christie

Branagh also spices up his Murder on the Orient Express with a dash of action on. In the novel, Poirot solves the case only with the help of his powers of observation, questioning of the passengers and, of course, with the help of his gray matter. It's different in the film, which picks up pace with a car chase, a stab in the back and even a shot at the detective. Apart from a strangely overdrawn, punchy Count Andrenyi, another passenger on the train, the action is used so discreetly that it still does justice to the original.

The most notable change is Branagh not only making the British army officer Arbuthnot a doctor (thus merging two characters), but giving him a black skin color. This provides for additional conflict on the train. Even in the novel, which is set in 1934, there is an underlying racism: for example, when Monsieur Bouc, the director of the railroad company, immediately realizes that the Italian passenger must have committed the murder.

Branagh, however, turns this around: His Bouc (Tom Bateman), a young daredevil in the film, asks the master detective for help, so that the colored Arbuthnot or the kind-hearted Italian are not automatically prejudged. And that's finally the tipping point that lets Poirot take over the case.

Star magic is lost in the large ensemble

While the film's cast of characters is large and consists of all classes and walks of life. But due to the abundance of secondary characters, the viewer can't really connect to any of them. Acting greats like Judi Dench and Michelle Pfeiffer do a good job, but unfortunately can't develop multi-dimensional characters in their few scenes. This task clearly lies with our investigator.

With the master detective, however, for me there is another minor sticking point in what is in itself a successful classic film adaptation. Kenneth Branagh could not resist casting himself as the master detective. He also gave him such a powerful mustache that it's hard to focus on anything else in scenes with the sleuth. Branagh makes Poirot a sometimes very sentimental investigator, whose unswerving belief in clear categories like good and evil is shaken by this case.

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Dvd picture connection Thu, 23 Mar 2023 12:59:57 +0000 The FBAS composite (color image blanking synchronous) signal is the standard transmission signal in the video field which is understood […]

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The FBAS composite (color image blanking synchronous) signal is the standard transmission signal in the video field which is understood by all devices. Unfortunately, it is also the signal with the poorest quality, because here the brightness signal Y (luminance) and the color signal C (chrominance) together with the synchronization signal are transmitted interlaced over one line.

Separating the two signals in the receiver leads to more or less pronounced cross-color or cross-luminance effects, depending on the quality of the comb filter used. In this case, a small checkered jacket shimmers in all colors.

Note: The FBAS composite signal is output either via a yellow Cinch/RCA socket or via the SCART connection socket.

S-Video – Y/C

An S-Video Y/C signal is not a broadcastable format because the brightness signal Y (Luminance) and the color signal C (Chrominance) are transmitted separately over two cables. Because the signals do not have to be separated from each other in the receiver, the cross-color or cross-luminance effects that occur with FBAS transmission do not occur.
This transmission system is often wrongly called S-VHS transmission. S-VHS is a similar technique which records the brightness signal Y (Luminance) and the color signal C (Chrominance) separately in S-VHS video recorders, but has nothing to do with the transmission of video data.

Note: The S-Video Y/C signal is output either via an S-Video Y/C – Hosiden socket or via the SCART connection socket.


The RGB (Red Green Blue) signal is not a broadcastable format, because here the colors are separated according to the three basic colors and 3 cables are transmitted. The Syncron signal can be transmitted in different ways. Mostly the FBAS signal is used for this, which is also transmitted with a SCART connection, this is then called sRGB (occasionally also called RGBS or RGBY). The Syncron signal can also be on the green color channel, this is then called RGsB. Or the Syncron signals are transmitted completely separately on separate lines as H-Sync (Horizontal Sync) and V-Sync (Vertical Sync), this is then called RGB HV.A YUV component connector may also consist of Red, Green, Blue RCA or BNC connectors, and could be mistaken for an RGB connector. These should not be labeled with RGB, but with Y, U (Cb/Pb) and V (Cr/Pr).
To make the confusion complete, there are also constructions where the RGB pins are assigned with the YUV signals. So there are devices that output YUV signals via a SCART socket. In this case the Y is on RGB green, the U (Cb/Pb) on RGB red and the V (Cr/Pr) on RGB blue.
Note: The RGB signal is output via the SCART connector, or in very rare cases for projector control via 5 Cinch/RCA or BNC sockets as RGB HV.

The brightness portion Y (Luminance) is won from the RGB color space thereby as follows.

  • For the Y brightness signal : 0.3 * Red + 0.59 * Green + 0.11 * Blue

YUV – Component

The YUV – YCbCr component (Y = brightness, U and V are the color difference signals) signal is also not a broadcast-capable format, because here too the information is transmitted via three cables. Here the brightness (Luminance) and the Sync on Y and the two difference signals U (Cb/Pb) and V (Cr/Pr) are transmitted separately. Since the color information on the DVD itself is in this color format, this type of transmission naturally offers the optimum in picture quality.The proportions are as follows:

  • For the Y brightness signal : 0.3 * Red + 0.59 * Green + 0.11 * Blue
  • For the U (Cb/Pb) Red differential signal : – 0.17 * Red – 0.33 * Green + 0.5 * Blue
  • For the V (Cr/Pr) Blue difference signal : 0.5 * Red – 0.42 * Green – 0.081 * Blue

If a SCART RGB socket is also used for YUV signals, then the Y is on RGB green, the U (Cb/Pb) is on RGB red and the V (Cr/Pr) signal is on RGB blue.
Note: The YUV component signal is output via three Cinch/RCA or BNC sockets which are then labeled Y, U (Cb/Pb) and V (Cr/Pr). Evtl. five sockets are also used, if the Sync signal HSync and VSync are led separately. Otherwise the sync signals are included in the Y signal.

Connection of the DVD player


SCART socket
Connection field
FBAS – Composite
S-Video – Y/C
YUV – Component
Connector panel

For the picture a DVD player has at least one, some even two SCART sockets, at which the appropriate picture signals in the different transmission standards FBAS – Composite or S-Video – Y/C or RGB are present.In addition, some players also have separate jacks for FBAS – Composite (yellow RCA jack) and/or for S-Video – Y/C (round 4 pin Hosiden jack). Some few have in addition still another connection for YUV – Component signals (3 Cinch or BNC beeches) and/or a VGA socket for progressive Scan picture signals.

The setup settings for the image signal (FBAS – Composite, S-Video – Y/C or RGB) of the DVD player always refer to the SCART socket only because all three signal forms cause double assignments in the SCART cable and therefore only one signal form can be transmitted at a time.
It is important that the FBAS – Composite and/or S-Video – Y/C sockets (if present) always receive the respective picture signal, regardless of what is defined in the setup of the DVD player.

The following points should always be observed:

  • Before activating a signal form other than composite, make sure that the DVD player and the TV set both support this other signal form.
  • Not every DVD player can output S-Video Y/C and/or RGB picture signals.
  • Not every TV set can process S-Video – Y/C and/or RGB picture signals.
  • When using a SCART cable, the signal form to be transmitted via the SCART cable must be set in the setup of the DVD player.
  • Via the setup in the TV set, the signal form must be selected which is present at the AV SCART input socket.
  • The selected signal form must be identical in both the DVD player and the TV set.
  • For the S-Video – Y/C or RGB signal form, a fully wired SCART cable must be used.
  • If the video signals are routed via an AV receiver, then no signal conversion takes place with most devices. Means, an input signal at the FBAS – Composite comes out only at the FBAS – Composite output, but not at the S-Video – Y/C output. Possibly. Therefore you have to connect the AV receiver with FBAS – Composite and S-Video – Y/C cables to the display device
  • Some devices like e.g. DenonAV receivers can also use e.g. perform a conversion from FBAS – Composite to S-Video – Y/C and even YUV – Component. This simplifies the cabling with a projector immensely and you do not need expensive signal converters.

Whether for the picture transmission instead of a SCART connection a sperates FBAS – Composite Cinch/RCA or S-Video Y/C Hosiden cable is used, has no influence on the picture quality, only the selected signal form is crucial for the picture quality. Exactly the same signals are transmitted via a SCART connection as are present at the separate FBAS – Composite or S-Video Y/C sockets (if available). The only advantage of a SCART connection is that the analog audio signals (but no digital audio signals) are also transmitted when the TV set is used as a playback device for the audio signals. Otherwise, the analog audio signals would have to be connected via extra RCA connections.

FBAS – Composite

To the signal forms in detail, how they are to be used and which advantages and disadvantages they have:

FBAS – Composite
Cinch socket

The picture of a DVD player can be seen in the standard setting on every TV set, because it is output as FBAS composite (color picture blanking synchronous) picture signal via a Cinch/RCA socket. This picture signal standard is also used by VHS recorders or all other devices that are connected via audio/video cable. It is the simplest, but unfortunately also the worst way of transmitting an image signal, because only one line is used for brightness, color and sync signals. The signals are mixed together in the DVD player and must be extracted again from the signal mix in the TV set by means of complex comb filters. Unfortunately, the process is not complete, so that flickering is noticeable, especially with critical picture elements, such as fine karaoke patterns in clothing. This effect is also called Cross Color or Cross Luminance.

The FBAS Composite signal can be transmitted either via a FBAS Composite – Cinch/RCA cable or via a SCART cable.

S-Video – Y/C

S-Video – Y/C
Hosiden socket

A large increase in picture quality is already achieved when using the S-Video or Y/C (Y = brightness, C = color) picture signal. The brightness signal (luminance) and the color signal (chrominance) are transmitted separately via two lines. The sync signals are mixed with the brightness signal. The advantage of this signal form is that the color signal does not have to be extracted in the TV set by means of a complex comb filter and therefore the color flicker typical of FBAS composite does not occur.

For a lot of confusion a strange phenomenon causes again and again, that a S-Video Y/C picture signal is played back only in black/white. The reason for this is relatively simple, if you know how an S-Video image signal is transmitted. The brightness signal (luminance) is transmitted via the FBAS composite line of the SCART cable. The color signal (chrominance) is transmitted over the line of the SCART cable on which the RGB red signal is otherwise located. If no fully wired SCART cable is used, the color information does not arrive at the TV set at all. Thus only the brightness signal is displayed, which is present on the FBAS composite line, which results only in a black/white picture.

Another reason for the black/white picture could be that the DVD player has not been switched to SCART S-Video Y/C output, that the TV set is not S-Video Y/C capable, that the selected AV SCART input is not S-Video Y/C capable, or that the AV SCART input of the TV set has not yet been switched to the S-Video Y/C picture signal. This must be done manually with almost all TV sets, because there is no switching voltage for it and the S-Video Y/C picture signal cannot be recognized automatically.

The S-Video Y/C signal can be transmitted either via an S-Video Y/C – Hosiden cable or via a fully wired SCART cable.

Attention: When using a SCART connection, it is mandatory to use a fully wired SCART cable.


RGB SCART socket

A further increase in picture quality is achieved with an RGB (red, green, blue) picture signal. The picture signal is always transmitted via a SCART connection. Here the three basic colors red, green, blue are transmitted over separate lines and can be processed so directly by the TV set.
Since a synchronous signal is needed here as well, it is transmitted via the line on which the FBAS composite signal is otherwise present. Theoretically, the synchronization impluse would be fully sufficient to display an RGB image. Many DVD players still transmit a full FBAS composite signal on this line, which leads to a lot of confusion. The TV set, although it has not been switched to the RGB image signal, continues to display an image. This is then the picture which is transmitted over the FBAS Compoiste line. Only when the TV device switches over automatically either manually via the setup of the TV device, where the input signal must be selected at the AV SCART socket, or via a switching voltage, which is also transmitted via the SCART cable, the TV device sees an RGB picture signal.

Unfortunately, when using a RGB image signal, the image may be shifted horizontally. The reason for this is that the sync signals are often not correct and the image is therefore shifted to the left. Whether this can be compensated, depends on the DVD player and / or the TV set. Furthermore a RGB picture can be too bright or too dark. Again, it depends on the DVD player and/or TV set whether this can be corrected.

Some projectors also have a VGA socket, which is usually used for an RGB signal. Unfortunately it is very difficult to find suitable adapters from SCART to VGA. For an sRGB connection to the projector at least 4 (maximum 5) high quality 75 Ohm video cables (RGB + FBAS) are required as well as possibly a cable for the projector. corresponding Cinch/RCA or BNC to VGA adapter needed. However, it becomes very difficult if the projector has separate sync inputs for HSync and VSync, i.e. RGB HV, or expects the sync on a color line (usually green), i.e. RGsB. Possibly. you can use a Sync Stripper to extract the desired signal resp. generate.

In addition there are for Progressive Scan pictures as well as a Wide RGB connection possibility. From the specification, this is a normal RGB connector, but can also transmit 32kHz video signals, as they are required for full images. For Progressive Scan playback one needs however compellingly appropriate playback devices. Normal TVs or projectors cannot process such signals.

Note: In contrast to the FBAS Composite or S-Video picture signals, which both transmit the color signal with either a PAL or NTSC modulated color carrier, the RGB picture signal does not contain a color carrier. Therefore the RGB video signal can be. can be used if an NTSC DVD is played back on one of the DVD players, which then generates an NTSC picture signal, but no multinorm TV set is available and the DVD player cannot be switched to the PAL-60 mixed signal understood by almost all TV sets.

Attention: An RGB picture signal can only be transmitted via a fully wired SCART cable.

YUV – Component

YUV – Component
Cinch sockets

The YUV – Component (Y = brightness, U and V are the color difference signals red and blue) connection is either as shown in the picture as Cinch/RCA sockets or as high quality BNC sockets. BNC offers a higher quality connection because of the better closure (rotation with latching).

The brightness Y (Luminance) and the two difference signals U and V (also called U=Cr for red and V=Cb for blue) are transmitted separately. Possibly the Sync signals are also separately led, then additionally two sockets/plugs/cables for HSync and VSync are needed. Otherwise the sync signals are included in the Y signal.

The YUV – Component signal corresponds to the format in which the data is stored on the DVD itself. It is therefore the most optimal connection and signal form for the transmission of video data from the DVD player to the playback device. Unfortunately there are hardly any TVs with YUV inputs. Only projectors are often designed for this kind of connection.

Some projectors also have a VGA socket which, depending on the model, can also accept YUV component signals. Unfortunately it is very difficult to find suitable adapters from Cinch/RCA or BNC to VGA. Additionally, separate sync pulses for HSync and VSync can be expected on two additional inputs, which requires a sync stripper to extract the two sync pulses from the Y signal. Which cables and adapters are needed depends strongly on the used devices. For a YUV connection at least 3 (maximum 5) high quality 75 Ohm video cables to the projector are needed, as well as possibly a YUV cable. Cinch/RCA or BNC to VGA adapter and a sync stripper if separate sync pulses are expected. If the DVD player has no YUV component outputs, but the projector accepts only YUV signals, but no RGB signals, there are also external converters from RGB to YUV.

In addition there is still for progressive Scan pictures as well as a Wide YUV connection possibility. From the specification this is a normal YUV connector, but can additionally transmit 32kHz video signals, as they are needed for full frames. For progressive scan playback, however, the corresponding playback devices are required. Normal televisions or projectors cannot process such signals.

Special features for NTSC playback

There is a problem with the use of NTSC DVDs and FBAS or FBAS DVDs. S-Video signals, which, depending on the DVD player and TV set, only produce a black/white picture. RGB and YUV signals are not affected by this, because they do not use a color carrier. The reason is the used NTSC color carrier which is not recognized by the TV set. Which solution possibilities there are and further points to this subject can be read up.

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