Software Archives - Mon, 24 Apr 2023 17:33:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Install macos programs on the mac correctly Sat, 22 Apr 2023 13:52:43 +0000 Apple has copied more and more security aspects from the mobile operating system for macOS since the introduction of iOS. […]

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Apple has copied more and more security aspects from the mobile operating system for macOS since the introduction of iOS. With OS X Lion came Gatekeeper, which has continued to mature over the years.

Install software properly on Mac

In 2012, Apple for the first time placed a graphical threat rating view for app installs in System Preferences. Under “Security” since then is a selection of sources for which the user can allow the installation of apps.

  • App Store
  • App Store and Verified Developers

Before the name change from OS X to macOS, there was also an “Everywhere” option, but System Preferences no longer shows it by default.

The “Security” settings can be found in System Preferences:

To make changes, first click on the lock in the lower left corner and enter your password:

Differences between the categories

Apple wants to prevent malicious code from taking root on your Mac. All apps placed in the App Store are vetted behind the scenes by Apple itself and have only a limited amount of play in the operating system. By doing so, Apple precludes developers from gaining unnoticed access to private files.

Apps that can’t be found in the App Store can still get the Apple stamp of approval. Developers only need to join Apple’s developer program, pay 99 euros a year and deposit their data. After that, a digital signature can be created. Such apps are then classified as from a “verified developer” and can be opened directly depending on system settings.

So all apps that are not in the App Store (because developers may not want to abide by Apple’s restrictions or share revenue with Apple), but are still official app developers, fall under the second classification, “App Store and Verified Developers”.

However, this does not give Apple the verification already mentioned, so macOS will show a warning before opening such an application for the first time. So you need to be aware that the application you have just downloaded may contain malicious code. So, first of all, always check if the file was downloaded from an official website by the developer itself.

If you have chosen the more restrictive option and only allow apps from the App Store, you will not be able to directly launch apps that are not from the App Store. You will be shown a warning that the application is not from the App Store and therefore cannot be opened.

However, this warning does not have to prevent you from installing the downloaded program, for that you do not have to make any global changes either. The system settings under “Security” give you the option to confirm an exception for this developer.

The “Security” tab will show the app you last tried to open, and clicking “Open anyway” will set an exception. This is saved system-wide and from now on you can always launch the application with a double-click.

Unverified applications

If you are working with open source software, and developers can’t or don’t want to afford the 99 Euro per year, the applications fall under “Not Verified Developer”. In the latest versions of macOS there is no longer a default setting that allows the installation of this kind of applications.

After opening an application without a digital signature, a warning message appears, suggesting to put the application in the recycle bin. However, this is not the end of the story. As with the last setting, system-wide exceptions can be created. To do this, go back to the System Preferences at the bottom of the “Security” tab, and click on the “Open anyway…” button. Button. This way you can create one-time exceptions for applications you trust.

If you don’t want to go through the “Security” tab every time, a Terminal command helps bring the old “Everywhere” option back to life. Search for “Terminal” via Spotlight, select the application and a black window will appear after opening it. There you can use the command:

enter and confirm with Enter. Then you enter your password (the letters are not displayed) and confirm again with the Enter key. Now you can open the system settings again, and under our “Security” tab the option “Everywhere” is now available.

This is the most insecure option, but the system will leave you alone from now on and will no longer show any warnings when opening applications. To disable the option, just use the command:

sudo spctl –master-enable

After that the option disappears again. We recommend this only for professional users who work with many applications that are not verified and know exactly where the installed program comes from.

Recommended settings and procedures

Dynamically adding exceptions makes it easy to configure security settings as restrictively as possible. If you select only “App Store” in the “Security” tab, all apps that are not installed by the App Store will get a warning and will not open. You can bypass this via the “Open anyway…” button in System Preferences.

Not convenient, but secure. Especially when you consider that installing apps doesn’t take a lot of time. For example, when setting up the new Mac, it is possible to set the option to “App Store and verified developers”, and then switch to the “App Store” setting after opening and using the apps.

Here’s how to make sure you don’t accidentally open applications that don’t comply with the strictest security guidelines.

Password entry during installation

In addition to these basic restrictions, apps may require a password to be entered during installation. Complex apps often access or modify system-wide settings, or operate in system folders that regular users do not have access to.

If this is the case, the user must prove that he or she has the necessary rights on the Mac. Simpler applications can simply be placed in Applications folders and do not access any other files. These do not require an administrator password.


It is important to understand that no matter what settings you have chosen, any application can open directly through detours in the system settings. The restrictive “App Store” setting only allows to open applications from the App Store by default. Permanent exceptions for non-app store applications can be added via “Open anyway…” button.

The second most secure setting is “App Store and verified developers”. All apps created by developers with a digital signature from Apple can be opened. This is the case for all developers who pay 99 euros a year and created the application via Xcode. The app itself does not have to be from the App Store, and can be from a website or DVD.

It is important to understand that Apple cannot perform a direct malicious code check and you are at the mercy of the app accessing areas in the system that may or may not be to your disadvantage.

The third variant is “Everywhere”, which Apple has removed from the system settings. This can be reactivated with the terminal command. Afterwards you will not see any warnings anymore and all applications can be installed. If you work a lot with open source software, this can be an advantage. But afterwards you have to check for yourself which developers and sources you trust.

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Quantum computing is coming, and this guy is making the leap Sat, 22 Apr 2023 09:28:01 +0000 When IBM wanted to accelerate its development of quantum computing, the next generation of computers experts says will be exponentially […]

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When IBM wanted to accelerate its development of quantum computing, the next generation of computers experts says will be exponentially faster and smarter than anything we have today, it turned to an entrepreneur who admits that he isn’t an expert in the field. He isn’t a physicist or a mathematician—in fact, he learned everything he knows from reading every book he could find on the topic over the past two years.

IBM, one of half a dozen or so industry giants competing to prove the viability of this potentially game-changing but still unproven technology, has partnered with William Hurley, an Austin-based entrepreneur whose quantum computing software company Strangeworks was unveiled a little over a month ago.

Hurley—known to everyone in the industry as whurley—is a relative newcomer to the field, and his company hasn’t produced anything. What makes IBM so impressed with him that it gave him access to some of the world’s most advanced technology?

whurley 2

First, he has a proven track record. His first two startups, a mobile app developer and a retirement benefits software firm, were snapped up by large corporations.

Second, he has put together a tight-knit team of people who fill in any gaps of knowledge he might have. Most have worked with him at those other companies.

And third, he’s whurley. He can be very persuasive. Take a look at his keynote address at South by Southwest in March, which was part sales pitch, part pep rally, and part Physics 101 lecture.

“I believe that quantum computing is another paradigm shift in computing,” he told the crowd. “I think it can change what we think of as computing more in the next 10 to 15 years than computers have evolved in the last hundred years.”

During the rapid-fire question-and-answer session afterward, he answered questions (yes, quantum computing will help us cure diseases and maybe even find a solution to climate change) and allayed fears (no, it won’t suddenly give thieves access to all our encrypted data online), but mostly he created a we’re-all-in-this-together feeling in the audience.

“As a computer scientist, I’m so excited about this,” he said. “But I can’t go it alone. I need a physicist to explain all the quantum mechanics to me. I need a discrete mathematician to work through all the math with me. This is going to be something that takes a lot of diversity in thought and experience to create algorithms, to create useful algorithms.”

Becoming whurley

William Hurley hasn’t always been whurley. The 47-year-old native of Manassas, Virginia, remembers that a friend from his days on the research and development team at Apple more than 20 years ago “teased me mercilessly” with the nickname, which started out as his username on a UNIX system. With his retro eyeglasses and salt-and-pepper chinstrap beard, the moniker seems to fit.

Barack Obama thanked whurley after the president delivered the keynote address at South by Southwest in 2016, and after that everyone started referring to him by that name: friends, colleagues, even his mother-in-law.

By then whurley had become more than just his name. It was his brand. It stood for something fun, something unexpected, something outside the box.

His first startup was Chaotic Moon Studios, which built attention-grabbing products like a mind-controlled skateboard and a security drone with a built-in flamethrower. Almost a decade later, people still ask him about the time his company’s battlebot jumped a curb and barreled toward a crowd of onlookers. The fighting robot was intended to get publicity, and it succeeded beyond what anyone hoped.

Chaotic Moon was profitable from the day it was founded in 2010, creating software and mobile apps for companies like Starbucks, Best Buy, and the Discovery Channel. The company was savvy enough to realize that an app to help you order from Pizza Hut wasn’t going to get headlines. But a drone shooting an 80,000-volt stun gun at an intern would.

Then whurley then moved in a completely different direction, founding an online retirements benefits startup called Honest Dollar in 2015. It was a head-scratcher for some of the people who knew whurley from his Chaotic Moon days. But he spoke passionately about serving the millions of self-employed workers whom the industry was ignoring, convincing skeptics that he was revolutionizing retirement.

Turns out those first two companies had something important in common: Big corporations wanted in on the action. Chaotic Moon was bought by Accenture in 2015, while Honest Dollar was acquired by Goldman Sachs in 2016 when it was barely a year old.

And now comes Strangeworks, which whurley announced during his most recent appearance at SXSW. What’s the connection to his previous companies?

“Well, Chaotic Moon, Honest Dollar, and Strangeworks all share a common thread,” he says. “I like applying systems theory to potential areas I might start a new venture in. So while they seem extremely different, they have more in common than one might expect.”

Around the time he sold Honest Dollar, whurley began reading up on the principles behind quantum computing. Concepts like superposition and entanglement (more on those later) weren’t always easy to grasp.

“At first I was like, ‘This is great. Next week I’ll be an expert,’” whurley says. “It’s been a couple of years, and I’m not even remotely an expert. This is very, very cutting-edge stuff.”

But he learned enough to realize that quantum computers were the next big thing. And he wanted to be a part of it.

“I have been watching this new field from the sidelines for years now with growing excitement,” he says. “I believe this technology will change the world. That’s something I can get very excited for.”

He’s not the only one excited about it. Strangeworks just announced it has received $4 million in seed funding led by Lightspeed Venture Partners. Not bad for a company that was flying under the radar until a few months ago.

“Their approach to building a business around quantum and other forms of unconventional computing is the most audacious and forward-thinking I’ve seen,” said Adam Goldberg, a partner at Lightspeed.

And then there are the folks from IBM, which invited Strangeworks to join in the IBM Q Network, a collaboration between a dozen Fortune 500 companies (including JPMorgan Chase and Honda), academic institutions (Oxford University and the University of Melbourne), and research labs (Tennessee’s Oak Ridge National Lab).

One of just a handful of startups invited to join the network in April, Strangeworks was—not surprisingly—the youngest. It now has access to prototype quantum computers, and will be able to run experiments on them and confer with IBM researchers and technicians.

“The mission of the IBM Q Network of startups, Fortune 500 companies, and research institutions is to develop and deliver practical applications of quantum computing for business and science,” says Anthony Annunziata, leader of the IBM Q Network.”We are excited about our collaboration with Strangeworks and look forward to working with them to help grow the ecosystem of quantum computing developers, which is essential to this mission.”

That gives Strangeworks a leg up in what’s already becoming a crowded field of startups looking to capitalize on quantum computing.

A leap into quantum

Backing up a bit: What’s a quantum computer, anyway? The biggest difference is that classical computers stores information with bits, which exist at the opposite ends of two poles, 0 and 1. (Hence all those screens filled with glowing green numerals in The Matrix.)

Quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits. They can exist as 0 or 1, or somewhere in between. If you imagine a sphere, a qubit can exist anywhere inside. This is called superposition, and it’s why quantum computers can store exponentially more data than classical computers.

Giving that a boost is the idea of entanglement, where two (or more) qubits move in perfect unison. That means you can measure one and know the position of the other. Taken together, superposition and entanglement are why quantum computers can process a vast amount of information simultaneously. That why experts think they might do things beyond the reach of current computers, like helping to cure diseases or finding a solution to global warming.

Quantum computers won’t work on their own. They need a classical computer to program them.

“Quantum computers won’t make fail videos on the internet faster, but they will help augment classical computers to make some incredible things happen,” says whurley. “Think of them less of a computer and more of a co-processor for incredibly difficult tasks—things like modeling a caffeine molecule, for example.”

There are two things you need to know about quantum computing. One is that it’s very complicated. The second is it might not even work. Experts like Gil Kalai, a mathematician at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, say that companies like IBM, Microsoft, and Google will never be able to solve the biggest problems with quantum computers, such as the “noise” that corrupts results.

Right now researchers reduce this noise—caused by things like tiny fluctuations in temperature—by encasing the tubes and wires in a shell that is cooled to close to absolute zero. And programmers are looking for ways to predict this noise and correct for it.

All this means that despite all the hype from computing companies like D-Wave, nobody has created a quantum computer that can perform calculations beyond the capabilities of the fastest traditional computer.

“Currently, a true large-scale quantum computer does not exist,” says whurley. “It’s not yet a reality in terms of its anticipated and potential use. That being said, large companies do already have access to quantum technology. For example, NASA is using D-Wave’s 2000Q for robotics missions in space.”

Judging from the rush to sell quantum computing’s future, whurley believes, companies don’t seem to be concerned by the current lack of a functional machine. In recent months IBM announced it had created a 50-qubit processor, and Google upped the ante by announcing a 72-qubit processor.

So how long before commercial quantum computers are on the market?

“That’s a tough question,” says whurley. “IBM has publicly said five years, Intel 10-plus years. I sit closer to the IBM side of that. I believe that in three to five years you’ll see more and more quantum computers in use. But again, I see them in the role of co-processor more than a stand-alone machine. Many people don’t understand this, but in short you need a classical computer to work with a quantum computer. So in that respect I see them as an augmentation, and not a replacement.”

The future of computing

Get ready for the headlines. Before the end of the year, one of the tech giants like Google or Microsoft is likely to announce that they have achieved “quantum supremacy,” claiming that their quantum computer can outpace the fastest traditional computer.

The whole idea of quantum supremacy gets an eye roll from whurley, who sides with experts who say that the benchmark is basically meaningless. (How, for example, will they be able to test the results?)

But whurley believes that there will be some serious advances in quantum computing in the coming year. He says the amount of interest in the field is skyrocketing.

“If you look at the number of patents in the area over the years, and then amount of investment, the amount of funding, and several other indicators, everything really hit an inflection point within the last year or so,” he says. “When you consider this along with the fact that we started 2017 with 17 qubits and are starting 2018 with 72 qubits—after years of two- to seven-qubit machines in the lab—then I think quantum computing is about to take its place in the field.”

So whurley and his team are hard at work in their office, located in Austin’s WeWork Congress. His son Brooks, CEO of a due diligence software company called Chilligence, has an office in the same building, but he doesn’t share his father’s passion for quantum computing.

“He’s not following in my footsteps,” says whurley. “He’s clearly his own man.”

Strangeworks is currently designing software for computers that don’t yet exist—a challenge that whurley clearly loves.

“We have access to simulators, and yes, actual quantum computers,” whurley says. “We are designing our software in sync with the development of the hardware. It’s not easy, but we have the right team, at the right moment in time, to make something incredibly impactful.”

And although the average person will probably never have a quantum computer in their home, let alone their pocket, whurley thinks everyone will benefit.

“I truly believe this technology will make the world better for our children, and our children’s children,” says whurley, who has already written a children’s book called Quantum Computing for Babies. “Quantum computing will help us cure diseases, improve global financial markets, and combat climate change. It will empower faster internet searches, custom drugs for illnesses, and more efficient autonomous vehicles. So many things can be positively affected by this technology, so it’s hard for me not to get excited about it.”

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Modernization in the it environment – software defined everything Sat, 22 Apr 2023 08:21:48 +0000 In the age of digitization and data-driven IT, traditional IT architectures – which are closely tied to hardware – are […]

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In the age of digitization and data-driven IT, traditional IT architectures – which are closely tied to hardware – are increasingly reaching their limits in many companies. The upcoming, necessary paradigm shift was already heralded years ago with Netscape inventor Marc Andreessen's striking saying "Software is eating the world". In terms of IT infrastructure, this change took concrete shape in the form of virtualization of x86 servers. The virtualization of further infrastructure components like storage, network, security, etc. is a problem. Leads to the promising Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) approach. Currently, the diagnosis "Software has eaten the world" characterizes the state of affairs quite accurately – and not only in IT. It is therefore the ideal time to take a closer look at the concept of Software Defined Everything (SDx).

Software Defined Everything and what's behind it. It's not as if the hardware has been able to get by without any software at all so far. But in traditional IT architectures, the manufacturer-specific, often very specialized properties of the hardware components determine to a large extent and within quite narrow limits what is feasible within this architecture. Changes in (business) requirements therefore often lead to considerable resource- and time-intensive redesigns.

Software Defined Everything - the most important fields of action. (Source: Controlware)

Figure 1: Software Defined Everything – the most important fields of action. (Source: Controlware)

In the Software Defined approach, hardware is usually off-the-shelf and powerful, but comparatively poor in terms of proprietary special functions. The intelligence of the overall system is largely determined by the software. By abstracting functions from the hardware, flexibility and automation options meet the highest demands.

After positive experiences with subsystems (server, storage, network, etc.).) and orchestration of the entire virtualized data center in the SDDC approach, it becomes clear that the entire IT infrastructure (incl. Security, WAN, perimeter etc.) must be included. This minimizes media discontinuities and significantly increases the efficiency of management and automation measures. In addition, the scalability of the systems reaches new dimensions. Software Defined Everything (SDx) thus also includes Software Defined Infrastructure. Every physical system and all functions that are executed as software or automated by software are part of this new type of infrastructure. Applications on traditional end devices, apps on smartphones, intelligent cameras, sensors, actuators, vehicles and also users are networked with each other.

Key development steps. Digitalization and an unprecedented importance of software (incl. Apps) – not only for companies, but for society as a whole with all its institutions – place fundamentally new demands on IT. In particular, aspects such as

  • efficient scaling and elasticity,
  • High number of networked systems or endpoints, volatility and complexity of connections,
  • Increasing and evolving security requirements,
  • New paradigms in software development and delivery (DevOps, Agile, CI/CD, Containers.)
  • and flexible forms of IT service provision (on-premises, hybrid cloud, multi-cloud)

are pushing traditional IT architectures to their limits – in terms of capacity, flexibility, agility and resilience. From a corporate perspective, it is now no longer a specific technology that is causing disruption, but rather the increasing importance of software, which is enabling, and in some cases even forcing, new business models. The trend term "App Economy" describes this complex relationship in a comprehensible way and at the same time clarifies the origin for a large part of the changed demands on corporate IT (in addition to digitization).

Proven process model for modernization in the IT environment. (Source: Controlware)

Figure 2: Proven process model for modernization in the IT environment. (Source: Controlware)

In addition, users expect access to the information they need at any time, from any place and on any device. Global competition adds weight to this expectation. This is another reason why the on-premises infrastructure is increasingly being supplemented or, in some cases, replaced by public cloud services. The software-centric approach of the cloud thus has an impact on IT in companies and permanently changes the prevailing thought models, methods and processes there. For the integration of this "extended workbench" into the (IT) processes of companies, convincing solutions are now available that follow the Software Defined approach.

Technologies such as software-defined storage and software-defined networks are already part of the SDDC. This also includes Hyper Converged Systems and Hyper Converged Infrastructure, which are now gaining significantly in importance. These systems have been inspired by the experience of large web scale data centers and have built "data center building blocks" using standard x86 hardware. In addition to the necessary resources such as compute, storage, etc., these Building Blocks contain. Also a hypervisor, cluster logic, a specially distributed file system and efficient optimization and acceleration functions (such as de-duplication and compression). In line with the software-defined approach, an intelligent software layer ensures smooth and uncomplicated processes during provisioning, expansion and operation. IT specialists no longer have to deal with the details and the smooth interaction of the individual components. Their focus is increasingly on the concrete business benefits of IT for the company.

This development is therefore based on current and foreseeable IT requirements. Important components for software-defined architectures are already available, so that companies can already benefit from this trend and modernize their data centers step by step.

A sensible approach with a concept. The shift to a fully software-driven data center (SDDC) or even to software-defined everything is an organic process that will take a long time and will affect not only the enterprise itself, but also customers and business partners. The interrelationships and interactions are technically and economically quite complex. Companies are therefore well advised to set the course early and in a structured manner in the direction of software-defined technologies. For this purpose, it is advisable to follow a proven process model for modernization in the IT environment (see Figure 2). Comprehensive consulting – aligned with the company's IT strategy – across the boundaries of the individual IT disciplines is essential. On the way to an appropriate development strategy, blinkers and operational blindness have to be taken off in order to avoid technological and economic dead ends.

As a system integrator and IT service provider Controlware supports here optimally – with competence and experience as well as partners from all SDDC relevant areas like Data Center& Cloud, Network Solutions, Information Security and IT Management.

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Rpa software components Fri, 21 Apr 2023 12:05:09 +0000 This article further drills down into the basic structure of Robotic Process Automation software and its component. An RPA tool […]

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This article further drills down into the basic structure of Robotic Process Automation software and its component. An RPA tool usually consists of three different parts, which are presented in detail below:

  • Development environment (Studio)
  • Sequence environment (orchestrator / control center)
  • "Software robots", with the help of which the processes are executed on a computer or server

Each component has its own properties and is used and operated by different users in a larger installation. Thus, appropriate rights& Accesses managed to preventively meet some IT security aspects. First of all the studio for the development of the "robot processes" is introduced.

Development environment (Studio)

The workflows and activities are assembled in a studio software using drag-and-drop functionality and configured accordingly. Alternatively – or complementary – (partial) processes can be executed directly by a user and recorded at the same time with a recorder – analogous to the macro recorder in VBA, as you may already know it from a product of the Microsoft Office palette. The developed processes can be executed and tested step by step by means of debugging at any time. A certain scalability in automating processes is also given: (partial) processes in other workflows can be reused as so-called "snippets". A developer can thus integrate the same work steps into another process.

Although the processes are basically developed and recorded by developers based on the business requirements, a developer does not execute them himself in the production environment. An explicit separation of the development, UAT and live environment is clearly recommended. In order to fully exploit the potential of the RPA tool and to meet security aspects, further software components are required.

Developers work out and record these steps based on the business requirements, a developer does not carry them out himself in the production environment. An explicit separation of the development, UAT and live environment is clearly recommended. In order to fully exploit the potential of the RPA tool and to meet security aspects, further software components are necessary.

Live environment (orchestrator / control center&) Robot)

In the live environment, there is a control center (orchestrator / management console) on the one hand. Completed processes are uploaded to this platform and approved there – with corresponding version history. In this control center users, rights as well as all processes and devices can be administered. In addition, processes can be started manually or schedules can be entered for automatic execution. Logs and general monitoring functions provide information about robot activities and help to improve processes as well as auditing.

The third component of an RPA software consists of the "software robots" themselves. These are by no means physical robots that can be found, for example, in a production hall. In very simplified terms, the software mimics the mouse and keyboard commands that a user performs while executing the process. An important distinction is that there are attended and unattended robots. An attended robot is executed on the user's device and is usually started by the user itself. The user is thus specifically supported, but the robot needs input and the decisions of the user. An unaccompanied robot, on the other hand, works in the background or even on a server. The processes are started automatically based on various events or due to the scheduling options in the control center. In unattended Robotic Process Automation, the activities are executed in the background, so the speed of execution is also higher, since the elements do not have to be additionally displayed on the user's screen. Depending on the process, it is necessary to evaluate which type of software robot is suitable. It is also conceivable that accompanied robots are implemented in a first phase, so that the users and the entire organization can get used to the new possibilities and the handling of the software robots. This approach can promote acceptance and thus have a positive effect on change management and communication within the company.

Final thoughts and comments

A large number of RPA software providers can be found on the market and the components are named differently depending on the product. In principle, however, the platforms are structured in the same way and have their relative strengths and weaknesses. Routinuum GmbH is a specialized integration partner of UiPath's RPA software. The three components are called UiPath Studio, UiPath Orchestrator and UiPath Robot. The above representation of the components allows a more detailed understanding of an RPA software. In the effective implementation of an RPA project, the architecture can be somewhat more detailed and depends on the requirements of the company.

Do you have any further questions about Robotic Process Automation? Please feel free to contact us without obligation to get more information on the topic or to discuss the possible applications in your company. We are always looking forward to an interesting exchange.

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Canon, fujifilm, olympus and panasonic – using the camera as a webcam Fri, 21 Apr 2023 09:56:58 +0000 At the end of April Canon was the first manufacturer, at the end of May Fujifilm with a few models […]

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The camera from the side

At the end of April Canon was the first manufacturer, at the end of May Fujifilm with a few models and now Panasonic is also at the start. In the current Corona time not only the toilet paper is in short supply in all the stores.
Good, at least the toilet paper has disappeared very quickly. With the webcams, however, it is still the case that certain models are heavily out of stock. Out of stock is one thing, what's worse are the exorbitant prices that certain dealers have called in the meantime.
In the meantime at least cameras can be used as webcams, at least some models from certain manufacturers. Which are those, I would like to show you here in the contribution.

Use camera as webcam

Newer cameras can fortunately be upgraded via a firmware update, at least the points where it only takes a little code to do so.
Funnily enough, many of the big cameras can be used directly via microUSB cable/HDMI as a recording camera on a computer without any problems. The integration of this camera in Skype, Teams, Zoom, OBS Studio or similar apps did not work so easily until today. Among other things, this is due to the fact that some of the manufacturers have not observed clean, globally valid interfaces.

It's nice that a virus like Corona takes the responsibility of the manufacturers to finally comply with this.

Canon models

Canon was the first of the four vendors to offer a version for macOS for download in addition to the Windows 10 app. However, they themselves still call their solution beta.
Canon has DSLR, Mirrorless but also a few PowerShot models that can use the whole thing. Currently the following are supported:


  • EOS-1D X Mark II
  • EOS-1D X Mark III
  • EOS 5D Mark IV
  • EOS 5DS
  • EOS 5DS R
  • EOS 6D Mark II
  • EOS 7D Mark II
  • EOS 77D
  • EOS 80D
  • EOS 90D
  • EOS Rebel SL2 (EOS 200D)
  • EOS Rebel SL3 (EOS 250D)
  • EOS Rebel T6 (EOS 1300D)
  • EOS Rebel T6i (EOS 750D)
  • EOS Rebel T7 (EOS 2000D)
  • EOS Rebel T7i (EOS 800D)
  • EOS Rebel T100 (EOS 4000D)

EOS Mirrorless

  • EOS M6 Mark II
  • EOS M50
  • EOS M200
  • EOS R
  • EOS RP


  • PowerShot G5X Mark II
  • PowerShot G7X Mark III
  • PowerShot SX70 HS

With the EOS Webcam Utility App you get the image of your camera directly into the video conferencing solution of your choice.

Important, the app is currently only available for download from the Canon USA site. This also has to do with the fact why you see another name in brackets at the top of some models. Because in the States, certain models are sold under a different name.

Fujifilm models

Fujifilm came with its own solution at the end of last month. In direct comparison, however, with a much less extensive range of camera models. Fujifilm delivers the software for the following system cameras of the X and GFX series:

Fujifilm also started the whole thing with a Windows version. Meanwhile there is also a version for macOS available for download.
After downloading the file, you only have to unzip and install it briefly. The camera can already be used with Zoom, Teams, OBS Studio and Co. use.

Panasonic models

A few days ago I received an e-mail from Panasonic about the new tool that will make a part of their camera models webcam capable. As with Fujifilm, dei app is unfortunately only available for Windows 10. Panasonic also calls its tool Beta.

The tool is a slight variation of the Lumix Tether app with a new feature for live streaming or video conferencing. This is actually there so that the photographer can directly view the image they have taken on the large display.
The modified app, which has been available since 08. June 2020 for free download, brings the camera and its image into all the communication apps of this world.

LUMIX Tether for Streaming - Beta

The following Panasonic cameras are supported by the app:

Olympus models

In the meantime there are also from the manufacturer Olympus first cameras that allow that your big cameras can be connected to the computer.

The following models are compatible with the mentioned software or with third-party apps. For this the respective camera model needs the newest firmware.

  • OM-D E-M1X
  • OM-D E-M1 Mark III
  • OM-D E-M1 Mark II
  • OM-D E-M1
  • OM-D E-M5 Mark II

For this to work, you need to download the Olympus OM-D Webcam Beta Software. It is available for macOS as well as for Windows. But, as with other manufacturers, it is still in a beta phase.


Please note that all the solutions are offered as Beta. The manufacturers had to bring their respective solution online as fast as possible without too much testing.

In the current time, with the bottleneck of webcams and the whole online communication you can do this in any case. So far, I have not encountered any major problems with the models I have at my disposal.

Here, of course, I hope that Sony will follow suit with both systems right away.

Is your camera included? Do you use the webcam in your computer or an external one??
I use one of my three Logitech Brio 4K webcams for each of my calls. New for gaming streaming I also have the Logitech StreamCam, which will surely be used for the next home schooling.

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Best practice: tips for migration to windows 10 Thu, 20 Apr 2023 07:06:51 +0000 Many companies are still holding on to Windows 7 despite the end of support. Understandable, because organizational hurdles, lack of […]

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Many companies are still holding on to Windows 7 despite the end of support. Understandable, because organizational hurdles, lack of resources, or lack of compatibility of key applications often stand in the way of migrating to Windows 10. But the longer companies wait, the more expensive it gets. An efficient and relatively inexpensive solution is migration via a peer-to-peer architecture.

On 14. January 2020 was the deadline: after ten years, Microsoft discontinued technical support and software updates for Windows 7. There is a way out for companies that use volume licenses, they can extend the support by three years, but not exactly at a bargain price – which was to be expected. But despite the long-known end of support and the looming security risks, Windows 7 still has a market share of just under 30 percent.

Technically, the migration to Windows 10 is not too complex. The challenge especially for mid-sized companies with up to 10.000 users usually lies in governance, and the questions are numerous: How should the migration be approached logistically? If started with one site, with one department? How to communicate with employees? In addition, there is a lack of budget and capacity in IT departments and potential issues with incompatible applications that may not run smoothly after a migration to Windows 10 and negatively impact business processes.

The later, the more expensive

Given these challenges, migration to Windows 10 requires good planning and lead time. It is definitely too late for this after the end of support for Windows 7. Many companies have missed the opportunity for a smooth migration with parallel hardware replacement. The later the upgrade, the more expensive it can become and the greater the pressure to succeed. If a company does not migrate to Windows 10, for example, applications such as the ERP system may no longer be compatible after an update – that would then be the super-GAU.

A high level of knowledge and capacity is needed for the migration itself. Companies need software tools, technical resources such as sufficient network bandwidth, solution architects and project managers. Management must also be involved. An external IT service provider therefore often provides support during migration.

Peer-to-peer platform and good planning

For software distribution of Windows 10 itself, platforms based on a peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture are often better suited than just traditional system management tools like Microsoft SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) or Intune. P2P allows upgrades or patches to be distributed faster and more cost-effectively from a single server, using the existing SCCM installation.

This makes the numerous distribution points (PXE Preboot Execution Environment) required in Microsoft environments obsolete. To set up a virtual SAN, the P2P solution uses the free storage capacities of Windows clients and uses the clients as "quasi-PXE servers". This means no additional infrastructure resources are needed, or rather the existing infrastructure can be reduced or put to other uses.

Together with a proven implementation plan including risk assessment, the chances of success for a smooth migration increase significantly. As a blueprint, the plan covers the entire project cycle of the migration to Windows 10 – from planning, proof of concept (POC), testing and validation of the configuration, software distribution to production and reporting.

But even good technical planning, tested applications or a high-performance network do not guarantee a smooth migration. Errors in communication with users, governance, or even lack of business unit involvement can cause delays or problems. It is therefore important to get all users on board right from the start, for example through internal marketing measures that prepare for the migration and increase acceptance among employees.

Concrete tips for administrators

There are definitely technical issues that can cause an upgrade to Windows 10 to fail. Administrators should therefore consider the following points:

  • Hardware check: The client devices must meet the technical requirements for Windows 10, i.e. have at least 8 GB RAM and preferably a fast SSD.
  • Network connectivity: Migration requires high network bandwidth for a short period of time. Upgrading bandwidth on the WAN (Wide Area Network) can be costly for companies, especially if they operate in multiple countries.
  • Peer-to-peer: A P2P solution can help here, as it places hardly any load on the network, does not require any additional infrastructure and saves costs, as many servers become unnecessary.
  • Microsoft Intune: Intune makes a good migration option for companies with a simple IT environment. With a complex application environment, Intune still doesn't cover everything. This requires an elaborate hybrid environment with on-premise infrastructure and Intune software distribution.
  • Server: Migration to Windows 10 often requires a costly upgrade of the SCCM infrastructure. A P2P solution can replace this server infrastructure.

Challenges with P2P solutions

A P2P solution offers many features, configuration options and security checks, as well as a high degree of automation. The problem: For this powerful P2P software distribution to really show its advantages over a classic server environment, administrators must have sufficient know-how for configuration and implementation. There is therefore a high need for training.

Another challenge is the network topology. A P2P solution must map this precisely in order to optimally control and exploit the data flows and the bandwidth available in each case. If this can be achieved, P2P ensures fast, efficient migration at low cost.

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3 Free tools for benchmarking a windows gaming pc Wed, 19 Apr 2023 14:42:13 +0000 I recently purchased my first custom gaming PC and the first thing I wanted to do was check how well […]

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I recently purchased my first custom gaming PC and the first thing I wanted to do was check how well it compared to other gaming systems. I started searching and testing a number of benchmark programs for Windows, but quickly found that only a few were any good.

In this article, I’m going to write about three of my favorite benchmark programs and how I use them. I won’t go into detail about how to improve your score in this article, as that is a completely different topic. However, you should definitely research. When I used my gaming PC as a benchmark, it was in the 43rd percentile. percentile, which for me was pretty pathetic.

After I made some settings in the BIOS that affected XMP, overclocking, etc. related, I reached the 76. Percentile! So if you optimize your hardware settings, it can make a big difference in your benchmark score. The reviews shown below are from a non-gaming PC, as my gaming desktop was unavailable at the time of writing this article.


Novabench is a small benchmark program that allows you to evaluate your PC in just a few minutes. I like it because it is very easy to use and gives you simple, easy to understand results. Once you have downloaded it, install it.

Run the program and click Start Tests. They also have a pro version for $19 that lets you monitor temperature over a longer period of time, etc. can track. However, this is only necessary if you are an avid hardcore PC user.

It runs six tests that can take anywhere from a minute to a few minutes, depending on the speed of your system.

The results window gives you a Novabench score. This doesn’t mean much by itself if you are upgrading your PC before and after upgrading hardware, overclocking etc. use it several times as a benchmark. When you click View performance graphs and comparisons Clicking the button below will load a web page where you can get your percentile.

Additionally, you can click on scores and stats at the very top, which will show you all the recorded scores from highest to lowest. This way you can see how far you are from the fastest and best computer tested by Novabench software.


Another really good program and website is UserBenchmark. Simply download the software and run the EXE file to start the test. What I like about UserBenchmark is that it doesn’t even require installation.

Just click on run to start the tests. It takes a few minutes and the results are displayed in a new browser window.

You will see a score for gaming, desktop and workstation performance. If you scroll down further, you will also get an overall percentile score and a component specific percentile score.

It’s worth noting that the overall percentile value only applies to other computers with the same components. The above benchmark PC is not in the 72. Percentile of all computers that benchmark with their software. So the PC is in 72. Percentile of all computers with the same components.

FutureMark 3DMark

The other one you should use if you really want to take a demanding test for a high-end gaming computer is Futuremark’s 3DMark benchmark. The basic version is free and includes four free benchmarking tests.

I only recommend running these on a real gaming or high performance workstation as the download is a whopping 3GB! Mostly it is just large files to play high resolution graphics for testing purposes, but it costs a lot of space. Of course, you can run the benchmark and then uninstall it to get the memory back.

After you install and run 3DMark, the Time Spy benchmark loads first. Just click run to start the benchmark. These benchmarks take the longest to run because it’s the most demanding test of the three.

When it’s done, you get a score that doesn’t mean much until you compare it to other results. Click the Compare the result online Click the button to see your percentile value.

As you can see, this old computer is only better than 4% of all results! My gaming PC was better than 91% of all results. That’s all. Hopefully these benchmarks will give you a good idea of how well your PC is doing overall and compared to others using the same components. Enjoy!

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How do you build a ux team from the ground up?? Wed, 19 Apr 2023 12:29:01 +0000 When you start something – a team, an initiative, a company – you always have great opportunities ahead of you, […]

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When you start something – a team, an initiative, a company – you always have great opportunities ahead of you, but also great challenges. Daniela Hellmann and Karin Pirklbauer founded Cloudflight’s user experience team with a common goal and shared responsibility, open communication and persistence. Recently, the team has become an integral part of the success of enterprise projects. Read more about the team’s initial struggles, working methods and future plans.

What exactly UX/UI professionals do?

“The UX profession is exciting and fulfilling for anyone who enjoys working with people, understanding their needs and problems, and likes to solve problems iteratively and creatively,” says Daniela. “It’s a varied job where you can really make a difference and make people’s lives easier.”

Why do you need a UX team in a software company??

“UX is important for software quality and user adoption,” says Karin. A few years ago, when software projects at Cloudflight required UX contributions, we got last-minute requests from project managers that were difficult to handle. Also, we didn’t have an overview of the workload of other UX experts and professionals. Most of the time, each UX developer worked on their own and since there was no team, there were few opportunities to learn from each other,” Karin describes the hurdles in the early days.

“We wanted to find a solution for that and create an environment where everyone can grow,” Dani adds. “That’s why we created the UX team.”

First steps in building a team

“We knew we had to create a framework where we could share and talk to each other. So we introduced weekly meetings where we coordinate, show what we’re working on, and also get feedback on our work. We use chats and ad hoc calls to brainstorm, discuss concepts and share ideas together. While building our team, we could feel the benefits of the agile way of working from the beginning: we use retrospective meetings to learn and share ideas in regular stand-ups. It’s great to have people around who are as interested in UX as you are. That’s where the best solutions come from,” reveals Karin. “Even though we don’t work in the same places (I think I’ve seen Dani in person five times), it feels like we’re in the same place. As leaders of the UX team, Dani and I are also responsible for coordinating the UX work in the company and making sure everyone is well utilized. Together it’s much easier. We also review and discuss applications together to find new people for our team. Now in the summer of 2021, we are a group of seven and are looking forward to welcoming a:n new:n employee:in soon!”

The driving forces behind the UX team

When we asked Karin why it is best to build a team with Dani, she told us: “Dani is a very empathetic person. She finds the right words even in tricky conversations and always has everyone’s best interests in mind. That being said, she is a highly skilled UX developer and a very good friend. We share our ideas, challenge each other and push ourselves even further.”

Dani got the same question from us to Karin: “Trust is the foundation of our great collaboration. We can talk about anything and there are no taboos. I really admire that Karin looks at challenges and changes from different perspectives and focuses on the positive aspects and side effects. She’s a creator and a doer, which means she’s not only efficient but fun to work with. We are good friends, great sparring partners and an unbeatable team – that’s why I know we can achieve anything together.”

Teamwork and future milestones

Starting something is one thing. Maintaining and evolving it on an ongoing basis is another. The UX team has been at Cloudflight for ‘years. The big question now is how the founders see the future of UX in the enterprise.

“In the beginning, it was often easier to sell UX to our clientele than to build it up internally within our company. But today, it’s clear that our user-centric thinking, agile approach and long-term planning mean that we work regularly and closely with colleagues on Cloudflight projects,” says Dani. “We prioritize, try things out, do multiple iterations (not everything has to be perfect from the start), provide regular feedback, and participate in retrospective meetings.”

“First of all, I’m grateful for everything our team has accomplished so far. It amazes me how motivated, helpful and responsible everyone is,” says Karin, highlighting the benefits of teamwork. “Over the last few years, we have been able to refine our profile in the company very well. Now is the time to focus on bringing our successes and capabilities to the outside world. I believe Cloudflight is known for great software. In the future, I’d love to hear people say, ‘Oh, and they also do great UX. ‘” admits Karin.

The mission of User Experience

“Our mission is to share knowledge about UX within our team, our company, with our customers and clients, and even beyond (conferences, meetups, courses),” Dani explains.

“I strongly believe that focusing on user needs, goals and desires in software development increases the quality, acceptance and success of an application. That’s why I personally – but also we as a team – like to be involved in all our projects and create software projects with great user experience and usability for our clientele,” Dani reveals.

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How to get a software engineering job Wed, 19 Apr 2023 10:45:52 +0000 Whether you are just starting out or have experience in other high-tech fields, there are several ways to get a […]

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Whether you are just starting out or have experience in other high-tech fields, there are several ways to get a software engineering job.

Many people enter this field after graduating from university. This educational path is widely available and often highly valued by employers.


Software engineering is one of the most in-demand careers in the technology industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities in this field are expected to increase by 25% between 2021 and 2031.

Whether you want to work for a large technology company or an innovative startup, the skills and experience required can lead to employment as a software engineer. This is an excellent opportunity to earn a high income while doing something you enjoy.

Aspiring software developers should improve their programming skills outside the classroom as soon as possible through internships and personal projects. This can improve your resume, enhance your professional portfolio, and expand your network.


To secure a job as a software developer, you will need a range of skills and experience. The type of expertise required depends on the company and the job role.

To gain the skills you need for software development, take courses that cover everything from basic computer science principles to industry-specific programming languages and programming techniques. These courses will give you a thorough understanding of computer science fundamentals as well as hands-on experience with real-world projects.

Gain valuable experience in software engineering by securing an internship. By doing so, you can build a reputation as a capable candidate and increase your prospects of being hired full-time after graduation.

Language skills

For software engineering jobs, you need a strong background in math, science and technology. You must also have excellent problem solving and communication skills.

To develop these skills, the best way to gain experience is through on-the-job training. This can be achieved through online jobs, open source projects, internships, or freelance work.

Software developers need to be creative and innovative in their work. This is a great way to advance your career and gain an edge over your peers.


One of the best ways to find a software engineering job is to obtain industry certifications. These come in many different flavors, such as e.g. Web development, data science, DevOps, and security engineering.

University degrees remain the traditional path to becoming a software developer, But coding bootcamps are also becoming more popular. These programs combine hands-on training with project-based assignments to give you foundational training and valuable practical engineering experience.

In addition to a university degree, many professionals are opting for industry certifications. This is an efficient and effective way to demonstrate your expertise and marketability in a professional environment.

Research projects

A great way to develop your software engineering skills is to work on development projects. These can range in difficulty from simple to complex.

If you are just starting your career as a software developer, the projects you choose will determine how much experience you gain and how well your resume is shortlisted. Building basic utility web applications or mobile applications that others may use can be a great starting point.

If you're interested in a more technical career as a software developer, focus on project ideas that require advanced knowledge of algorithms and data structures. For example, this could be a great opportunity to explore machine learning concepts.

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3 Signs that there is a virus on your mac and how to look for them Wed, 19 Apr 2023 06:10:51 +0000 Is your Mac kind of… weird? Regardless of whether you see ads you can't explain or your system is unreasonably […]

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3 Signs that there is a virus on your Mac and how to look for them / Mac

Is your Mac kind of… weird? Regardless of whether you see ads you can't explain or your system is unreasonably slow, the problem could be malware. And you might be right (but probably not).

In 2009, my coworker Jackson asked if Macs need virus scanners. Are antivirus programs for Mac necessary? Are antivirus programs for Mac necessary? Read more . The general consensus at the time was "no," but Macs have been growing in popularity ever since – and not surprisingly, so has Mac malware.

This doesn't mean you should panic: widespread infections are still rare. Your Mac is probably clean, even if it seems otherwise.

What is Mac malware??

Still, infections happen; Here are some examples from recent months:

  • Wirelurker was spread via pirated Mac software. An attempt was made to infect an iPhone or iPad connected to infected Macs. In the process, one platform was transferred to the other, and in the process, the unique IDs of your devices were captured. No one is sure what the target of this malware is, but one researcher believes he can identify Chinese software pirates.
  • iWorm infected users who downloaded pirated software from The Pirate Bay. Infected Macs become part of a global botnet.

  • CoinThief infected users by pretending to be legitimate software and stole all the BitCoins stored on the infected Mac. Ouch.

Learn from these examples

All of these infections have one thing in common: they infect Macs through installed software outside of the Mac App Store. In some cases, pirated software is to blame; in others, it's software from sources that shouldn't be trusted.

Simply put, if you never install software outside of the Mac App Store, you have nothing to worry about. Sure, there are some browser-related exploits from time to time, and Java is a persistent problem. However, if your OS X and browsers are up to date, such infections are unlikely to happen.

If you install software from outside the Mac App Store, but search carefully for software before installing (google for a review and find an official download), you have nothing to worry about.

On the other hand: if you have installed a pirated copy of Mac software or installed plug-ins on request of a website with fake movies, you may have problems. If you used a tainted USB drive or downloaded a sketchy email attachment? Viruses can spread in unexpected ways The 7 types of computer viruses to watch out for – and, what they do Computer viruses can steal or destroy your data in many ways. Here are some of the most common types of viruses and how they work. Read more . Let's go through some signs that your Mac might be infected, just to be sure.

Sign 1: Unexpected displays and pop-ups

Adware is becoming a bigger problem on the Mac platform. If you're seeing ads in places they weren't before, there's a good chance you've installed something you shouldn't. This is especially true if you receive pop-up ads even when you are not browsing the Internet.

Sign 2: Your Mac is slow for no reason

As mentioned, some Mac malware components turn your Mac into a botnet, a global network of computers used for all sorts of purposes. If your Mac is infected, this may help DDoS use a website. What is a DDoS attack? [MakeUseOf explains] What is a DDoS attack? [MakeUseOf Explains] The term DDoS whistles by whenever cyber activism rears its head in a massive way. These types of attacks make international headlines for a variety of reasons. The problems that drive these DDoS attacks by leaps and bounds are often controversial or very high.

If your Mac is constantly slow, even when you don't have any programs open, this is possible.

Probabilities that malware is not your problem. You should probably know better how to speed up your Mac with these tricks [Mac OS X] Speed up an old Mac with these tricks [Mac OS X] Over time, a computer's performance will degrade – even Macs (gasp!). After years of not properly uninstalling applications, your hard drive may no longer be populated with preferences files and resources you no longer need. Read more, but it's worth checking malware if none of these tips work.

3. A malware scanner confirms the infection

Think your Mac might be infected? Make sure. Here are a few free programs you can use to scan your Mac and learn about infections:

  • BitDefender Virus Scanner for Mac is a free tool. It won't delete infections for you, but it will point out where to delete them with the Finder. Note that the latest version has some issues according to user reviews.
  • AdwareMedic searches for and deletes a number of common adware infections on your Mac. This is a quick scan. Therefore, try it if you see too many ads. Donations are requested, please help if the program helps you out.
  • ClamXAV is the Mac version of ClamAV, a popular open source malware detection tool. It is worth a look.

If none of these tools do anything, it is highly unlikely that your Mac is infected. There are other apps like this – if you know something better, please let us know in the comments.

What security does my Mac come with??

Your Mac has defenses that should protect you from malware. Although all these measures are not absolutely foolproof. Here are some reasons why you don't have to worry (much):

  • Gatekeeper, This protects your Mac and prevents uninformed users from potentially installing unsafe software. By default, this means that nothing came from the Mac App Store. However, you can also configure it to block apps from unknown developers. Of course, many Mac users disable Gatekeeper completely, allowing them to run whatever software they want, including components they put together themselves. The hope is that well-informed users will research the apps they run before installing them.
  • Sandboxes. Apps installed through the Mac App Store have very limited access to the broader system. This restriction is to prevent one app from messing up your entire system.
  • XProtect, officially called File Quarentine, is the anti-malware program you didn't know you had. This program has been part of OS X since 2009 and is not comparable to Windows antivirus programs. It's completely invisible to most users. You can't open the program and run a scan yourself, and you can't install updates manually. However, if you are infected with a known virus, you will probably be notified by this program. It also prevents you from opening infected files.
  • Darkness is another frequently argued advantage of the Mac. Macs now have a growing market share, but for a long time there were so few active computers running OS X that malware creators didn't bother with them. It's called "security by obscurity" – and more than a few security experts will tell you it's a load of crap – but it has long comforted Mac users. Of course, with a growing number of Mac users, this is less true today than it was before – but Windows remains the main target for malware makers.
  • We also explained system integrity protection (SIP) in newer macOS versions. 3 signs your Mac has a virus, and how to scan for them 3 signs your Mac has a virus, and How to scan for them weird? Whether you see ads you can't explain or your system is unreasonably slow, the problem could be malware. But you're probably wrong. Read more .

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