Every computer has a hard disk on which a certain amount of data can be stored. As long as disk space is free, users can back up files, pictures or videos to their computer without any problem. When the storage disk is full, it is necessary to consider how to free up storage space most easily.
1. Free up disk space by using an external hard disk
The simplest method is to call up all directories in sequence and transfer files to an external storage disk, which do not necessarily have to remain on the internal memory. It can be useful to “swap out” files with a large amount of data in particular. In this way one creates again storage capacity on the computer. In order to be able to transfer the corresponding files to another, external storage medium, such a medium must of course be available and connected. Then you can simply copy the files from one storage to another. To do this, you just need to mark the files you want to remove with the “cut” button and place them in the desired storage again with the “paste” button.
2. Delete old files
In the course of time, countless small and large files accumulate on the memory disk. Many of them, for example texts, forms or similar, become obsolete after a certain period of time and are no longer needed. Such files can also be deleted completely. To do this, mark the corresponding files with the left mouse button and click the right mouse button immediately afterwards. In the field that opens there is a “delete” button that you simply click on. You may be asked whether you really want to delete the file. If you answer the question with yes, the file will be deleted or deleted. moved to the recycle bin, whose icon can be found on the desktop. To delete the file permanently, just simply empty the recycle bin. To do this, simply click on the icon and press the button “Empty trash”.
3. Compress hard disk
Another way to free up space on the hard disk is to compress it. In this case, the stored data is reordered and rearranged, which leads to a reduction in the amount of space needed. This frees up capacity again. Depending upon existing operating system differently one must proceed, in order to compress the non removable disk. WINDOWS shall serve as an example.
With Vista and XP you can compress individual folders or files, but also the entire hard disk. The only requirement for compression is that the hard disk is formatted with the “NTFS” file system. First you have to open a window for commands with the key combination Windows key+R and the command “cmd. In this window you then enter the command “compact /c /s /i d:\*.*”, where the last command “d:\” specifies the drive of the desired hard disk. If only certain folders should be compressed, this can be done with the command “compact /c /s /i d:\backup\*.*” achieve. If the memory is compressed, you can find out under “Properties” to what extent the system was able to free memory and how much memory is still free.