Dark processing: robotic process automation for insurers – offloading clearly defined tasks

Despite highly mature IT landscapes of German insurance companies, there is a massive need to catch up when it comes to robotics. Large volumes in dark processing and many processes that still need to be handled manually make the industry tailor-made for the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). The use of digital robots in the fully automated processing of structured business processes promises insurers time savings of up to 90% and cost reductions of up to 80.

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The rocky road to artificial intelligence: how software robots and ki are making banking more efficient

Robotics applications and artificial intelligence can help banks and insurance companies efficiently meet the growing needs of customers. However, while rule-based bots are already being discussed or even tested in almost all major companies in the financial sector, there is still a long way to go before "real" artificial intelligence can add value for the institution.

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