Microsoft sccm blocks them in their flexibility?

Application management and deployment reimagined.

In a world where everything is supposed to be faster and more flexible and things can change from one day to the next, you need to be able to rely on application deployment and access within the IT environment. To meet the needs of users and administrators, it is no longer sufficient to rely on Microsoft’s SCCM.

To enable this flexibility, it requires a groundbreaking end-to-end application management platform. And that’s where Liquit comes in.

Liquit is an end-to-end application management platform that raises the bar for enterprise application solutions. Incredibly intuitive, highly flexible, and technology agnostic, Liquit gives its customers a competitive edge that increases productivity, reduces costs, and enables working from anywhere – essential in today’s marketplace.

Application management is a complicated and evolving problem that IT teams have been dealing with for decades. With so many variables in application delivery and hybrid IT environments, there are endless ways to get into trouble. The team at Liquit has decades of experience in dealing with these kinds of problems and is passionate about eliminating just these kinds of frustrations for businesses and end users. Since 2015, Liquit has worked to minimize complexity and make application access and management simple and intuitive.

Typical end users don’t care about the technological complexity of application deployment and management. They simply want to be able to access and use applications they need, regardless of where they work or what device they use.

A case study of Hauzer Techno Coating highlights how easy it is to make the switch and the benefits it provides.

Liquit provides easy application installation for a booming surface coating pioneer

IHI Hauzer Techno Coating is on track to achieve its goal of ease of maintenance.

  • Customer: IHI Hauzer Techno Coating has been a pioneer in plasma coating equipment since 1983, providing various surface coating solutions for products in many major industries.
  • Challenge: With employees relying on a variety of software that they can access from anywhere, the company needed an easy-to-use application self-installation solution.
  • Solution: Liquit-as-a-Service provided Hauzer’s IT department with a simple and flexible solution to introduce a self-service installation and workstation option for its employees worldwide.
  • Results: While the full Liquit solution is still being rolled out, the company is already seeing significant time and labor savings and positive feedback from employees.

Hauzer Techno Coating

Hauzer Techno Coating is a pioneer in the specialized coatings industry with the goal of becoming a leader in sustainable technologies. To achieve this goal, the growing company needs solutions like Liquit that enable its global workforce to work smarter and more efficiently using self-service capabilities.

Michel van den Einden, IT Manager at Hauzer, has set specific goals for continuous improvement over the past few years, taking a methodical approach to eliminate weaknesses and improve technological capabilities. The IT department improved serviceability, which it identified as a key area of concern. It also needed to fundamentally improve the process for approving applications, installations and updates.

The team first explored the Microsoft Autopilot feature of Windows as a viable solution for onboarding devices without IT helpdesk support. They found that the technology did not meet expectations for ease of use and a consistent approach to installing applications. Thanks to their internal scripting experience, they were also able to try PowerShell as a potential solution, but this solution did not meet the usability requirements for end users.

Faster with self-service as a priority

“The ideal application installation solution should be faster and presented to the user in a way that they can help themselves,” says van den Einden. “We needed something other than Microsoft Autopilot or scripting to avoid application installation hell from the IT department’s perspective.”

After initial discussions with Hauzer’s internal IT team, Liquit chose Dutch partner IT-Value to work on a proof-of-concept and ultimately help implement the project. As a winner of the Liquit Newcomer of the Year 2019 and Partner of the Year 2020 awards, IT-Value was the ideal partner to help Hauzer’s IT team with this project.

After reviewing the capabilities of Liquit-as-a-Service, particularly for application deployment, van den Einden found that it met many of his desired objectives and more. Some of these benefits include:

  • Access to cloud-based applications – via Liquit interfaces
  • End-user self-service – creating a consistent, fast and seamless method of installing applications for all users in the organization – without the need for a help desk ticket
  • Hassle-free deployment – Especially with new application updates to endpoints
  • Automatic updates – IT resources no longer have to spend time on the constant stream of patches and updates required for numerous applications
  • Do more with less – for a booming company with a small IT department and limited resources, a solution that saved time and money was essential

Liquit is rolled out to the delight of end users

After evaluating Liquit-as-a-Service, Hauzer’s IT department deployed the solution to its global end users with excellent results. This is especially true in the high-priority areas of application installation, ease of use, self-service, and freeing up the IT department to focus on important tasks and higher priorities. Hauzer has been using the Liquit solution since May 2021..

“My philosophy is that there shouldn’t be software that is difficult to install or maintain, but software that is easy to set up and forget,” says van den Einden. “My goal was to maintain this type of IT environment. I have accomplished this for many programs by using Liquit as a workspace manager and connecting to the Setup Store.”

The Hauzer team chose the cloud-based Liquit-as-a-Service solution over an on-premise solution to have the flexibility and ability to move some applications to the cloud, which was a real time saver. Van den Einden explained how this sets up a fully automated approval and installation process for end users to select and receive the applications they want to use in their digital workspace and on their devices:

“The user doesn’t care if the application is running on premise or in the cloud. It’s completely transparent to them. They don’t need to ask, “Can I have this program?” or “Would you like to set up this license for me??”. We have the approval workflow running, so I can approve an app and buy a license for the user, which we can set up easily and quickly, so now I don’t have to do anything but change the shortcut in the workspace. In addition, the automatic updates provide an important feature that will bring further benefits as the shift to the cloud increases.”

The company is still in what van den Einden calls the “first phase” of getting the Liquit solution up and running, with positive end-user feedback showing significant results shortly after deployment.

“My end users are surprised and say, ‘This is so easy’ or ‘This is really fun’. You don’t have to wait because the applications are available immediately,” says van den Einden. ” You don’t have to wait for the IT department to install the software you want, or ask where to find it because it’s in the catalog. So I can just send them a ticket and tell them, ‘Here it is,’ and they can easily do it themselves, which works really well for everybody.

Equally important, according to van den Einden, is that the solution has been enthusiastically embraced by the entire IT department: “It’s nice to see that my team also loves Liquit because of the flexibility it gives them to do so much with it, which is a real time saver.”

“My philosophy is, don’t install software. Don’t wait for software. ‘Just have it, set it and forget it’. -Michel van den Einden, IT Manager, Hauzer Techno Coating

“You don’t need to wait for the IT department to install the software you want, or ask where to find it because it’s in the catalog. So I can just send them a ticket and tell them, ‘Here it is, try to help yourself.’ And it works. It simply works.” – Michel van den Einden, IT Manager, Hauzer Techno Coating

“And it’s also good for my team to see that they like Liquit. They love the flexibility of being able to do so much. It’s a real time saver.” – Michel van den Einden, IT Manager, Hauzer Techno Coating

Can your business benefit from a revolutionary, end-to-end application management platform?

We can help you figure out how to take advantage of deploying, accessing and managing applications that meet today’s demands for location-independent operations, cost effectiveness and IT efficiency.