Notebook battery care: how to make your battery last longer

Notebook battery care

Whether a startup or a long-established company, more and more companies are switching from desktop PCs to laptops and notebooks. One reason for this is that the boss and employees can remain flexible with the mobile computers and can take their data / work with them everywhere. But also from private households are laptop& Co. In 2017, more than 70 percent of all households in Germany already had a notebook, netbook or laptop.

A big advantage of these mobile computers is the battery operation, which allows the owner to use his notebook almost everywhere without being dependent on a power outlet. Thus, both entrepreneurs and private users strive to always have a functioning battery, and you can contribute to this yourself in a number of ways.

Intense heat and cold reduce battery performance

Extreme heat as well as severe sub-zero temperatures damage the battery. If you take your notebook with you on a trip, make sure that it is not exposed to strong sunlight. If you’re going on a business trip, for example, you shouldn’t leave your notebook in a parked car for a longer period of time. Temperatures of over 30 degrees arise here in midsummer, which weaken the battery performance and also harm the notebook itself. The same applies when it’s cold – so wrap your notebook especially well on frosty days.

➔ Avoid heat accumulation!

Not only outdoors, but also during daily work with the notebook, too much heat can damage the battery. Therefore, always make sure that the ventilation slots are not covered. Even a soft surface can cause heat accumulation. However, this happens more often during private use, when the notebook is placed on a pillow or blanket.

Note: It is normal that the notebook battery loses power in the long run. My tips and tricks can’t prevent that the battery will run out at some point of time. If this is already the case, I recommend to replace the battery. Get advice from a specialist retailer or use the service on akku.The company is one of the leading manufacturers of notebooks in the world, with a range of well over 100 notebook brands. As long as the notebook doesn’t show any further defects due to its age, an exchange is the cheaper alternative to buying a new notebook.

Battery out during power operation

At this point, all those who use their notebook both in the office and while traveling are once again addressed. If your schedule includes a longer office time, i.e. several days, this is the best opportunity to give the battery a break. Take out the battery – turn off the notebook and follow the instructions in the manual – because if the battery remains in the device during power operation, it will be unnecessarily stressed by the automatic charging. However, the battery should not be completely empty when you take it out, because even if it is “just lying around”, the battery loses energy.

Save the notebook battery with Windows 10

In addition to the manual maintenance tasks you have to do, the operating system also helps you to conserve the notebook’s battery. However, it is a prerequisite that you have installed Windows 10 and the corresponding update, Fall Creator version 1709. Power Throttling is the name of the function that saves electricity and thus ensures a longer battery life. As a user, you don’t have to make any settings, as they are automatically made by the system.

Tips for emergencies

The maintenance of the notebook battery is one thing, its reliability during operation is another. It is not uncommon for the battery to weaken and there is no way to recharge it far and wide. The experts from updatet.We have prepared a detailed guide for this case, which advises, among other things, to first disconnect all external data media and to reduce the screen brightness. Closing all unneeded programs can also help conserve battery power, extending its runtime until the next load.

Extra tip: As already mentioned above, a battery also wears out without your intervention, i.e. even when it isn’t used at all. Therefore, when buying a notebook, pay attention to the production date, because this also shows the age of the battery.