The gone out guide for online events

Yes, the lockdown blues have hit us too. But let's fight together against the dreariness and the winter melancholy – with excellent online events. Digital meeting spaces create a bridge between artists* and fans. Of course, it's not the same as feeling the excitement of an entire hall full of culture-loving revelers. But digitalization offers many opportunities for interaction, to establish a connection also virtually. With the interactive chat on our streaming platform Dringeblieben, for example, we take a first step to overcome this hurdle. With the Rausgegangen Guide for Online Events, we provide you with a guide that supports you in implementing your event.


Live or pre-recorded? You have the choice. A live performance is of course cooler, both for the artist and the viewer, but nothing is worse than a stream that hangs, has a bad picture or crashes all the time. Your Internet is not stable enough to meet the demands of streaming? In this case, produce your stream beforehand. In the village you have the possibility to upload a video file and have it streamed at the desired time.


If you're going to do it, do it? It should be LIVE! Whether it's from home, a studio, or a rooftop skyscraper, there are a few things to keep in mind for a good livestream. Most important: How stable is my internet?? Optimal is a consistent upload rate of 3 Mbit/s. We have summarized all further technical requirements in our Howto for you. And very important for the streaming mission: a backup plan. Record your stream at the same time and have a second option ready, just in case.

You don't need to buy the non plus ultra of the technology to produce a good livestream. Important: a laptop or smartphone, an external camera, an audio adapter and the streaming software. A few of the most successful streams were recorded with a smartphone alone.


What do we miss most at this time of year during performances?? The audience! Cheering, stagedive, moshpit, all not possible with distance rules and contact ban. But when streaming on Dringeblieben, your viewers don't just sit back and watch. You become part of the live performance with digital crowdsurfing! Through our interactive chat they can applaud, throw hats, toast and much more. You can use our chat to moderate your talk shows, start quiz games, reveal song lyrics for karaoke and and and. There are no limits for you. The stage is yours!


The key to a successful online event is the audience – duh! For your online crowd to almost storm the digital stage, they first need to hear about the event. Important here: let them know what to expect in the stream. Small surprises, a complete concert, unreleased material, live talk or quiz – let them know! Be honest. If your stream is pre-recorded, admit it. This also offers the possibility to communicate personally with viewers in the chat and at the same time anticipates the annoyance that comments in the stream are simply ignored. Prepare branded templates and have everyone share the event on their social media, write a newsletter, list your event on all relevant platforms.

You also want to place your event on Rausgegangen or Ask Helmut? We are happy to help you promote your event! Simply register your event with us, after a short check the event will be visible in our app. You want to make your event stand out? Contact Tim and he will tell you what we can do: [email protected]


Okay, now you have organized the livestream, the crowd is also at the start. But as nice as the feeling of digital cohesion is, we all can't live on air and love. On Dringeblieben we offer you several features to monetize your streams:

  • Crowdfunding to make the financing of your stream possible
  • Paywall for exclusive content
  • Subscription models for permanent supporters
  • Supporter ticketing, which allows your viewers to show you their love, just like that