The miracle cure natron

Natron (sodium hydrogen carbonate or sodium bicarbonate) is a somewhat forgotten miracle cure, which our grandmothers still appreciated very much. This all-rounder is versatile, be it in the kitchen e.g. in the fight against pesticides, in the bath or also as effective cure and beauty means. And the best thing about it, it costs almost nothing and you can get it without prescription in pharmacies, supermarkets or drugstores.

Sodium bicarbonate as body care

Sodium bicarbonate has an alkaline effect, which enables it to neutralize acids and convert them into carbonic acid.

By our today’s nutrition, permanent stress, too little movement and stimulants such as cigarettes, alcohol and coffee, we have nearly all a too sour ph-value. Through our skin the body tries to release these acids. A weekly full bath with Natron can support the organism thereby. The addition of sodium bicarbonate increases the pH value up to 8.5, only from this value an effective detoxification and deacidification is possible.

Allow yourself 45-60 min. Relaxation in the ca. 36-38 degree warm water. Use two packets of baking soda for a full bath. Do without the usual bath additives here. Who can switch off however only with gentle smells, has the possibility alternatively some drops of ethereal oils (rose oil, sandalwood) from biological cultivation to add. Sprinkle the sodium bicarbonate powder into the tub just before bathing and make sure that you buy pure, additive-free sodium hydrogen carbonate, which does not contain any aluminum compounds.

Gentle body rubs with a Hamam glove or a massage brush have a supporting effect. The sodium bicarbonate powder can also be used as a peeling, dead skin flakes can be removed gently and the skin looks fresh and smooth again. Who does not have a bath tub, which should set regularly on foot baths with Natron. The sodium bicarbonate water has a purifying effect, promotes blood circulation and rewards you with velvety soft skin. Such a bath is extremely pleasant, but also exhausting for the body. It is advisable to have a carafe of water or an alkaline tea within reach, as thirst often sets in.

After drying off, you do not need a rich body care, because the body’s own re-fatting of the skin is stimulated. However, if you do not want to give up your routine, I recommend argan oil as a little insider tip at this point, which provides the skin with moisture without making it greasy. In addition to deacidification, regular sodium bicarbonate baths are also said to have a rejuvenating effect on our skin. People suffering from skin diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis will notice a relief of symptoms relatively quickly.

Sodium bicarbonate as a remedy

In the past, sodium bicarbonate was successfully used for a wide variety of diseases. Today, sodium bicarbonate is a component of many alternative cancer therapies, as it helps to protect vital organs from the poison of chemotherapy.Who is strongly overacidified, has to fight as a rule more frequently with flu and heartburn. Natron can also be used effectively here.

Heartburn occurs when stomach acid is regurgitated and enters the esophagus. There it has a corrosive effect and causes an unpleasant burning sensation. The cause often lies with excessively spicy and fatty foods and a stressful daily routine.

In the meantime, there are numerous preparations on the market that are intended to counteract this effect. But why swallow expensive medicines, if also Natron can create successful remedy? There are no side effects to worry about with occasional use. Here you should not take natron immediately before or after meals, because the stomach acid is neutralized and digestion could be hindered as a result. Also a long-term intake of soda is not recommended. If heartburn occurs frequently, only a fundamental change in diet and an examination for more serious causes make sense. For acute heartburn, dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda powder in a glass of lukewarm water. Drink the solution slowly and in small sips. Who does not like the unusual taste, can alternatively fall back on soda tablets or enrich the water with lemon or maple syrup. Sodium bicarbonate is also a proven household remedy for sore throats. Gargle with baking soda several times a day for at least half a minute. It neutralizes acids in the throat and pharynx effectively. Again, the above dosage applies (1 tsp of baking soda powder in a glass of lukewarm water).

Natron as a household remedy

Natron was to be found as a proven household remedy in almost every household. And quite rightly so, because sodium bicarbonate is actually versatile, as described earlier. It is also particularly effective against pesticides.

Pesticide residues are only a part of the pollution to which we are exposed daily. Some pesticides can cause allergies, damage fertility, or lead to serious diseases such as cancer. Why is it then at all still allowed to inject fruits and vegetables so strongly? The amount of these toxins do not kill us from eating them once, of course, but they accumulate in our body and thus can cause the above diseases. Thus, foods that are actually important factors for a healthy diet can actually have the opposite effect in the long term. Grapes, strawberries from abroad, citrus fruits, melons and apples are among the most contaminated fruits. For this reason, it is essential to pay attention to organic quality when making a purchase.

Here, too, the miracle cure soda can help us, because it is able to neutralize pesticides by its ph-value. For a solution, you need half a lemon for natural disinfection, 2 tsp. baking soda and approx. 500 ml of water. In the household, sodium bicarbonate can also be used as a cleaning booster and odor neutralizer. In contrast to many chemical cleaning agents, it is natural and environmentally friendly.

So you see that natron should not be missing in any household. If you still have questions about the applicability of baking soda, it is best to contact the experts – our grandmothers 😉

Disclaimer: This text contains general information only and is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor. Any individual questions you may have about your condition or therapy should be discussed with your physician.

Corinnna Slawitschka has been intensively involved with various nutritional teachings, micronutrients and the importance of mental health for several years now. Based on these findings, it has developed the ideal lifestyle for the modern, stressed individual, which it has itself been successfully implementing for years. Together with Julia Krake, she founded the Rethinker Community at the end of 2014 to share and expand this knowledge.