Todoist: to-do list, tasks & reminders

Why use a to-do list app and not pen and paper?

There's nothing wrong with a paper todo list, but going digital has many advantages. Paper is fine if you like handwriting, crossing out tasks in ink or pencil, and drawing arrows everywhere when deadlines and priorities change. With a to-do list app, you can get everything done much more efficiently by dragging & dropping tasks Reorder drops, change a priority or due date with one click, and attach a note with additional thoughts to a task. In many ways, a good Todoist app is the ultimate productivity app.

As many to-do list apps as there are, few are much better than others. For example, there are dozens of apps that are great for Android, but they won't do you any good if you're working on a laptop and need to write down a task without losing your place. For this list, we looked for apps that you can access on both desktop and mobile devices. We also looked at how these apps help you organize your tasks and stay on top of things. We consider collaboration tools that allow you to share a to-do list with others a bonus, but not a requirement. We also looked for apps that fit different user profiles, such as people who follow the Getting Things Done (GTD) organizational method (OmniFocus 3 and Toodledo are good choices) or those who prefer to write down tasks with a stream of consciousness (Workflowy is the app that fits there).

One of the most popular to-do list apps, Wunderlist, was acquired by Microsoft in 2015 and decommissioned five years later. Microsoft's stated goal was to build a replacement app for Wunderlist from the ground up, cloning all of its best features in the process. The new app, Microsoft To Do, honestly took too long to launch and arrived half-finished anyway. Although the app has slowly improved since its debut, there are many alternatives to Wunderlist that you can use to transfer your old to-do lists from Wunderlist to the new app.

What to look for in a Todoist app

There are a few features to look for in a to-do app. The first three are:

Tools to manage and organize your tasks
Collaboration options
First, you need to like the design and user interface of an app. Seriously. How will you get things done when you can't bear to look at your ugly app? If you like looking at your list, you're more likely to use it. It also helps if navigating the app feels intuitive to you. When a thought pops into your head about what you need to do, you want to be able to capture it quickly so you can forget it and go back to what you were doing.


Second, each to-do list app includes tools and features for organizing your tasks and lists. These features need to fit your mindset. For example, if you are a very visual person, it may be important to color-code your lists or high-priority tasks. If you're a deadline-oriented person, you might want to make sure you can sort your tasks by due date or put them in a calendar view. If you are a forgetful person, you may want an app that can send you many reminders on different devices.

Third, it's always nice to have the ability to create lists collaboratively. For home use, a collaborative to-do list means you can assign tasks to others or track who has purchased items from a shared shopping list. In a business environment, collaborative task management makes working together easier and more transparent.

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The best free todoist app

Some of the best to-do list apps come with a robust free service tier. Our favorites are Asana and Todoist. Asana can be too free for some people's taste. Todoist has more inherent structure.

Another very good free app is Remember the Milk. Compared to the other apps on this list, it's a bit more old-fashioned in some ways, but it's very powerful and reliable. It is also very intuitive. You can see all the pros and cons of this app in minutes.find out todoist premium

Many of the other to-do apps on this list are excellent, but their free versions are pretty limited compared to the power of their paid versions.

The best Todoist app for teams

It should come as no surprise that our top picks for teams are also the Editors' Choices: Todoist Premium (meaning the paid version) and Asana.

Todoist works best in small groups of people organizing relatively straightforward tasks, while Asana is better for deeper teamwork, the kind of work that shifts between many hands and goes through many phases before it's completed.


todoist app vs. Management

An ongoing challenge in the world of software is deciding what classifies as a project management app. We think project management apps fit a traditional form of apps that a group of people use to manage a project. A project is a series of tasks with a start date, an end date, and a deliverable. Building a house is a project. Sending a rocket to the moon is a project. However, responding to support emails is a series of ongoing tasks, not a project.

Some work-related tasks, while meeting the definition of a project, are small enough that they don't need to be tracked and logged in a project management app. Collaborative to-do list apps overlap heavily as a category with so-called work management apps. Asana is an app that we sometimes refer to as a work management app or even a workflow management app, but it is also classified as a to-do app. These types of apps are ideal for managing smaller projects or a series of tasks that are work in progress.

Let's take the example of publishing a news report. There are several people working on this so-called project, e.g. B. A reporter, a fact checker, an editor and a production editor. From start to finish, however, work is not so cumbersome that weekly reports or a Gantt chart are needed to keep track of it all. To post a message, each person involved only needs to know the order in which the tasks are to be completed and when each person has completed their tasks so that the work can be passed on to the next person in a timely manner.

So we can see how a project management to-doist app and a collaborative to-do app serve the same function, but on a different scale. Both keep track of what needs to be done, when, and by whom. They help us manage time more efficiently and regulate how many tasks are on our plate at once. todoist app are easier and cheaper than project management software. For many types of work, they are better suited.


Use your to-do list to get organized

A great to-do list app can help you get organized and get more done, whether you're managing personal tasks or those of a family or small team.todoist recurring tasks