Working as a security – requirements & fields of activity in the security service


Standing in front of clubs as security, monitoring buildings or keeping order on the train may sound easy. If you want to work as a security, however, you have a lot of responsibility. After all, the security industry holds a number of dangers in store. What happens if someone suddenly starts to riot on the train, there are crowds at large events or someone wants to gain access to a club by any means necessary?? This is exactly when security comes into play, not only to keep order, but often also to deal with injured people.

Precisely because dangerous situations or violence occur again and again in a wide variety of areas, people feel safer when there is security on site. Working in the security industry is not only very important, it is also very varied. But really anyone can become a security guard? I explain below the requirements and areas of activity in the security service.

Tasks of a security employee

If you want to get a foothold in the security industry, you should first think about the field in which you want to work. Because the range of applications in the security industry is wide. Here are just a few examples:

  • Doorman in front of clubs
  • Object protection (e.g. Entrance and access control, gatekeeper and reception service)
  • Protecting events (e.g. as a steward, at the entrance control, etc.)
  • Personal Protection
  • store surveillance
  • Security guards in transport companies (bus, train, airport)

As a security in front of a club, you monitor, for example, the age, clothing, alcohol level and aggressiveness of the visitors and determine who is allowed into the club. At the airport, on the other hand, you control e.g. the luggage. They can also be deployed in buses or trains and keep order there. The areas of responsibility are therefore huge and very diverse. Therefore, it is worthwhile to see in advance which area would be most suitable for you.

The good: the demand for security employees has increased extremely in recent years. Because the Corona pandemic requires much more security measures. So if you want to work in the security industry, you now have good job opportunities. So just take a look around, because according to Statista there are about 5.700 guard and security service companies in Germany always looking for employees.

Requirements for working as a security employee

If you want to work in the security industry, you have to meet a few requirements. First of all, you must be of legal age and have a high school diploma. Furthermore, it is very important that you have a police clearance certificate without any entries. In addition, for security jobs you have to pass an examination in accordance with. pass § 34a GewO (trade regulations). This exam tests your knowledge in the areas of law, security, order, dealing with people and danger prevention. The examination usually takes place at the IHK and consists of a written and an oral part. You can learn the material relevant to the exam in preparatory courses, which are eligible for funding from the employment agency and the job center.

If you want to work in the security industry, you must also have a certain level of physical fitness, mental stability and a solid command of written and spoken German. Likewise, a class B driver’s license is required for many jobs. Also important are a confident appearance, a well-groomed appearance, communication skills and excellent manners. After all, it can also happen that you get into dangerous situations. In these you must show a de-escalating appearance and be able to make smart decisions quickly.

The exact requirements, however, depend entirely on the specific area in which you would like to work. For example, in certain security fields, the willingness to work nights and shifts, as well as work on weekends or Sundays and holidays are also a prerequisite. Some employers even require a clean Schufa information, which must be free of serious entries.

Checklist for working in the security sector

  • Minimum age of 18
  • school-leaving qualification
  • Qualification according to expert examination gem. § 34a trade regulations
  • have an impeccable police clearance certificate
  • good written and spoken German
  • Knowledge of foreign languages is an advantage
  • mental and physical stability
  • confident appearance
  • well-groomed appearance
  • good communication skills
  • Willingness to work 24 hours a day

How high is the salary in the security service?

as an employee in the security service you have good earning possibilities. Basically, however, the salary depends on your qualification. According to www.salary the average salary is 2.628 Euro per month. The lower monthly salary is 1.988 Euro. Security guards in jobs that require higher qualifications, on the other hand, can even earn up to 3.earn 590 Euro and more. In addition, there are numerous allowances and bonuses that security employees can receive. This includes, for example, supplements for night, Sunday and public holiday work, as well as a 13. Salary and Christmas bonus.

However, the size of the company and the location of the employer also have an influence on earnings. Salaries in southern Germany, for example, tend to be higher than in the north. Also, the more senior you are, the higher your salary will be. Ultimately, however, the area of activity also plays a major role when it comes to earnings. Bodyguards therefore earn significantly more than doormen or store detectives.


A job in the security industry is a demanding job that comes with a lot of responsibility. Whereas in the past an imposing stature was sufficient to work as a doorman, today you have to bring significantly more to the table. The most important prerequisite is the expert examination according to §34a of the trade regulations. Without this exam, you can’t get a foothold in the security industry. In addition, you must be aware that you need to be absolutely fit to work as security. Both physical and mental. This also means that you must not have a tendency to gambling addiction. Because people who are addicted to gambling in particular could be unstable and thus even susceptible to blackmail.

But social skills are also an important prerequisite for security work. If you are shy and easily flustered, you don’t stand a chance in the security industry. Self-confidence, ability to work in a team, communication skills and empathy are important. In order to be able to assess difficult situations realistically, you need to be able to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. So no one should claim that working in the security sector is a piece of cake. Quite the opposite. Security is a round-the-clock business and demands a lot from security employees.