3 Gymnastic exercises for the face to do

Gymnastic exercises for the face

Do you have a desk job? Then you know how tiring staring at the screen for a long time can be. Not only the eyes are affected. Concentrated and strenuous work also demands facial muscles. Headaches and tension are the result. A few gymnastics exercises for the face can help. If you get into the habit of loosening your face in this way every day, then instead of a pinched expression, you will be able to approach others with loose, relaxed facial features.

Facial gymnastics exercise 1- Tense and let go

As strange as it may sound at first, one way to loosen tense muscles is to tense them specifically. By letting go, the muscles get the information that they do not have to work so tense anymore.

  • For this exercise to work well, it is best to sit upright on a chair and concentrate fully on a calm stream of breath.
  • Let the arms fall heavily to the side, but without drooping the shoulders.
  • Then take a deep breath and, while holding it, tense all facial muscles as much as you can for ten seconds.
  • Visualize your muscles and really try to tense all of them. But only make an effort on the face. All other parts of the body remain relaxed.
  • When you have counted to ten, exhale with a deep sigh and let all tension fall away from you.
  • Feel how each muscle calms down. While doing this, also relax your jaw, open your lips a little and reduce eye pressure to a minimum.

The resting period should last twenty to thirty seconds. Then the whole thing should be repeated three to five times.

Gymnastics exercise for the face 2 – Stretching the mouth

For this exercise, assume the same posture as in the previous one and wait until a steady breathing rhythm is established.

  • Then take a deep breath and tear your mouth open as if you were about to bite into an oversized hamburger.
  • Again, feel how each of the small muscles feels while holding your breath for ten seconds.
  • When releasing, let the air hiss out of your lungs again with a sigh.
  • Feel into the muscles of the mouth area so that you really let it all go, while breathing deeply into the belly again for the following twenty to thirty seconds.

This exercise should also be repeated three to five times.

Gymnastics exercise for the face 3 – facial massage

Another technique to calm your tense muscles is to massage them with your hands. To do this, sit back down in the starting position and breathe into your stomach. To make this easier, you can also first place a hand on your diaphragm and then consciously breathe there.

  • When massaging, first start with the temples. These are worked with the index, middle and ring fingers in gentle circular motions.
  • To really focus on the relaxation, it may be helpful to close your eyes.
  • After two to three minutes you can continue with the massage of the forehead. To do this, press the fingers on the forehead and then move the head slightly to the right and left.
  • The pressure of the fingertips should be so strong that the scalp shifts slightly. This massage should last about two to four minutes.
  • Subsequently, the scalp is then massaged as well. This is best done from front to back and center to sides.
  • This involves pressing the fingertips on the head with light pressure.
  • However, they can also reach into your hair and use it to move their scalp back and forth.

When doing any massage exercises, make sure to keep your shoulders loose. If you do gymnastics exercises for the face correctly, you can even get rid of annoying headaches this way.