6 Useful tips for increasing company productivity

By the term “business productivity” we are actually referring to a measure of how successfully capital and labor are converted into services and products. We mainly visualize it as the amount of output per hour that can be produced by your company. For the majority of companies, the higher production rate is always promoted. Consequently, many companies currently want to do more manufacturing with less resource consumption.

Company productivity

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“New work” in your company? Background and tips

Working hours from Monday to Friday, eight hours a day with an hour for lunch are still common in many professions. For some time now, however, a model has been gaining popularity that competes with the traditional 9-to-5 job. We took a look at this idea and explain what's behind the term "New Work" is. In addition, there are a few tips for implementation in this article right away.

Are traditional work models still effective?

Because more and more people would probably answer this question with "no", there has been movement on the subject for some time now. The term "New Work" gathers flexible, collaborative, and technology-driven ways of working that are more likely to meet the demands of the modern economy and a person's ability to perform at his or her best. The concept was originally developed in the 1970s by the American-Austrian philosopher Frithjof Bergmann as a counter-model to capitalism.

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Intersection between container and backup is increasing

Intersection between containers and backup is growing

There is hardly a company that develops software that has not addressed the topic of containers by now. Definitely not a single enterprise has not taken a critical look at its current backup infrastructure in recent months. In the process, it became and still often becomes clear that these two topics have a great deal of overlap.

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Zoneminder: all-round video surveillance solution

Video surveillance software sounds dull, like a system government agencies and businesses use to monitor their buildings and the people in them. But from the baby monitor alternative to the aquarium camera, there are countless applications for which one would like to have more than just a simple webcam. This is where ZoneMinder comes in handy: the open-source software can record any number of camera video streams, generate events when something happens on one of the images, forward the data to the cell phone and even recognize people and objects via AI if needed.

The ZoneMinder interface offers a lot of settings

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Addressing promotion – here’s how they go about it!

Eventually the time comes. Your colleagues have long since climbed several rungs on the career ladder, only you yourself are still standing where you once started. Time to make a change, time to make a move!

You now have three choices: Either change jobs within your company in hopes of finally getting ahead there, or change companies right away. The third option is to approach your boss for a promotion. All three of these variations have one thing in common: They have to deal with their supervisor, negotiate, and present their accomplishments in the best possible light.

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What are the biggest challenges in conversion tracking?

Tracking your conversions tells you what happens after users interact with your ad. Conversion is the term used to describe all customer actions that you define as valuable to you. For example, you can track,

  • Whether a user who clicked on your ad actually purchased your product.
  • whether a user who clicked on your ad has signed up for your newsletter
  • whether a user who clicked on your ad called your company
  • Or whether a user who clicked on your ad downloaded your app.

Conversion Tracking: Sign Up

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