The e-learning strategy: how to define your goals and choose an lms platform

Even if the cost of purchasing an LMS platform has greatly decreased, other costs must be factored in, such as e.g. train the teaching staff in these new tools. Therefore, you need to be clear about goals and expectations before making the purchase.

In this article, we suggest you:

  • To learn about the SAMR model, a method used by trainers to formalize an e-learning strategy;
  • Determine how to define goals for an e-learning strategy;
  • Establish the criteria on which you can base the selection of an LMS platform.

How to use the SAMR model to create an e-learning strategy

The SAMR model is a method used by instructors to formalize an e-learning strategy. This technology is proving particularly useful for educators who want to add a digital dimension to their educational projects. It is a first step to initiate the digital transformation!

  • Substitution: in this case, the instructor will simply replace a task that was previously done on paper with a digital medium. This can be a quiz conducted via smartphone.
  • Augmentation: the technology will not only replace existing tools, but also lead to a functional improvement. For the instructor, this specifically means incorporating a digital element (e.g. a video animation) before the start of a training to present the objectives and the process of the training.
  • Modification: this stage of the model implies a redefinition of the traditional roles of trainers and learners. Learners are no longer passive and accumulate knowledge, but become real actors by creating content and sharing it.
  • Redefinition: technology will create new types of tasks that were previously impossible both formally (bringing together different learners and instructors from different geographical areas in a virtual classroom) and functionally (using tools to tailor training precisely to the learner’s profile).

Set goals for the e-learning strategy: Asking the right questions

Note: We recommend that you create SMART goals so that they:

  • specific (create an e-learning module for an office technology training course),
  • Are measurable (you need to precisely define a quantitative goal that you want to achieve, e.g. An 80% completion rate for your e-learning courses)
  • Being action-oriented (what are the first steps you need to take to create your first e-learning module),
  • are achievable (you should set realistic goals that reflect your financial, human and technological resources, etc. take into account)
  • are time-limited: You need to set a deadline for achieving your goals. At what point do you want to start your e-learning training? In this way, you can also motivate the troops to!

We have compiled a list of questions to help you formalize an e-learning strategy and set objectives.

  • What resources are available to you? What is your budget for creating e-learning modules? How many instructors do you have who can lead a remote training session?
  • If you are in the training department of a company, it would be useful to ask yourself if the training plan is. Conversely, if you work in an educational institution, ask about the current educational catalog. To what extent is it possible to integrate e-learning trainings?
  • What learning methods do you want to use? Do you intend to create a mix of face-to-face and distance learning or would you rather produce your first 100% e-learning module?
  • Which target audience are you addressing? To what extent is this target audience “familiar” with the tools from the new technologies?
  • What content is published? Do you need to adapt the content of a face-to-face course to a distance learning course? Do you need to create new content?

Good to know: Conduct a market analysis to compare what distance education your competitors already offer. Moreover, since the e-learning market is changing very quickly, you need to stay up-to-date to assess new e-learning trends.

How to choose an LMS (Learning Management System)?

This step is part of a global approach that leverages new technologies to usher in true digital transformation.

First, we need to address the question of why choose an e-learning platform.

The technological aspect: an open source or a proprietary LMS platform?

An open source LMS

An “open source” LMS can also be used, modified, or duplicated by anyone. Open source software can therefore be easily shared by all and the source code shared by the general public.

Even if this option seems tempting on paper, this type of LMS platform is used less and less due to its high cost. It is absolutely necessary to have personnel on hand who are capable of developing and maintaining their own IT infrastructure. Also, your technical teams need to be able to handle hosting.

Because it is based on a community of developers, no one owns the computer code of an “open source” LMS platform. If there are any problems, you will have a hard time finding someone to take responsibility for them. Ultimately, the integration of certain features cannot be guaranteed because no one owns the source code and development depends on the “good will” of the developer and user community.

A proprietary LMS

A proprietary LMS belongs to a company that owns the code. It is therefore not possible to modify or adapt the code to your own needs.

Therefore, it is the companies themselves that further develop the functions according to their specifications. However, this statement needs to be qualified somewhat: Companies that offer a proprietary LMS do well if they integrate functions that meet the requirements of the market and the applicable regulations, as competition in the market is high.

Proprietary LMS platforms now offer SaaS mode or are hosted in the cloud, resulting in lower prices. So, when you choose an LMS platform in SaaS mode, you are purchasing a service from a software vendor. You do not have to worry about material aspects (you need nothing more than an Internet connection and workstations) or technical aspects. The total cost of ownership is therefore lower, so you can focus on what matters: creating powerful training programs tailored to the needs of your learners.

What features to include in an LMS?

We have compiled an open list of the most important features that need to be integrated into an LMS platform:

  • Follow-up of your learners. You need to be able to use a tool that allows you to store all of your learners’ information based on key metrics (number of training sessions attended, number of hours of training completed, revenue per trainee, etc.).)
  • Certification of participation in training. LMS software should include a documentation system that provides proof of participation in training.
  • Assessment of skills acquisition. The tool you choose should provide the ability to generate assessments before, during, and after training to determine the impact of training and measure learner progress.
  • Collecting and analyzing data on the occasion of your trainings. More and more LMSs offer functions for assessing learning performance and measuring success rates. These elements, known in English as “learning analytics,” enable education providers to tailor training programs to learners’ needs.

Individualization of learning programs. LMSs increasingly offer features that allow training programs to be tailored in light of the learner’s skill level and objectives. This makes it possible to create learning activities and e-learning modules tailored to the specifics of each learner and decide where they should take place. This option requires that learning objectives are tailored to each individual trainee.

After my Master 2 in digital communication at INSEEC Paris, I quickly specialized in writing optimized content and managing online communities. Having worked for IT and B2C players, I’ve learned about the fascinating world of vocational education and developed marketing strategies for educational institutions. On Digiformag you can decipher and analyze the impact of vocational education reform on educational institutions.