What are your passenger rights when technical problems occur?

Cockpit in an airplane

Your safety as a passenger is a top priority for every airline! That's why your flight may be cancelled at the slightest hint of technical problems or delayed due to checks and repairs. As annoying as this may be in individual cases, it goes without saying that safety comes first.

Technical problems during the flight

If your plane has already taken off, a suspected technical problem or warning indication may cause the pilot to deviate from the planned flight path and make an intermediate landing. In such a situation, the pilot from the air, together with the safety personnel on the ground, decides whether the flight destination can be reached safely, or whether the flight must be aborted. If the problem occurs shortly after takeoff, the plane usually returns to the airport of departure. Even if it is primarily a matter of passenger safety, in some cases there is a possibility of compensation. If you arrive at your destination airport more than three hours later than planned, you are entitled to compensation under certain circumstances. Airlines like to invoke "extraordinary circumstances" almost reflexively in the event of any form of technical problem. However, we at EUclaim have been able to prove the opposite in many cases and have successfully enforced your rights.

What technical problems can restrict air travel?

It's not just damage or problems with the aircraft itself that can cause a flight to be canceled or diverted. Such an airport is full of technology. Everything from a simple light bulb to high-tech software should work for a smooth operation. But what if, as in Atlanta, a power failure paralyzes the entire airport?? Then you have little choice but to wait patiently until the problem is fixed or until you are offered an alternative to your scheduled flight. If there are technical problems at the airport, air passenger law does not usually provide for compensation. After all, the airline has no influence on such a technical incident. Only for your food and possible accommodation, it must then provide free of charge. Software problems are also part of the technical defects. At worst, these occur on the plane itself. In the case of the two Boeing 737 crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia, this led to a worldwide flight ban for this model. However, in the case of any flight bans caused by technical problems, the airlines do not have to pay compensation for cancellations and co. afford. It is not they who have made these globally applicable decisions, but the aviation authorities. Even if there are software malfunctions in the area of flight safety, as happened in Langen, the airlines are allowed to claim "extraordinary circumstances".

When does air passenger law provide for you to be reimbursed in case of technical problems?

If there are problems with the aircraft itself, your prospects for financial compensation are very good. It is the responsibility of an airline to maintain its aircraft so that they are ready for operation at all times. Even if the technical problem was not discovered until the last check before departure, you can claim your rights. The airline must expect that individual aircraft parts will not work forever and must be prepared for such situations and provide appropriate replacements. If this does not succeed and your flight is cancelled or delayed by more than three hours, you may be able to claim compensation.