4 Tips for less effort in personnel recruitment

Recruiting employees can be quite complex and requires a lot of effort from HR professionals. The current situation on the labor market makes recruiting even more difficult. The following tips will help you keep up with the constant change and meet the challenges you face. Minimize the effort in your recruitment and successfully attract new employees to your company. Here's how!

1. Employer Branding

Employer branding refers to all measures taken by a company to build and promote an attractive employer brand.

The primary goal is not to recruit directly, but to build a good image for potential candidates. This is how you attract the attention of the employee market and establish yourself as an attractive employer. As soon as you have built up a strong employer branding, this will automatically arouse the interest of candidates in the best case and thus continuously facilitate your recruiting. The goal should be that job seekers always look for open positions at your company first.

In order to implement employer branding, there are several measures to take.

  • Use employees as brand ambassadors for your company. You should project a positive image to the outside world in an authentic way.
  • Communicate your corporate culture openly and authentically. Various channels, such as your own career site or social media channels, can be of help to you.
  • Provide a look behind the scenes. This can be achieved through images, videos and statements from employees or similar formats. You can distribute the content on your own channels or also on external ones.

2. Social Recruiting

Social recruiting means making use of social networks in recruiting in order to address candidates in this way. Since you can address a much larger target group in social networks, it is often easier to fill a position this way.

Social recruiting offers another important component – so-called audience targeting, or in German: konkrete Zielgruppenansprache. Because on social media, you can not only get a great reach, but also target exactly those who might be interested in you. For example, you can select who your social media ads are served to based on demographic or geographic data or specific interests. This is how you find people who are a perfect fit for your company.

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If you want to learn even more about social recruiting, you can find helpful tips and tricks in this blog.

3. Optimize Candidate Journey

The Candidate Journey is the application experience that candidates have on the way from job search to hiring. In many cases, this is more bad than good. From a complicated and non-transparent application process, to unanswered application letters, to off-putting interviews – all of these issues can make recruiting difficult and can be the reason why good candidates are lost or discouraged. It is therefore essential that you make the candidate journey as simple and transparent as possible in order to leave a good impression on applicants – as they do on you.

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There are many ways in which you can achieve this – the remaining tips in this blog will also contribute one or two things to an attractive candidate journey.

4. Candidate Management

Candidate management is a software to organize and simplify your recruitment process. Thereby you can for example.

  • . Match and categorize applicant profiles.
  • . Document job interviews easily.
  • . automate and personalize invitations, acceptances and rejections.
  • . write quick and personalized feedback.
  • . Improve and simplify internal communication in the recruitment process.

You are looking for an applicant management system that makes your work easier? With our Recruiting-Pro package you benefit for a whole year for free in a 3-year contract. 

All of these contribute to making your recruitment process much easier and more efficient. It also improves the candidate journey and the candidate experience, which ultimately results in more applications for your open positions.