Cryptocurrencies and taxes: tools for crypto tax returns

Those who trade in cryptocurrencies must deal with the correct taxation of income. Basically, every trade is a tax-relevant event that must be reported to the tax office. Also, if a tax advisor is consulted, he needs support for the crypto tax return. A complete tax report of crypto transactions is inevitable here. Relief is promised by a crypto tax tool that accurately prepares crypto trades.

Crypto tax return tools

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3 Ways to convert wav files to mp3s

3 ways to convert WAV files to MP3s

MP3 is a file format for compressed audio files. Its compression method is considered to be “lossy” (d. h. there is a measurable loss of quality in the MP3 compression process). However, over the years the audio quality of MP3 has improved, and it is still one of the most important commercial audio formats.

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Blender 170 – video editing, video sequencer, basics

In some places you can read in the net about Blender as a VFX alternative to After-Effects. Blender can do VFX effects but it’s not meant to be an AE alternative. Blender still offers many and good functions to edit and publish his videos.

When it comes to VFX software, there are only a few full-featured alternatives besides Adobe After Effects, and they’re expensive. VFX simply means Visual Effects and are added to a movie afterwards. Because of its diversity VFX effects can be created in Blender (particles etc.).) and then edit it in the Blender Video Sequencer (VSE – Video Sequence Editor), but the concept and approach is quite different from what users expect from After Effects for example. But that does not matter. So much only in the margin to appropriate software tips in the net.

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The firewall of mac-os x 10.5

Three options make the configuration of the firewall in Mac-OS X 10.5 Leopard selection difficult – security software takes some getting used to.

Clear as off: a firewall prevents connections between one computer and another. Which connections these are, you decide with rules; for example “Don’t answer to a ‘Hello?’.” So the setting of the firewall should be simple. It is not, which is among other things due to the confusing terms.

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Three strategies to make sure your project doesn’t fail

Reasons for project failure – Gotthard tunnel versus new Berlin airport

Whether in mechanical engineering, the automotive industry, IT software development or public sector construction projects, project managers everywhere are struggling to achieve successful results. management also permeates our private lives. Building your own home, organizing a birthday anniversary or planning a vacation trip to Scandinavia. They all possess the traits that characterize a project. A project is limited in time and always has a beginning and an end. It is unique, innovative, complex and due to its difficulty usually requires a special project management.

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The gone out guide for online events

Yes, the lockdown blues have hit us too. But let's fight together against the dreariness and the winter melancholy – with excellent online events. Digital meeting spaces create a bridge between artists* and fans. Of course, it's not the same as feeling the excitement of an entire hall full of culture-loving revelers. But digitalization offers many opportunities for interaction, to establish a connection also virtually. With the interactive chat on our streaming platform Dringeblieben, for example, we take a first step to overcome this hurdle. With the Rausgegangen Guide for Online Events, we provide you with a guide that supports you in implementing your event.


Live or pre-recorded? You have the choice. A live performance is of course cooler, both for the artist and the viewer, but nothing is worse than a stream that hangs, has a bad picture or crashes all the time. Your Internet is not stable enough to meet the demands of streaming? In this case, produce your stream beforehand. In the village you have the possibility to upload a video file and have it streamed at the desired time.

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Container monitoring with prometheus

Developers need information about technical failures in distributed systems and applications to be able to react quickly and prevent failures. Observability stands for a comprehensive approach that incorporates numerous factors for monitoring and observing the behavior of software. A central tool for this is the tool Prometheus.

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