3 Tools to monitor and investigate windows registration

3 Tools to monitor and examine the Windows registry / Windows

The Windows registry is one of the least understood parts of the Windows operating system. Understanding it and using proper tools to manage it can make all the difference in having a well-functioning computer.

Whichever version of Windows you use, the registry remains a core part of the software "plug in" to the OS. For many IT technicians, this has been the secret weapon for many years. If you know what you are doing, you can improve the performance of your PC. The top 5 freeware registry cleaners that improve PC performance The top 5 freeware registry cleaners that improve PC performance Cleaning the registry rarely improves Windows performance risky. But many swear by registry cleaners. Likewise? Use at least one of these tools, as it is the safest you will find. Read more . If you don't know what you are doing, you may not see any performance improvement at all. Use registry cleaner: does it really make a difference? Registry Cleaner use: Does it really make a difference? Ads for registry cleaners can be found all over the web. There's an entire industry out to convince inexperienced computer users that their registry needs fixing, and that for ten easy payments of $29.95, their… Read more or you can actually cause the dreaded blue screen of death Windows Blue Screen Error 4 Tips to Fix Windows Blue Screen Error Learn More .

Don't worry, you don't have to be a PC guru to take advantage of registry tweaks. Several tools can simplify the registry and help you find and fix issues that may be causing problems for your computer.

Windows Registry Basics

When managing the Windows registry in Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10, the built-in Regedit tool is used. Launching Regedit works the same in all versions of Windows. You can either search for it (Windows versions differ slightly here) or you can press Windows key + R To open the Run dialog box, type Regedit, and click OK or hit Enter.

Set the Windows registry as a "project manager" for Windows. It manages custom elements of all software installed on the system, e.g. What users can or cannot do when logged into an application. This is especially helpful if you are investigating why Windows itself behaves unexpectedly. Often the secret lies deep in the registry, where a random registry key – sometimes edited by a virus – is causing the problems you see.

For a more detailed example of how to use the registry – including a list of really cool registry hacks – check out Chris Hoffman's article explaining how the Windows registry works. What is the Windows Registry Editor and how do I use it?? [MakeUseOf explains] What is the Windows Registry Editor and how do I use it?? [MakeUseOf explains] The Windows Registry can be scary at first glance. Here, power users can change a variety of settings that are not available elsewhere. If you are looking for how to do something in… Read More .

You should be very careful every time you try to customize the registry in the way Chris described – or with the tools described below. However, using one of the following tools will make monitoring or adjusting the Windows registry a little easier, especially for users who are new to registry settings.

Monitor registry changes with Regshot

The great thing about the Windows Registry is that it affects the entire operating system very effectively. This is also its last weakness. All it takes is a little "tweak" to an important registry entry, and it can completely change the performance of your operating system.

For this reason, Regshot, an open-source registry comparison service, is placed at the top of the registry tools list.

Regshot lets you take a snapshot of your entire registry when you know your computer is running at maximum efficiency. This could have happened shortly after a virus scan. 4 Free virus scanner accuracy comparison 4 Free virus scanner accuracy comparison More information, or if you've updated Windows with the latest Microsoft patches 3 reasons why you should use the latest Windows security patches& Updates 3 reasons why you need the latest Windows security patches& Run updates should The code that makes up the Windows operating system contains security vulnerabilities, bugs, incompatibilities or outdated software elements. In short, Windows is not perfect, we all know that. Security patches and updates fix the vulnerabilities… Read More. It has the added benefit of taking a snapshot of important directories (such as your Windows root directory) so you can later compare whether changes have been made there as well.

Once you have the "1. Shot" file saved, at any time you can run the utility again, click the button "2. Shot" and then use the "Compare" feature to see changes. You can test this after installing new software on your computer. This utility will show you all the changes to the registry and the windows directory.

Check the registry with the Reg command

A very useful command line tool that is built right into Windows is the "Reg" command. Launch the command window (via Search or Accessories, or press Windows key + R, type cmd, and hit Enter), and you can use this quick and effective tool to query registry key values, add or change key values, or even export and import keys.

The only catch to using this tool is that you need a list of keys that you want to monitor or change before issuing the commands. For example, if you want to monitor the Common Files directory currently used by the Windows operating system, you can check this key by typing the following:

registry query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion / v CommonFilesDir

The resulting key value is displayed when you press the Enter key.

If you want to monitor important registry values periodically to see if some of them change due to viruses or other malicious software. 10 Steps to Take if You Discover Malware on Your Computer 10 Steps to Take if You Discover Malware on Your Computer We would I think that the Internet is a safe place to spend our time (cough cough), but we all know that there are risks around every corner. Email, social media, malicious websites that worked… Read more, you can create a batch job that queries all of these keys and outputs them to a data file:

Registry query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion / v CommonFilesDir>> c: \ temp \ registryinfo.txt
Registry query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion / v ProgramFilesDir>> c: \ temp \ registryinfo.txt
Registry query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion / v ProgramFilesPath>> c: \ temp \ registryinfo.txt
Registry query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion / v SM_GamesName>> c: \ temp \ registryinfo.txt

The resulting output file looks like this.

Using the "reg" command you can also add new values by typing the following:

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ TestKey

Obviously, adding a doesn't have much meaning "TestKey" value in this registry domain, but it shows how you can quickly add a key anywhere in the registry with a single command line.

With the "reg" command you can also use the "Export" function to create a snapshot of important sections of the registry. This is as simple as typing "reg Export" followed by the path of the key or domain folder. For example, if you want to create a snapshot of the entire CurrentVersion registry domain, type the following:

reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion c: \ temp \ CurrentVersionExport.txt

If you have saved these snapshot files, you can import them later using the "reg import [filename]" command. This is a convenient way to repair important parts of the registry after a software update or virus infection has corrupted it. This is obviously more "manual" approach to registry management and protection, but for those who prefer the command line or batch job approach to using pre-built applications – this is the perfect solution.

Manage your registry better with Registrar

Considering the importance of your registry, maybe this should be the case "succeeded" instead of just occasionally checking for problems. The free tool called Registrar, offered by Resplendence – the maker of a number of high-quality Windows tools – is clearly intended for advanced PC users and offers a fantastic solution. It provides more functional access to your registry than the Windows regedit utility.

At first glance, it looks like you are using regedit, but there is a toolbar with functions.

When you examine the registry with this tool, you will find that it gives you much more flexibility and management compared to regedit. Perform simple searches and replacements, bookmark important registry keys and constantly monitor them later, and best of all provide descriptions for registry keys and values (and the ability to add your own).

You can see how useful these descriptions are by double-clicking a key. Unlike regedit, which only shows you the name of the key and the value when you edit it, Registrar shows you the key and the value, but also the category to which the key belongs and a detailed description if available.

Marking important keys for easy monitoring is as simple as right-clicking on a key or folder and selecting the "bookmark" button Option.

This is especially useful for important Windows operating system keys that viruses target particularly well, such as. B. the startup and scheduler keys. For a full list of the most commonly targeted registry keys, visit the Symantec website.

Keep a backup copy of your registry?

As you can see, there are some useful tools and utilities that you can use to monitor your registry and make sure it is clean. It's a good idea to at least take a snapshot so you can find out what caused the registry to go south. You also have a way to put things back the way they were before. Considering how minor changes to the registry can affect the performance and operation of your computer, taking a snapshot and monitoring the registry is a very good insurance policy.

Keep an eye on your computer registry? What tools do you use for this? Share your own tricks and advice in the comments below.