Every year! Business etiquette at christmas time: 10 tips for executives

The annual company Christmas party always raises questions. Especially executives (owners, managers, team leaders) should deal with some uncertainties in advance. We answer 10 questions that you have probably asked yourself at some point in your life.

1. Should all employees be invited to the Christmas party?

A very clear yes to this! If you organize a Christmas party, you must invite all employees without exception.

2. Do I have to greet everyone with a handshake?

Greeting your employees with a handshake is a great and personal gesture. If, however, the size of your company makes it too time-consuming, it is better to do without, but keep point 3 in mind.

3. Do I need to make a speech?

Absolutely. Especially if you have refrained from greeting your employees in person, you will welcome them with your speech.

The Christmas party is all about fun and fellowship. Therefore, the speech should have a casual character. A good speech is humorous, interactive and honestly meant. Break the expectations: Choose an entry point that no one would expect, e.g. with a personal experience. 5-10 minutes is perfectly adequate. Facts and figures are out of place, as are expectations for the new year. Give a personal review of the past year and special moments and experiences.

4. Should I have a conversation with everyone?

The same applies here as with the greeting. Managers who just sit at your table seem impersonal.

Instead, try to have a conversation with your employees. Go to each table and start a short conversation. If your company is too big, share this task with your deputies. This way you will get feedback and impulses for possible improvements but also praise.

5. Can you also talk about private topics?

Of course! Talk mostly about innocuous things, like family, vacations, food or movies. Make your counterpart feel that you are interested in him or her. This way you will be perceived as approachable and sympathetic.

6. Is it unprofessional to offer the “you” to employees?

If it comes out of the conversation, of course that’s allowed. Keep in mind, however, that you will come across as inconsistent if you switch back to “you” the next day.

7. Can I celebrate as a boss?

Not only are you allowed to, you should. Here, too, be approachable and outgoing. Dancing is also allowed. Try to find a good middle ground between exuberance and formality.

8. What should I do when I see that two employees are getting closer to each other??

The Christmas party gives many people the opportunity to make contacts. However, some mean it a little too well?

If you witness such a situation, communicate very clearly that sharing intimacies between colleagues during the Christmas party is not appropriate.

9. Must I be the last to go?

Since you are the host of the event, you must be present at least until the end of the official part. After that it is up to you. If your employees are still partying until morning, choose a reasonable time to go home – preferably not last.

10. Why the Christmas party is important?

It offers the possibility to look back on past years, on successes, defeats and common experiences. Outstanding performance can be recognized. It also provides space to express appreciation and gratitude to employees.

For all employees: Use the rare opportunity to get to know superiors or colleagues beyond your own department better.

All of this increases the team’s sense of togetherness and identification with their own company, which contributes significantly to a pleasant working atmosphere.