Work should also be fun

Positive energy is created when employees are not only placed in the center of attention as employees, but also in their entirety as people – this is what Abacus is convinced of. The inspiring work environment in the software company also promotes team spirit and creativity.

S ince its founding 37 years ago, Abacus, a software company based in eastern Switzerland, has been on the road to success. The number of employees is growing, new locations are being added, and products and technologies are constantly being further developed.

One constant has remained the same over the years and has played a major role in the company’s sustainable success: the corporate culture that puts people at the center. “It is important to us to promote the strengths of our employees and collaboration, as well as to provide framework conditions that enable performance through freedom of action.

Ultimately, everyone benefits from this: our employees, the company and our customers,” says Yvonne Seitz, Head of Human Resources and member of the Abacus Executive Board. She adds: “It is important to us that work is fun, because if you are passionate about what you do, you not only enjoy it more, you do it better.”

Focus on people

If you want to achieve the best performance, you have to think holistically and view employees as individual personalities and not just as workers; this has always been the conviction at Abacus.

The necessary inspiration is provided by an exceptional working environment, flat hierarchies, an exchange at eye level and a good work-life balance. In concrete terms, this means inspiring and modern workspaces, team events, an in-house fitness room and a wide range of sports activities such as in-house yoga and Pilates classes.

Musically oriented employees rock together in the Abacus band and the physical well-being is taken care of by our own restaurants in Wittenbach as well as in Biel. In these, food for employees – from salad buffets to fresh pizzas and varied menus – is free of charge.

And as has been shown many times in the past: It is not uncommon for various ideas and innovations to emerge over lunch or during other team activities.

Marc Fritsche
Head of Development

What exactly do you do at Abacus??

As Head of Development I am responsible for the technical development of the so-called “Business Unit Finance”. In my daily work I take care of a wide variety of issues: I create prototypes for new software solutions and regularly check the software quality.

I also make sure that the right people within the company are communicating with each other. In addition: Whenever software developers have technical questions, I am the first contact person for these concerns.

What do you enjoy most about your job??

My job consists of technical tricky problems and the personal exchange with developers, leads and product management. In short: My daily routine is extremely varied. In addition, I can actively help shape future software solutions. This high degree of personal responsibility is great.

What do you like about Abacus?

“Everything is possible!” This is the attitude of our employees here. That motivates. All colleagues always meet each other at eye level. And not to forget, the attractive working environment with the possibility to integrate sports activities into everyday life.

For example, you can go for a jog in the forest in the morning or join a Pilates class at lunchtime. It is fun to work in such an environment and to give your best.

What makes Abacus special?

Everyone who works here puts a lot of heart and soul into the company and thus contributes to its success. So things can get a bit more emotional now and then (laughs). But Abacus never stands still. We have an excellent feeling for the problems of tomorrow and the corresponding fields of innovation.

David Mitgutsch
UX/UI designer

What exactly do you do at Abacus?

I am responsible for the so-called user experience at Abacus. Hence my job title: UX stands for User Experience.

What do you enjoy most about your job??

I enjoy building various bridges internally and networking employees with each other. These are necessary so that the product managers and developers can coordinate in the best possible way.

I make sure that product ideas are well captured and critically question them if necessary. Then I try to “translate” the idea to the developers so that our customers can use the Abacus application as easily and intuitively as possible.

What do you like about Abacus?

If I had to answer the question with one word, it would be “development”. Our employees here have development opportunities and this in the most diverse directions. They also get the necessary freedom to do so from their superiors. I appreciate this open work culture and the attitude that the company generates added value when its employees develop themselves further.

What makes Abacus special?

Our products are shaping the future in the truest sense of the word – after all, the majority of Swiss companies in the SME sector work with our programs. If I can help to make these software solutions user-friendly and accessible, that makes our work special and valuable.

Julia Tanner
Software Development Engineer

What exactly do you do at Abacus?

I am working on developing a web technology based solution for planning and budgeting. For the time being, the primary target group for this software is municipalities, which use it to prepare their annual budgets. In cooperation with our project managers, we develop innovative solutions from customer requirements, which are then implemented.

What do you particularly enjoy about your job??

Working out solutions together is a lot of fun for me. First of all, it’s important to understand what exactly is desired – then it’s time for tinkering. Often, however, the question arises as to how software is programmed so that users intuitively understand it. To this end, I exchange ideas with a wide range of internal experts and try to combine all these perspectives.

What do you like about Abacus?

In short: togetherness! There are so many great people working here who have already experienced an incredible amount together. I like the collegial work – especially in concept meetings, where different perspectives come together. I also appreciate the unique corporate culture at Abacus: just having lunch together outside in the summer creates a wonderful atmosphere.

What makes Abacus special?

I can list a lot of things – among others our benefits. Eating together, the fitness program or the various team events. I also appreciate the fact that we are all on first name terms with each other. After almost ten years, including my apprenticeship, I also had the opportunity to change teams internally in order to develop further. It was really nice how my new colleagues welcomed me with open arms.

Dominik Langenegger
Software Development Engineer Research& Development

What exactly do you do at Abacus?

I take care of the design and development of systems in the area of identity and access management. I also do research, analyzing trends and studies in order to develop new functionalities.

I like the holistic approach. This means contributing to the software development process over several phases. You have to imagine it like this: I first analyze the requirements.

Based on this, I then conceptualize digital solutions and implement them. It also happens that internal departments come to me with topics and we develop solutions for them.

What do you enjoy most about your job??

If you want to connect IT systems with each other, it can quickly become quite complex and specialists from different areas are needed.

Often you have to use new technologies in such projects, where you don’t have much experience yet. If it is possible to work out a good solution under such circumstances and with an interdisciplinary team, then I am particularly pleased!

What do you like about Abacus??

Abacus gives the employees a lot of autonomy and responsibility for their own work – you can see this in the flat hierarchies. Of course, this also requires a great deal of self-reliance. Sometimes it is a challenge, but I really appreciate the freedom and the trust that is placed in the employees.

What makes Abacus special?

I like that Abacus focuses on innovative solutions for its customers and not primarily on maximizing profits. This basic conviction that what effectively adds value to the customer is also economically worthwhile in the short or medium term makes the work not only exciting, but also sustainably valuable.