How to convert mkv to avi on mac with the same high quality for free

Regardless of your profession, personal background or lifestyle, it is always the case that you lounge on the sofa and enjoy wonderful videos with your family. As videos make for an exhilarating viewing experience, video formats are flooding the market, of which MKV certainly makes a deep impression due to its open source. However, there are still some black spots, although MKV files bring us many advantages.

Recently, my PSP captivated me and I wanted to stream HD videos on my Mac on it. But the PSP didn't recognize the file type because all HD movies .MKV files were, unlike .AVI etc., so I need to convert my MKV to AVI to play it on the game console. I mean a free program. Any tips? -Jessica

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Internal mail distribution and the advantages of a software solution

The advances in digitalization and how your internal mail distribution can benefit from it

We have always done it this way and it worked – do you know this statement? Well we don’t intend to deny that it actually works the good old way too, but a lot has changed over the years. Apart from the fact that the requirements within all work areas have increased, the volume of work has also increased. To avoid chaotic conditions, many companies are turning to digital support in the form of software solutions. And lo and behold, now it works even better.

Digitization and further development within many areas of life is a normal process that automatically makes its way into all of our lives. Whether it’s about our personal lives or our daily work routine. Many appreciate the advantages that digitization brings, be it the smart home or various software applications that make everyday work easier.

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Woodbotherer games brings customers more joy with booqable

It’s remarkable how an opportunity can lead you down a particular path you never expected to take. When Phil Dickenson was asked to design oversized games for a festival, he and his wife Sam realized how great they were and wanted to share them with more people. Now they use Booqable to manage bookings, payments and emails for their business.

Woodbotherer Games

Phil has had a long career as a carpenter and spent much of his free time making wooden toys for himself and his children. This has been a lot of fun for them, and they’ve spent hours playing together. When he was asked to design oversized versions of children’s games like Connect 4 for a festival in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2013, he naturally jumped at the opportunity.

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Mosh (mobile shell) instead of ssh – really great for linux-administration

If you administrate your Linux system, you usually sit at one place and take it easy. But some tasks take longer and I sometimes stray from the terminal window. In between I also switch on a VPN or take my notebook somewhere else and it dials into another WLAN. Mobile devices are also suitable for various administrative tasks. That's why I always use screen, because it allows me to keep the session going even if I lose the connection to the server. Another option that I have grown fond of is called mosh.

The administration via ssh and screen has the advantage that it works with every SSH client. That would be for example also putty under Windows or JuiceSSH under Android.

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Virtual collaboration: a definition and a graphic in distinction to cooperation

Six weeks into our first Master Class on Why Crowdsourced Innovation?"After our basic articles on "crowdsourcing" and "open innovation", it is time for a closer written examination of the third essential crowdsourced innovation term: "virtual collaboration".

In the first paragraph, we would first like to take a fundamental look at a definition of "collaboration" before we go one step further and move on to the digitalized form, i.e. virtual or e-collaboration. Coming to e-collaboration.

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Mac security: tips for virus and data protection under macos

In general, macOS is considered a secure operating system, but hackers and data thieves do not stop at the Apple system. In order to secure your system in the best possible way, you should ideally not only use the Mac’s on-board tools. In this guide, we will show you how to secure your system in addition to that, in order to protect it from viruses and data under macOS.

Mac security: We show you tips for virus protection and data protection under macOS

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