4 Useful tips for slow vpn speed

4 useful tips for slow VPN speed / technology explained

There are two main uses for VPNs: you can use them to connect remotely to a private intranet, or you can connect to an existing network to filter your Internet activity so that it is (theoretically) untraceable to you Why Not Believe Them? 5 Common VPN myths and why you shouldn't believe them planning a VPN? Not sure where to start or confused about what they do? Let's take a look at the top five myths about VPNs and why they simply aren't true. Read more .

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Best practice: tips for migration to windows 10

Many companies are still holding on to Windows 7 despite the end of support. Understandable, because organizational hurdles, lack of resources, or lack of compatibility of key applications often stand in the way of migrating to Windows 10. But the longer companies wait, the more expensive it gets. An efficient and relatively inexpensive solution is migration via a peer-to-peer architecture.

On 14. January 2020 was the deadline: after ten years, Microsoft discontinued technical support and software updates for Windows 7. There is a way out for companies that use volume licenses, they can extend the support by three years, but not exactly at a bargain price – which was to be expected. But despite the long-known end of support and the looming security risks, Windows 7 still has a market share of just under 30 percent.

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How do you build a ux team from the ground up??

When you start something – a team, an initiative, a company – you always have great opportunities ahead of you, but also great challenges. Daniela Hellmann and Karin Pirklbauer founded Cloudflight’s user experience team with a common goal and shared responsibility, open communication and persistence. Recently, the team has become an integral part of the success of enterprise projects. Read more about the team’s initial struggles, working methods and future plans.

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How to get a software engineering job

Whether you are just starting out or have experience in other high-tech fields, there are several ways to get a software engineering job.

Many people enter this field after graduating from university. This educational path is widely available and often highly valued by employers.

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The critical role of data centers in the covid 19 pandemic

A rack of servers that glow blue

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the world, as well as global business processes and protocols. Organizations around the world are taking steps to help in the fight against coronavirus, and some are facing a major responsibility to. Data centers, in particular, have a critical role in keeping the world running while everything else must stand still.

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Nextcloud office – open document locally and lock it (theoretically)

With an update to Nextcloud Office (richdocuments), the integrated office solution should work better with 365 and wiki software like Confluence. That's why with the upgrade there is a new feature called Edit Local. You don't have to use it to download a document, find it in the download folder, then edit it and upload it again. But you just click on a special button in Nextcloud Office to do this. For this to work, you need to have Nextcloud Office up to date. I have done.

Theoretically, the file will be saved and locked so that it cannot be edited by other users. Then the file with the client will be on your desktop. After saving and closing the document, it is uploaded and unlocked again. This should also work with other files, such as Photoshop files or other documents that don't have their own editor. But for this to work, they say you need to use the Nextcloud Desktop Client 3.6.1 in use, which has also just been released. This is what I used.

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Founding in a team: these combinations are popular [incl. Tips]

Many founders start out alone, usually with a business idea. Often, this is followed by further steps that individuals can still take themselves: developing a business model or creating a business plan, for example. But at the latest when it comes to the effective implementation of the theory, an excellent team is needed. But how do you put it together?? We show you the most popular constellations when founding a company as a team.

Founding in a team: Founding with friends

Friends can be the ideal business partners. The thought is also obvious, after all you sometimes know each other since the sandbox. The example of Bluebird Mountain from Hamburg shows that it can be worthwhile to build a team among friends.

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How secure is webrtc for video conferencing?

Communication, especially via video, requires a high level of trust in this day and age. It doesn’t matter anymore if it’s just for private or business conversations, especially when there are more and more problems reported in the media. But how secure is WebRTC as a technology? Can you really trust it??

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