With toursol always on the pulse of time: we inform about current topics

In times of Booking.com, Agoda and Airbnb, it is predominantly small hotels that do not score with their own hotel websites. But even some medium and large hotels still underestimate the value of having their own online presence in the digital age. In doing so, they are the most important part of your direct booking channel.

Even though booking platforms can help to attract new guests, filtering by price often plays a major role for searchers in this case. To sell oneself below value, only to be displayed high up, however, is not an optimal solution, especially in the long run. If you really want to have long-term success with your hotel, you should therefore also have a digital presence. In addition to the web design and professional photos on the hotel website, this also includes the findability via search engines. This may sound very elaborate and costly at first, but in the end it doesn’t necessarily have to be. We have therefore compiled the best tips for successful hotel websites for you and tell you how you can generate more bookings via your website in the future.

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Tips for removing malware on your pc and smartphone

IT consultants need to remove persistent, regenerative and corrupted spyware and viruses from client computers on a regular basis. These pointers will help you put systems back into stable operation.

It is inevitable that clients will infect workstations, PCs and laptops with spyware and viruses. Regardless of preventative measures, from gateway protection to automated scans to written Internet use policies, malware threats sneak through even layered defenses. What makes the situation worse is that many customers are unwilling to invest in standalone anti-spyware software, even though they understand the need for minimal anti-virus protection.

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Detailed ways to mirror iphone to chromebook

Mirror iPhone to Chromebook

Mirroring software can often be very useful. For example, if you want to stream videos from websites on the go, you can stream your iPhone to Chromebook so you can enjoy your favorite shows on the go. Even though many mirroring programs look very promising, some of the tools you find online won’t work at all or will be difficult to use. In this article, we list a few of the best apps that are much easier to use and include excellent features. So if you have an iPhone and want to mirror it to your Chromebook, check out the programs below.

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Agile workplace design for greater flexibility and productivity

Agile workplace design

Workplace design can make a big difference: Overall job satisfaction is strongly related to how efficiently office spaces are designed. According to Gartner, employees who feel good about their workplace are 16% more productive, 18% more likely to stay with their company, and 30% more likely to prefer their company over its competitors (report available to customers in English).

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