Dark processing: robotic process automation for insurers – offloading clearly defined tasks

Despite highly mature IT landscapes of German insurance companies, there is a massive need to catch up when it comes to robotics. Large volumes in dark processing and many processes that still need to be handled manually make the industry tailor-made for the use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA). The use of digital robots in the fully automated processing of structured business processes promises insurers time savings of up to 90% and cost reductions of up to 80.

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Simply connect lg phones to mac

It’s quite easy to connect iOS devices like iPhone, iPad and iPod with Mac as they are all released by Apple. Connecting Android smartphones to a Mac is a challenge for most people, especially for LG G3/G4 users. Macs seem to resist connecting to these smartphones. However, there are still ways to solve this challenging problem. Here I’ll give you some helpful instructions on how to connect an LG G3 to Mac.

Connect LG to Mac

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Komoot: the best tips and tricks for e-bike riders

The touring app komoot offers new features to make your next e-bike tour even better

  • With komoot, you can get more out of your next e-bike tour.
  • The service offers special functions for pedelecs.
  • In addition, you can optimize your tour for the e-bike with a few simple steps.

If you travel a lot in nature, by bike or on foot, then you probably know the tour app komoot. The platform offers thousands of route suggestions for excursions thanks to the active community. The software also allows you to plan your own tours.

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4 Tips for less effort in personnel recruitment

Recruiting employees can be quite complex and requires a lot of effort from HR professionals. The current situation on the labor market makes recruiting even more difficult. The following tips will help you keep up with the constant change and meet the challenges you face. Minimize the effort in your recruitment and successfully attract new employees to your company. Here's how!

1. Employer Branding

Employer branding refers to all measures taken by a company to build and promote an attractive employer brand.

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3 Mixing tips for better tracks

When mixing there are many points to consider. Knowledge of the hardware and software used, as well as their functions, are one side of the coin. Basic working techniques the other. For me, these working techniques, which I describe here, were a considerable relief to get along better with the mixing and to develop myself further.

Mixing Tip 1: Compare

Pick a song that resembles the style of your music and matches your desired sound result. Compare the two songs again and again during mixing, this will clearly show you where and what is still missing in your mixing.

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Dare and manage large erp projects at a distance now

Since March 2020, the motto for project managers is: keep your distance. How can large IT projects such as the conversion of the central SAP ® system to SAP S/4HANA ® there be brought to a successful conclusion??

A project manager must be "close to the action" in the project. This is especially important for large IT projects with a lot of extremely expensive personnel – the media reports about failed large projects are well known.

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Test: comdirect bank

After I recently tested Volkswagenbank, I'm now taking a look at comdirect Bank's offers. It is the online subsidiary of Commerzbank and has been in the black for years. Nice when the bank earns money. However, I am interested in what you get out of it as a customer. So what are comdirect's offers really good for?? I researched, compared numbers and summarized them in the following overview.

The current account

First of all: I use the account for years myself. Why I am so satisfied, you can read here. Last year, comdirect was named Germany's best bank (Euro am Sonntag). Focus Money tested comdirect and says: Most secure online bank. For some time now, comdirect customers have also been able to pay with their cell phones (Apple Pay or Google Pay).

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