10 Points that are annoying on mac

The Mac is considered simple and easy to understand. The operating system and its most important program, Finder, play an important role in this. But there are some places that cost time and nerves – especially because there are not workarounds for all of them

Some of the following seem quirky, but if you find yourself bumping up against them on a daily basis, you’ll be glad for any way out that presents itself. It’s just a pity that some things can’t be changed at all. Best example: We regularly receive questions about how to present the contents of a folder with Mac OS X in the same way as with Windows: at the top of the list are all the subfolders, and then the files below them. This sorting is not feasible on the Mac because the operating system treats all items in a folder the same way. No matter how you sort – folders and files are always messed up.

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5 Tips for working well together as a team

How you can foster project team communication and collaboration? Here are 5 tips for a motivating team culture.

In today’s digital workplace, it’s one thing to have the right tools at hand, but quite another to use them effectively. As with any group project, the biggest challenges come from poor communication, a lack of understanding of roles and responsibilities, and a lack of trust in your colleagues.
But don’t let that scare you away. We’ve put together a few tips for you to help you work well together in a project team.

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Organize your desk – our tips for efficient work

Colleagues with good desk organization

The most cluttered desks are sometimes presented under the guise of creative chaos. Working at desks like this may work for leisure, but professional, structured and efficient work is often not possible this way. Too much time is wasted searching for pens or notes, and work often does not get done.

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Ux for internal applications – uses and tips

Not only your external customers prefer a good UX and usability. Also internal applications and software need a good UX and usability. Especially for new software this is important for a sufficiently high acceptance. Also none a good UX and good usability provide for an enormous cost saving.

Problems with UX in internal applications

You surely know this as well. If processes are to be changed internally or new software is introduced, there are always the voices that speak against it. Sentences like: “We have always done it this way.” or “We already tried that, it doesn’t work.” etc. It is always also a process where you have to take your colleagues and employees with you. This is the only way to avoid unpleasant discussions and to create a product that really helps.

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