The critical role of data centers in the covid 19 pandemic

A rack of servers that glow blue

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the world, as well as global business processes and protocols. Organizations around the world are taking steps to help in the fight against coronavirus, and some are facing a major responsibility to. Data centers, in particular, have a critical role in keeping the world running while everything else must stand still.

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Nextcloud office – open document locally and lock it (theoretically)

With an update to Nextcloud Office (richdocuments), the integrated office solution should work better with 365 and wiki software like Confluence. That's why with the upgrade there is a new feature called Edit Local. You don't have to use it to download a document, find it in the download folder, then edit it and upload it again. But you just click on a special button in Nextcloud Office to do this. For this to work, you need to have Nextcloud Office up to date. I have done.

Theoretically, the file will be saved and locked so that it cannot be edited by other users. Then the file with the client will be on your desktop. After saving and closing the document, it is uploaded and unlocked again. This should also work with other files, such as Photoshop files or other documents that don't have their own editor. But for this to work, they say you need to use the Nextcloud Desktop Client 3.6.1 in use, which has also just been released. This is what I used.

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How secure is webrtc for video conferencing?

Communication, especially via video, requires a high level of trust in this day and age. It doesn’t matter anymore if it’s just for private or business conversations, especially when there are more and more problems reported in the media. But how secure is WebRTC as a technology? Can you really trust it??

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Tips for removing malware on your pc and smartphone

IT consultants need to remove persistent, regenerative and corrupted spyware and viruses from client computers on a regular basis. These pointers will help you put systems back into stable operation.

It is inevitable that clients will infect workstations, PCs and laptops with spyware and viruses. Regardless of preventative measures, from gateway protection to automated scans to written Internet use policies, malware threats sneak through even layered defenses. What makes the situation worse is that many customers are unwilling to invest in standalone anti-spyware software, even though they understand the need for minimal anti-virus protection.

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Detailed ways to mirror iphone to chromebook

Mirror iPhone to Chromebook

Mirroring software can often be very useful. For example, if you want to stream videos from websites on the go, you can stream your iPhone to Chromebook so you can enjoy your favorite shows on the go. Even though many mirroring programs look very promising, some of the tools you find online won’t work at all or will be difficult to use. In this article, we list a few of the best apps that are much easier to use and include excellent features. So if you have an iPhone and want to mirror it to your Chromebook, check out the programs below.

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Agile workplace design for greater flexibility and productivity

Agile workplace design

Workplace design can make a big difference: Overall job satisfaction is strongly related to how efficiently office spaces are designed. According to Gartner, employees who feel good about their workplace are 16% more productive, 18% more likely to stay with their company, and 30% more likely to prefer their company over its competitors (report available to customers in English).

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Simply connect lg phones to mac

It’s quite easy to connect iOS devices like iPhone, iPad and iPod with Mac as they are all released by Apple. Connecting Android smartphones to a Mac is a challenge for most people, especially for LG G3/G4 users. Macs seem to resist connecting to these smartphones. However, there are still ways to solve this challenging problem. Here I’ll give you some helpful instructions on how to connect an LG G3 to Mac.

Connect LG to Mac

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