Hybrid and self-organized – the working world of tomorrow

adesso. Working world of tomorrow

“Smart” is the keyword that characterizes adesso: smart processes, smart employees and smart workplaces. adesso stands for IT consulting and software integration combined with industry know-how and technology expertise. This results in a successful business model with innovative ideas and individual IT solutions, with which adesso can optimally support companies in case of challenges.

At the heart of it all are the employee:s who bring the right mix of technology expertise and in-depth understanding of the customer’s particular business. As an independent IT consulting service provider, adesso combines technological capabilities with in-depth industry knowledge. As a fast-growing company adesso offers flexibility and personal responsibility in terms of daily work and cooperation.

The best for employees and employers but also for our customers

The last few years have taken a big toll on both companies and their employees. What worked some time ago suddenly didn’t work anymore and new solutions were needed. The world of work has changed fundamentally. Employees demand more flexibility in terms of how, where and when they work. But change is seen as an opportunity to optimize workload and break down old hierarchies.

The possibility to work at different locations and thus to adapt the working hours to one’s own needs has become an important component for many employees, which they do not want to do without. At adesso, a natural mix between home office and work in the office – also at different locations – has been established, in which the employees can decide themselves when, where and in which form they want to achieve the best performance for the project or the company. Companies that fail to create a flexible and attractive working environment risk losing out in the competition for the best professionals. Therefore, companies today have to care for their employees as much as in the past and vice versa. At adesso the following credo applies: Good employees make the difference, not only for adesso, but even more for exciting customer projects. This in turn increases customer satisfaction.

But what makes a good employer today??

The answer is not quite simple and of course differs from employee to employee. Work-life balance is one of the top priorities that employees have to reconcile. Private and work life must be optimally combined so that a balance can be found with the job. This also increases work performance and motivation. Satisfied employees are better employees. For this reason, adesso encourages its employees to further their education both internally and externally. Thus, they have the opportunity to work on different projects and areas in order to try out new and exciting fields of activity. Flexible working hours and trust allow exactly that in the daily work routine at adesso. This is not only communicated in this way, but also seen in exactly the same way by the employees. This is clearly shown by the top employer rating at the employer rating portal kununu and adesso is proud of this. The mission is clear: The employees should be involved in the business of their customers and thus provide an innovative and inspiring solution for today’s and future challenges in a digitalized world.

Identification with the company

The identification and thus the loyalty towards the employer create a good and open communication with the employees. Flat hierarchies, open doors, short decision-making processes and mutual support – all these are central elements of adesso’s corporate culture. Appreciation of the work performed, but also the implementation of own ideas are also important points of the company. Only those who feel valued will go beyond their limits. That is why adesso attaches importance to celebrating successes, highlighting projects and valuing both individual performance and team commitment. It is important to adesso that its employees not only get along well in joint teamwork in projects, but also away from the daily work routine. Team spirit is fostered at numerous joint events and activities outside the office premises. In the end, this counts much more than great company presentations and nice words. For these reasons adesso is proud of its employees. This is not the only reason why adesso belongs to one of the “Best Employers in Switzerland”, according to the Handelszeitung.

Diversity is a living corporate culture

Diversity is not only a message to be sent to the outside world, but also a lived part of the corporate culture to link strengths together. It’s not about gender, ethnicity or age, but rather about the different characters that work together and create a perfect mix in the projects. A good team needs members who bring in ideas, optimize challenges and also implement them – for this you need different employees with different strengths and weaknesses. Not only the employees in Switzerland, but also all of the more than 8000 colleagues with know-how in other markets of the 57 subsidiaries worldwide are involved in the projects.