3 Mixing tips for better tracks

When mixing there are many points to consider. Knowledge of the hardware and software used, as well as their functions, are one side of the coin. Basic working techniques the other. For me, these working techniques, which I describe here, were a considerable relief to get along better with the mixing and to develop myself further.

Mixing Tip 1: Compare

Pick a song that resembles the style of your music and matches your desired sound result. Compare the two songs again and again during mixing, this will clearly show you where and what is still missing in your mixing.

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Test: comdirect bank

After I recently tested Volkswagenbank, I'm now taking a look at comdirect Bank's offers. It is the online subsidiary of Commerzbank and has been in the black for years. Nice when the bank earns money. However, I am interested in what you get out of it as a customer. So what are comdirect's offers really good for?? I researched, compared numbers and summarized them in the following overview.

The current account

First of all: I use the account for years myself. Why I am so satisfied, you can read here. Last year, comdirect was named Germany's best bank (Euro am Sonntag). Focus Money tested comdirect and says: Most secure online bank. For some time now, comdirect customers have also been able to pay with their cell phones (Apple Pay or Google Pay).

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Email survey subject lines: 7 best practices to improve open and click-through rates

Many companies ask their customers for feedback with email surveys, often after they've received a product or provided a service. Ideally, your customers will see your request, open the email survey, and provide their feedback.

Although the process sounds simple, in practice there are many different approaches you can try to get your customer to open the email in the first place. The most important thing is the subject line of the email survey. Below are 7 proven strategies for designing email survey subject lines that can help you increase open rates and the number of completed surveys.

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Notebook battery care: how to make your battery last longer

Notebook battery care

Whether a startup or a long-established company, more and more companies are switching from desktop PCs to laptops and notebooks. One reason for this is that the boss and employees can remain flexible with the mobile computers and can take their data / work with them everywhere. But also from private households are laptop& Co. In 2017, more than 70 percent of all households in Germany already had a notebook, netbook or laptop.

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5 Tips for working well together as a team

How you can foster project team communication and collaboration? Here are 5 tips for a motivating team culture.

In today’s digital workplace, it’s one thing to have the right tools at hand, but quite another to use them effectively. As with any group project, the biggest challenges come from poor communication, a lack of understanding of roles and responsibilities, and a lack of trust in your colleagues.
But don’t let that scare you away. We’ve put together a few tips for you to help you work well together in a project team.

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Organize your desk – our tips for efficient work

Colleagues with good desk organization

The most cluttered desks are sometimes presented under the guise of creative chaos. Working at desks like this may work for leisure, but professional, structured and efficient work is often not possible this way. Too much time is wasted searching for pens or notes, and work often does not get done.

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Issue an invoice retroactively – is that possible and is there anything to keep in mind??

Issue an invoice retroactively

The invoices have been sent, but unfortunately the payment is taking a long time. This is a situation that no entrepreneur should be unfamiliar with. It happens less frequently that invoices have simply been forgotten to be issued, although the service has long since been rendered. However, this circumstance is not excluded. Therefore, it is certainly of clear interest to learn whether it is at all possible to issue an invoice retroactively and what there is to consider as an entrepreneur in doing so. In this article we address the most important questions.

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