Free disk space – 3 methods

Free hard disk space Methods Tips

Every computer has a hard disk on which a certain amount of data can be stored. As long as disk space is free, users can back up files, pictures or videos to their computer without any problem. When the storage disk is full, it is necessary to consider how to free up storage space most easily.

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4 Tips to get started on the topic of it safety

Who does not know the? You find a sensitive document in your team folder that all team members have access to, and you wonder: is this really okay?? Or your team stores your passwords in a Word document and you think: Is this really secure??

In this article, we show you how to get started with IT security in your company if you do not yet have a security concept. We’ll go over the four most important areas you should consider in your concept.

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4-4-2 System in soccer – with flat four and with diamond

The 4-4-2 system (especially with a flat four) lends itself to teams that function well as a team but don’t have outstanding individual players. This is especially true because the big challenge in the 4-4-2 system due to the symmetry is that each player fulfills his task (defensively as well as offensively) and supports his teammates optimally. The 4-4-2 with a rhombus is more complicated in this respect. Because it is less balanced in the distribution of space. The 4-4-2 with diamond relies more on the individual strengths of the players, especially in midfield.

The 4-4-2 system and its variants:

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Mac security: tips for virus and data protection under macos

In general, macOS is considered a secure operating system, but hackers and data thieves do not stop at the Apple system. In order to secure your system in the best possible way, you should ideally not only use the Mac’s on-board tools. In this guide, we will show you how to secure your system in addition to that, in order to protect it from viruses and data under macOS.

Mac security: We show you tips for virus protection and data protection under macOS

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Pc security: tips for safe use

Security when dealing with the Internet, but also with one's own computer in general, is important in order to know that one's own data and thus one's privacy are secure. By following special tips, the dangers can be reduced, but not completely eliminated. It is also very important that one's own computer is secured against access by third parties. This requires closing all digital windows and doors. Especially in the IT area shows that it is both a curse and a blessing and only through caution the blessing has the upper hand.

1. Updates are important

Only by regularly updating the operating system, the software installed on it and also the browser is safe use possible. The manufacturers adapt the security precautions of the software to the current state of knowledge in order to make it as difficult as possible for hackers and co.

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Accessibility for wordpress websites – tips and plugins

Modern and search engine optimized web design includes the best possible accessibility of a website. Hearing impaired people, blind people or people with other physical limitations should be able to access the website according to the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2".0" of the "W3C" (World Wide Web Consortium) find web pages that meet certain requirements and facilitate use.

How to make WordPress accessible - tips and possibilities

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