Creating an archive creates order on the desk

Archive create order desk tips

In a company, countless documents accumulate every day, and you can’t just throw them away. All company correspondence, such as incoming and outgoing invoices, applications, approval notices, invitations, appointment confirmations and much more cannot simply be recycled. Important documents must be kept for a certain period of time according to the will of the legislator.

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Cycling with headphones: is that allowed??

Is it okay to listen to music while biking?

  • Many people use headphones when cycling.
  • However, problems can also arise in the process.
  • We will tell you what you need to bear in mind when doing so.

Put in headphones and quickly turn on an audio book or listen to the charts at full volume. This is probably quite normal for many cyclists and a part of everyday life. But is it even allowed to make use of headphones while cycling?

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7 Simple tips to increase productivity when working in a home office

Top view of a person working on a laptop computer, holding a mug and petting a dog

The experience of working from home can be a welcome change from the daily commute to the office, but even at home there can be many challenges to face. You can become your own worst enemy if you lack discipline and a daily routine and are distracted by your family members, roommates, children, pets, and anyone else who lives in your home. By setting some ground rules and structuring your day, you can create a productive work environment to limit distractions and motivate yourself to stay on task. Here are 7 tips that can help you increase productivity when working from your home office.

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Clean up your email inbox – 3 tips

Maybe you are one of those people who don’t like to clean up their mailboxes. Mostly this also transfers to the virtual order. How does it look for example with your email inbox? Probably you think now: Why should I clean up my email inbox?? This is not so bad for my emails, no one can see them and I might need them again. Of course, no one has ever stumbled upon a mountain of emails, but on the one hand it saves you a lot of time if you don’t have to scroll through three pages for each mail and on the other hand it makes you happier.

Because even if what you are picking up only exists virtually, your subconscious remembers that there is still something unfinished “lying around” and all the unanswered emails unconsciously attach themselves to your mind. Therefore, here are three small tips on how to clean up and organize your email inbox.

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Scanning album covers from records

The record is digitized and burned on CD. Great thing, but somehow the CD without cover lacks the necessary flair. But how to get the big picture on the record cover onto the CD? Or even into the MP3 file?

Solution 1: Scan record covers

Does anyone else know scanner? The things were once totally hip, honestly. Work in principle like a copier, only without printer at it.
Ok, seriously. For old photos, slides or other products that are only analog and on paper, scanners are the first choice to convert them into digital formats. In the first decade of the new millennium, there was a lot of need for this; today, of course, scanners are still available, but they are far from a technical sensation.

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The art of apologizing how to apologize with an email

The art of apologizing How to apologize with an e-mail / Internet

Let's face it; we all screw up from time to time. We are human beings. It's part of what we do. Knowing how to show remorse and make amends is a very important skill to have. It allows the non-believer to get past a perceived slight and, more importantly, the opportunity to reflect on what caused you to upset another person.

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