6 Useful tips for increasing company productivity

By the term “business productivity” we are actually referring to a measure of how successfully capital and labor are converted into services and products. We mainly visualize it as the amount of output per hour that can be produced by your company. For the majority of companies, the higher production rate is always promoted. Consequently, many companies currently want to do more manufacturing with less resource consumption.

Company productivity

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“New work” in your company? Background and tips

Working hours from Monday to Friday, eight hours a day with an hour for lunch are still common in many professions. For some time now, however, a model has been gaining popularity that competes with the traditional 9-to-5 job. We took a look at this idea and explain what's behind the term "New Work" is. In addition, there are a few tips for implementation in this article right away.

Are traditional work models still effective?

Because more and more people would probably answer this question with "no", there has been movement on the subject for some time now. The term "New Work" gathers flexible, collaborative, and technology-driven ways of working that are more likely to meet the demands of the modern economy and a person's ability to perform at his or her best. The concept was originally developed in the 1970s by the American-Austrian philosopher Frithjof Bergmann as a counter-model to capitalism.

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Working together with your partner – 10 tips for harmony

Working together with your partner in the office

Couples who decide to work together undoubtedly pose a big challenge to their relationship. Having the other person around almost around the clock is only part of the story, because the devil is in the details here. But even though many details can be little stumbling blocks for the partnership, one thing in particular speaks for couples who decide to work together anyway: They have the confidence to do it all and are convinced of the stability of their relationship. This is an excellent basis.

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The miracle cure natron

Natron (sodium hydrogen carbonate or sodium bicarbonate) is a somewhat forgotten miracle cure, which our grandmothers still appreciated very much. This all-rounder is versatile, be it in the kitchen e.g. in the fight against pesticides, in the bath or also as effective cure and beauty means. And the best thing about it, it costs almost nothing and you can get it without prescription in pharmacies, supermarkets or drugstores.

Sodium bicarbonate as body care

Sodium bicarbonate has an alkaline effect, which enables it to neutralize acids and convert them into carbonic acid.

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Spice up the windows system tray with these 9 smart features

Spice up the Windows system tray with these 9 intelligent functions / Windows

Manage and clean up the taskbar Manage and clean up the Windows 7 taskbar Every Windows user has seen that the Windows taskbar (also referred to as the notification area) gets cluttered over time. In the past, disabling annoying desktop notifications has been addressed, but what if the icons themselves… Read more? This is possibly one of the most underrated features of the Windows taskbar. 7 useful toolbars you can add to your Windows taskbar. 7 Useful Toolbars You Can Add To Your Windows Taskbar The Windows desktop can be an extremely productive workspace. Native toolbars let you work even more efficiently by displaying shortcuts and information at your fingertips. Let's take a closer look. Read more . The icons represent running programs or system functions that you can edit. For the uninitiated, the taskbar is located at the bottom right of the screen and contains the date and time.

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Every year! Business etiquette at christmas time: 10 tips for executives

The annual company Christmas party always raises questions. Especially executives (owners, managers, team leaders) should deal with some uncertainties in advance. We answer 10 questions that you have probably asked yourself at some point in your life.

1. Should all employees be invited to the Christmas party?

A very clear yes to this! If you organize a Christmas party, you must invite all employees without exception.

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