Spice up the windows system tray with these 9 smart features

Spice up the Windows system tray with these 9 intelligent functions / Windows

Manage and clean up the taskbar Manage and clean up the Windows 7 taskbar Every Windows user has seen that the Windows taskbar (also referred to as the notification area) gets cluttered over time. In the past, disabling annoying desktop notifications has been addressed, but what if the icons themselves… Read more? This is possibly one of the most underrated features of the Windows taskbar. 7 useful toolbars you can add to your Windows taskbar. 7 Useful Toolbars You Can Add To Your Windows Taskbar The Windows desktop can be an extremely productive workspace. Native toolbars let you work even more efficiently by displaying shortcuts and information at your fingertips. Let's take a closer look. Read more . The icons represent running programs or system functions that you can edit. For the uninitiated, the taskbar is located at the bottom right of the screen and contains the date and time.

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Every year! Business etiquette at christmas time: 10 tips for executives

The annual company Christmas party always raises questions. Especially executives (owners, managers, team leaders) should deal with some uncertainties in advance. We answer 10 questions that you have probably asked yourself at some point in your life.

1. Should all employees be invited to the Christmas party?

A very clear yes to this! If you organize a Christmas party, you must invite all employees without exception.

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Work should also be fun

Positive energy is created when employees are not only placed in the center of attention as employees, but also in their entirety as people – this is what Abacus is convinced of. The inspiring work environment in the software company also promotes team spirit and creativity.

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Microsoft sccm blocks them in their flexibility?

Application management and deployment reimagined.

In a world where everything is supposed to be faster and more flexible and things can change from one day to the next, you need to be able to rely on application deployment and access within the IT environment. To meet the needs of users and administrators, it is no longer sufficient to rely on Microsoft’s SCCM.

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“Murder on the orient express” movie review: classic material spiced up

Almost all of them are suspicious: The travelers on board of the Orient-Express

The year is 1934: After the Belgian master detective Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh "Dunkirk") has solved a tricky case in Jerusalem, he sets off on the Orient Express from Istanbul on his return journey to London. Among his fellow travelers, Poirot finds interesting human subjects to study, from the cagey governess Mary Debenham ("Star Wars"-star Daisy Ridley) to the Russian princess Natalia Dragomiroff (Judi Dench) to the shady businessman Edward Ratchett (Johnny Depp). The next day, one of the 13 passengers is dead – and Poirot soon has to realize that each of the passengers would have a motive .

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Dsgvo-compliant events through data integration

Integrating your event management system with other business solutions, such as your CRM, can add real value to your events. It can help you save time and increase your team’s productivity.

Integrating your event management system with other business solutions, such as your CRM, can add real value to your events.

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Delete duplicate photos in windows 11/10 free

find duplicate photos

Duplicate photos can be a big problem that many of us face on our computers, phones and devices. Multiple versions of the same photo decrease the space available for other important files and can lead to confusion when it comes time to find a specific image. If you have such problems, then please read on. Next, we will introduce you various free methods to delete duplicate photos in Windows 11/10 so that you can organize and manage your pictures efficiently.

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