Mac-os x 10.5: e-mail with apple mail

Emails are fast. But they should also be pretty to look at and come with well-packed attachments. Some of these wishes are possible with Apple’s latest email software Mail, which is part of Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard is to have – others not.

An e-mail is not a legally binding statement. The risk of forgery or late delivery is too high. Besides, it’s not easy to sign an email in a forgery-proof way. As long as these problems are not solved, we recommend for really important things, the good old communication on paper. Often desired, but still not feasible in email is, for example, the read receipt. This is an e-mail extension from Microsoft, which is not available in the e-mail protocol languages (IMAP, POP3 and SMTP). Technically, the read receipt is a response that the recipient’s software sends as soon as the recipient opens the email. A double-edged issue: On the one hand, the sender knows that his message has been opened; on the other hand, not all recipients may want to be shown their cards in this way. Apple’s Mail software does not support this feature, so you can’t request a read receipt when sending, and conversely, Mail does not respond to such confirmation requests.

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7 Steps to successful caq software implementation

If you want to achieve the ambitious goal of running a marathon, buying good running shoes is one of the most important basics. With this alone, however, you do not run a best time. With a training plan tailored to your needs and a motivating trainer with whom you repeat your exercise sessions, you will master the sporting challenge.

Similarly, when you implement new software to help your company achieve a goal or solve a problem. As with a running shoe, the software must be "tried on" – but selection and installation are only the beginning. But the whole thing is only really profitable if there is also a competent partner behind the software tool, who supports you comprehensively in achieving your goal.

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Dvd picture connection

The FBAS composite (color image blanking synchronous) signal is the standard transmission signal in the video field which is understood by all devices. Unfortunately, it is also the signal with the poorest quality, because here the brightness signal Y (luminance) and the color signal C (chrominance) together with the synchronization signal are transmitted interlaced over one line.

Separating the two signals in the receiver leads to more or less pronounced cross-color or cross-luminance effects, depending on the quality of the comb filter used. In this case, a small checkered jacket shimmers in all colors.

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10 Slicer tricks to improve the quality of your 3d prints!

Since every slicer software has its own special features, I will also go into the general slicer tricks here. You can use these on all known slicer programs. I show you here how with small changes to the parameters, you can optimize your printed object and get the best out of them.

1.Using the expert settings

What I would definitely advise you to do is to look into the expert settings of the different slicer programs. Even if all the different parameters seem a little daunting at first, you can use them to fine-tune your print much more accurately. Practice a little, print test models and look at the changes. You will notice after a short time that it looks more complicated than it is in the end, because often helpful explanations can be found in the slicer programs.

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Todoist: to-do list, tasks & reminders

Why use a to-do list app and not pen and paper?

There's nothing wrong with a paper todo list, but going digital has many advantages. Paper is fine if you like handwriting, crossing out tasks in ink or pencil, and drawing arrows everywhere when deadlines and priorities change. With a to-do list app, you can get everything done much more efficiently by dragging & dropping tasks Reorder drops, change a priority or due date with one click, and attach a note with additional thoughts to a task. In many ways, a good Todoist app is the ultimate productivity app.

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3 Gymnastic exercises for the face to do

Gymnastic exercises for the face

Do you have a desk job? Then you know how tiring staring at the screen for a long time can be. Not only the eyes are affected. Concentrated and strenuous work also demands facial muscles. Headaches and tension are the result. A few gymnastics exercises for the face can help. If you get into the habit of loosening your face in this way every day, then instead of a pinched expression, you will be able to approach others with loose, relaxed facial features.

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The advantages of fmea software – with a practical example

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is used for failure prevention, to avoid failures in products or processes before they occur, instead of laboriously correcting them afterwards. For this reason, FMEA should be used in every company, and at a very early stage of the product development process.

Classically, an Excel spreadsheet is usually used for FMEA creation, but the modern form of the digitalized FMEA can considerably simplify many previous work processes. In this blog article, you will learn how to create an FMEA systematically and efficiently, and what advantages software-based FMEA has over the classic method.

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