Working as a security – requirements & fields of activity in the security service


Standing in front of clubs as security, monitoring buildings or keeping order on the train may sound easy. If you want to work as a security, however, you have a lot of responsibility. After all, the security industry holds a number of dangers in store. What happens if someone suddenly starts to riot on the train, there are crowds at large events or someone wants to gain access to a club by any means necessary?? This is exactly when security comes into play, not only to keep order, but often also to deal with injured people.

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Siblings tussle in the background

Despite Corona crisis, university business continues – at home. The changeover did not always go smoothly, but without digitization there would be total standstill here. Three lecturers report on their experiences with online seminars.

Corona and the universities: studying in the living room

“At first, some of the students didn’t take it very seriously,” says Olga Baranova, “but things quickly settled down. Now they see that we are doing normal seminars, just under different circumstances.”Like many of her colleagues at universities and colleges, the lecturer in art history and design had to switch her entire work to online courses within a short period of time because of the Corona crisis. Instead of sitting in the seminar room, students sit at home on their laptops. In professional circles, this is called e-learning. Olga Baranova teaches at IGUMO College in Moscow’s Ismajlovo district. Already in mid-March, before curfews and “Putin vacations”, the management of the university sent all students home for safety’s sake.

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The rocky road to artificial intelligence: how software robots and ki are making banking more efficient

Robotics applications and artificial intelligence can help banks and insurance companies efficiently meet the growing needs of customers. However, while rule-based bots are already being discussed or even tested in almost all major companies in the financial sector, there is still a long way to go before "real" artificial intelligence can add value for the institution.

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Blender 2.8 – what changes are there? The most important changes at a glance!

The program Blender is a well-known software for creating 3D models and 3D animations. Due to the fact that Blender is completely free, it is sometimes much more popular than competing programs such as Cinema 4D or Maya Autodesk.
The scope of Blender is only slightly inferior to the extremely expensive programs. Everyone who wants to use Blender can download it completely free of charge on the Blender website or via Steam.

With version 2.8 there were some massive changes to the software from the Blender Foundation. Which these are, we show you in our article!

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Audio pc software

How would it be uncomplicated on the tablet PC, smartphone or laptop to be able to control the music without having to operate the actual audio PC? Shown below, for example, is the software Roon, with which this is possible.

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Hackers attack central fs business processes – three tips against attackers


Security has always been a top priority in the financial industry. But proven IT protection mechanisms such as web application firewalls, two-factor authentication or CAPTCHAs can no longer adequately fend off modern attack methods. This is because cybercriminal attackers are increasingly exploiting inherent vulnerabilities that arise from current business processes and cannot be patched in a traditional sense. This requires new approaches to solving the problem.

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Accessibility for wordpress websites – tips and plugins

Modern and search engine optimized web design includes the best possible accessibility of a website. Hearing impaired people, blind people or people with other physical limitations should be able to access the website according to the "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2".0" of the "W3C" (World Wide Web Consortium) find web pages that meet certain requirements and facilitate use.

How to make WordPress accessible - tips and possibilities

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Top 3 ios 16 jailbreak tools in 2023

When you jailbreak your iPhone or iPad, you get root access to the device. This allows you to tweak your device in ways that others can't. Some of the benefits of jailbreaking include uninstalling default apps, installing third-party apps, using a different operating system, installing themes and launchers, changing iPhone settings, etc.

However, jailbreaking an iPhone or iPad is not an easy task. But you can still do it as long as you know how to jailbreak iOS 16. Below, we'll show you the 3 best jailbreak tools available in 2023.

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